Wiki source code of 02 Basic Object & Settings

Last modified by Joe on 2025/01/07 11:39

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Leo Wei 1.1 1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 #set ($docextras = [])
4 #set ($videoCards = [ {
5 'title': $services.localization.render('1.Address Type of HMI'),
6 'topics': [
7 $services.localization.render('According to data format, address type can divide into Bit and Word.'),
8 $services.localization.render('According to protocol, address type can divide into external and internal.')
9 ],
10 'url': '',
11 'duration': '3 min'
12 }, {
13 'title': $services.localization.render('2.Bit Address Relevant Object'),
14 'topics': [
15 $services.localization.render('For bit address, there are mainly bit switch and bit lamp for PIStudio.')
16 ],
17 'url': '',
18 'duration': '7 min'
19 }, {
20 'title': $services.localization.render('3.Word Address Relevant Object'),
21 'topics': [
22 $services.localization.render('For word address, there are mainly word switch and word lamp for PIStudio.')
23 ],
24 'url': '',
25 'duration': '2 min'
26 }, {
27 'title': $services.localization.render('4.Input/Display Object'),
28 'topics': [
29 $services.localization.render('Input display objects are most common used in HMI to read and write the address.')
30 ],
31 'url': '',
32 'duration': '10 min'
33 },{
34 'title': $services.localization.render('5.Date/Time Display'),
35 'topics': [
36 $services.localization.render('Date/Time Display is used for display date time in PI HMI.')
37 ],
38 'url': '',
39 'duration': '2 min'
40 }, {
41 'title': $services.localization.render('6.Meter'),
42 'topics': [
43 $services.localization.render('The simple introduction of Meter object')
44 ],
45 'url': '',
46 'duration': '5 min'
47 }, {
48 'title': $services.localization.render('7.Bar Graph'),
49 'topics': [
50 $services.localization.render('The simple introduction of Bar Graph')
51 ],
52 'url': '',
53 'duration': '6 min'
54 },{
55 'title': $services.localization.render('8.Combination Switch'),
56 'topics': [
57 $services.localization.render('The simple introduction of Combination Switch')
58 ],
59 'url': '',
60 'duration': '8 min'
61 },{
62 'title': $services.localization.render('9.IP Display'),
63 'topics': [
64 $services.localization.render('IP Display is for showing the current IP for HMI.')
65 ],
66 'url': '',
67 'duration': '5 min'
68 }, {
69 'title': $services.localization.render('10. Screen Switch & Pop-Ups'),
70 'topics': [
71 $services.localization.render('There are mainly three methods to switch the main screen for HMI'),
72 $services.localization.render('Sub screens can be popped up and closed')
73 ],
74 'url': '',
75 'duration': '6 min'
76 }, {
77 'title': $services.localization.render('11. Common Screen&Overlap Screen'),
78 'topics': [
79 $services.localization.render('How to set the common screen in PIStudio')
80 ],
81 'url': '',
82 'duration': '4 min'
83 }, {
84 'title': $services.localization.render('12. Indirect Screen'),
85 'topics': [
86 $services.localization.render('How to set the indirect screen in PIStudio')
87 ],
88 'url': '',
89 'duration': '4 min'
90 }, {
91 'title': $services.localization.render('13. Screen Lock'),
92 'topics': [
93 $services.localization.render('How to set the sreen lock in PIStudio')
94 ],
95 'url': '',
96 'duration': '3 min'
97 }, {
98 'title': $services.localization.render('14.User Permission'),
99 'topics': [
100 $services.localization.render('How to set User Permission in PIStudio')
101 ],
102 'url': '',
103 'duration': '4 min'
104 }, {
105 'title': $services.localization.render('15.Object Password'),
106 'topics': [
107 $services.localization.render('How to set Object Password in PIStudio')
108 ],
109 'url': '',
110 'duration': '6 min'
111 }, {
112 'title': $services.localization.render('16. Designer Password'),
113 'topics': [
114 $services.localization.render('Designer password is used for protecting the existing project in HMI.')
