Version 54.1 by Hunter on 2025/02/12 13:46

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1 = {{id name="HLimitationoftheEthernetcommunicationprotocol"/}}Limitation of the Ethernet communication protocol =
3 The table below shows the maximum number of communications configured for the general protocol, Free Tag Protocol and CodeSys V3 Protocol on each series model.
4 **~ (~*~*Only HMI V2.0 System supports Free Tag Protocol and CodeSys V3 Protocol~*~*)**
6 (% style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:600px" %)
7 |=HMI Series|=General Protocol
8 |=General 3000 Series|16
9 |=General 8000 Series|24
10 |=General 9000 Series|32
11 |=PI3000i Series|16
12 |=PI3000ie Series
13 (PI3043ieS-N)|16
14 |=PI3000ie Series
15 (other model)|N/A
16 |=PI3000ig Series|32
17 |=PI8000ig Series|32
19 = PIStudio Version Limit Differences for FreeTag protocol =
21 (% style="width:1314px" %)
22 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)PIStudio Version|=(% colspan="2" style="width: 333px;" %)|=(% colspan="2" style="width: 346px;" %)|=(% colspan="2" style="width: 348px;" %)
23 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)Protocol|(% style="width:157px" %)Wecon LX6V FreeTag*|(% style="width:176px" %)3rd Party Manufacturer FreeTag*|(% style="width:161px" %)Wecon FreeTag Protocol(6C & 6V)*|(% style="width:184px" %)3rd Party Manufacturer FreeTag|(% style="width:160px" %)Wecon FreeTag Protocol(6C & 6V)|(% style="width:188px" %)3rd Party Manufacturer FreeTag
24 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)PI3043ieS-N|(% style="width:157px" %)YES|(% style="width:176px" %)YES|(% style="width:161px" %)N/A|(% style="width:184px" %)N/A|(% style="width:160px" %)N/A|(% style="width:188px" %)N/A
25 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)PI3070ig-O(x)*, PI3102ig-O(x), PI3070ig-OH(x), PI3102ig-OH(x), |(% style="width:157px" %)YES|(% style="width:176px" %)YES|(% style="width:161px" %)N/A|(% style="width:184px" %)N/A|(% style="width:160px" %)YES|(% style="width:188px" %)N/A
26 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)(((
27 PI3070ig(x)*, PI3102ig(x),
29 PI3070ig-C(x), PI3102ig-C(x),
31 PI3070ig-CH(x), PI3102ig-CH(x)
32 )))|(% style="width:157px" %)YES|(% style="width:176px" %)YES|(% style="width:161px" %)YES|(% style="width:184px" %)YES|(% style="width:160px" %)YES|(% style="width:188px" %)**N/A**
33 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)PI8000ig|(% style="width:157px" %)YES|(% style="width:176px" %)YES|(% style="width:161px" %)YES|(% style="width:184px" %)YES|(% style="width:160px" %)YES|(% style="width:188px" %)YES
35 (% class="box successmessage" %)
36 (((
37 ✎Note: **Since CODESYS V3 was released in version, only the LX6V FreeTag protocol is available in version** The Wecon Free Tag protocol specifically refers to the "WECON LX6V FreeTag Ethernet" and "CODESYS V3".
38 The list of 3rd-party manufacturers' FreeTag protocols is as follows:
39 1. INOVANCE H5U Ethernet FreeTag
40 2. OMRON EtherNet/IP (NX/NJ Series)
41 3. Rockwell CompactLogix Ethenet/IP
42 4. Rockwell Micro850 Ethernet/IP
43 5. Siemens S7-1200/S7-1500 Ethenet FreeTag
44 6. OPC UA Client
47 The model suffix (x) means there are optional (G), (W), (AG) model.
48 )))
50 = **PI9.0 FreeTag Protocols Limitation on HMI Series** =
52 (% cellspacing="150" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:1425px" %)
53 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)Protocol|=(% style="width: 173px;" %)RE-00/RE-4G|=(% style="width: 187px;" %)RE-00-LA/
54 RE-4G-LA|=(% style="width: 183px;" %)PI3000ig Series|=(% style="width: 232px;" %)PI8000ig Series|=(% style="width: 169px;" %)PI3043ieS-N|=(% style="width: 164px;" %)PI3000i Series|=(% style="width: 108px;" %)IN Series
55 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)CODESYS V3|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)N/A|(% style="width:183px" %)YES(Recommend 2)*|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 2)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
56 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)WECON LX6V FreeTag Ethernet|(% style="width:173px" %)YES|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)YES(Recommend 4)*|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)YES(Recommend 2)*|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
57 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)BACnet/IP~*~*|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)N/A|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
58 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)BECKHOFF TwinCAT|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
59 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)INOVANCE H5U FreeTag|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
60 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)KEYENCE EtherNet/IP KV8000/KV-X310/KV-X520~*~*|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)N/A|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
61 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)OMRON NX/NJ Ethernet/IP|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
62 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)OPC UA Client|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
63 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)OPC UA Server|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)N/A|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
64 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)Rockwell EtherNet/IP CompactLogix|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
65 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)Rockwell EtherNet/IP Micro850|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
66 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)Siemens S7-1200/S7-1500 FreeTag|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:169px" %)N/A|(% style="width:164px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
68 (% class="box successmessage" %)
69 (((
70 ✎Note:
72 ~1. (Recommend X)* represents the recommended quantity for creating protocols. Communication speed may be delayed if the number exceeds the recommended limit.
74 2. BACnet/IP~*~* and KEYENCE EtherNet/IP KV8000/KV-X310/KV-X520~*~* now only available for **Early Access PIStudio Version 10.0**.
75 )))