115 ],
116 'url': '',
117 'duration': '3 min'
118 }, {
119 'title': $services.localization.render('17. Installment'),
120 'topics': [
121 $services.localization.render('How to set the Installment in PIStudio')
122 ],
123 'url': '',
124 'duration': '7 min'
125 }, {
126 'title': $services.localization.render('18. Backstage Interface'),
127 'topics': [
128 $services.localization.render('The simple introduction of Backstage interface')
129 ],
130 'url': '',
131 'duration': '8 min'
132 }, {
Hunter 3.1 133 'title': $services.localization.render('19. The ig Pass-through Download on V-NET'),
Leo Wei 1.1 134 'topics': [
135 $services.localization.render('There are mainly two method for pass through, one is for PLC, and the second one is for HMI.')
136 ],
137 'url': '',
138 'duration': '8 min'
139 }, {
140 'title': $services.localization.render('20. V-NET Email Configuration'),
141 'topics': [
142 $services.localization.render('The ig HMI can send the email when the Alarm being triggered.')
143 ],
144 'url': '',
145 'duration': '5 min'
Hunter 2.1 146 }, {
147 'title': $services.localization.render('21. The ig Upload to Cloud Configuration'),
148 'topics': [
149 $services.localization.render('The ig HMI can upload the Data records, Alarm records and Montoring tags onto V-NET platform.')
150 ],
Joe 14.1 151 'url': '',
152 'duration': '4 min'
Hunter 4.1 153 }, {
154 'title': $services.localization.render('22. The ig Pass-through Download on WVPN'),
155 'topics': [
156 $services.localization.render('Using WVPN Client tool to remote download the project into LX5V-AN PLC.')
157 ],
Joe 13.1 158 'url': '',
Hunter 4.1 159 'duration': '4 min'
Hunter 5.1 160 }, {
161 'title': $services.localization.render('23. Logo Maker Tool'),
162 'topics': [
163 $services.localization.render('Using this tool to make start-up logo screen on your own')
164 ],
165 'url': '',
166 'duration': '4 min'
Hunter 6.1 167 }, {
168 'title': $services.localization.render('24. RecordUpload Tool'),
169 'topics': [
170 $services.localization.render('Using this tool to upload the record files(database format) from HMI in LAN network')
171 ],
172 'url': '',
173 'duration': '5 min'
Hunter 7.1 174 }, {
175 'title': $services.localization.render('25. Cloud SCADA for ig HMI'),
176 'topics': [
177 $services.localization.render('How to combine the tags of ig HMI with Cloud SCADA project')
178 ],
Joe 14.1 179 'url': '',
180 'duration': '4 min'
Hunter 8.1 181 }, {
182 'title': $services.localization.render('26. Data Log tool'),
183 'topics': [
184 $services.localization.render('This tool is mainly designed for viewing the records export from HMI')
185 ],
186 'url': '',
187 'duration': '6 min'
Hunter 11.1 188 }, {
189 'title': $services.localization.render('27. Update PLC project through USB flash drive'),
190 'topics': [
191 $services.localization.render('Users could using pen drive to update the PLC program via HMI background interface')
192 ],
193 'url': '',
194 'duration': '2 min'
Hunter 12.1 195 }, {
196 'title': $services.localization.render('28. PIStudio New Version Released Fuctions for 231020'),
197 'topics': [
198 $services.localization.render('1.LAN security monitoring'),
199 $services.localization.render('2.String table'),
200 $services.localization.render('3.Configurable type MQTT')
201 ],
202 'url': '',
203 'duration': '30 min'
Leo Wei 1.1 204 }])
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224 </span>
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233 <div class="row">
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235 ## See .
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237 <div class="clearfix visible-sm-block "></div>
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239 #if ($foreach.index > 0 && $foreach.index % 3 == 0)
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