Version 55.1 by Hunter on 2025/02/12 13:46

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Hunter 2.1 1 = {{id name="HLimitationoftheEthernetcommunicationprotocol"/}}Limitation of the Ethernet communication protocol =
Mora Zhou 10.2 3 The table below shows the maximum number of communications configured for the general protocol, Free Tag Protocol and CodeSys V3 Protocol on each series model.
4 **~ (~*~*Only HMI V2.0 System supports Free Tag Protocol and CodeSys V3 Protocol~*~*)**
Hunter 2.1 5
Mora Zhou 47.1 6 (% style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:600px" %)
Joe 35.1 7 |=HMI Series|=General Protocol
8 |=General 3000 Series|16
9 |=General 8000 Series|24
10 |=General 9000 Series|32
11 |=PI3000i Series|16
Hunter 2.1 12 |=PI3000ie Series
Joe 35.1 13 (PI3043ieS-N)|16
Hunter 2.1 14 |=PI3000ie Series
Joe 35.1 15 (other model)|N/A
Jett 38.1 16 |=PI3000ig Series|32
Joe 35.1 17 |=PI8000ig Series|32
Hunter 2.4 18
Hunter 6.1 19 = PIStudio Version Limit Differences for FreeTag protocol =
Hunter 3.2 20
Mora Zhou 43.1 21 (% style="width:1314px" %)
Mora Zhou 48.1 22 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)PIStudio Version|=(% colspan="2" style="width: 333px;" %)|=(% colspan="2" style="width: 346px;" %)|=(% colspan="2" style="width: 348px;" %)
23 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)Protocol|(% style="width:157px" %)Wecon LX6V FreeTag*|(% style="width:176px" %)3rd Party Manufacturer FreeTag*|(% style="width:161px" %)Wecon FreeTag Protocol(6C & 6V)*|(% style="width:184px" %)3rd Party Manufacturer FreeTag|(% style="width:160px" %)Wecon FreeTag Protocol(6C & 6V)|(% style="width:188px" %)3rd Party Manufacturer FreeTag
24 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)PI3043ieS-N|(% style="width:157px" %)YES|(% style="width:176px" %)YES|(% style="width:161px" %)N/A|(% style="width:184px" %)N/A|(% style="width:160px" %)N/A|(% style="width:188px" %)N/A
25 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)PI3070ig-O(x)*, PI3102ig-O(x), PI3070ig-OH(x), PI3102ig-OH(x), |(% style="width:157px" %)YES|(% style="width:176px" %)YES|(% style="width:161px" %)N/A|(% style="width:184px" %)N/A|(% style="width:160px" %)YES|(% style="width:188px" %)N/A
Mora Zhou 43.1 26 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)(((
27 PI3070ig(x)*, PI3102ig(x),
Hunter 2.4 28
Mora Zhou 43.1 29 PI3070ig-C(x), PI3102ig-C(x),
31 PI3070ig-CH(x), PI3102ig-CH(x)
Jim 53.1 32 )))|(% style="width:157px" %)YES|(% style="width:176px" %)YES|(% style="width:161px" %)YES|(% style="width:184px" %)YES|(% style="width:160px" %)YES|(% style="width:188px" %)**N/A**
Mora Zhou 48.1 33 |=(% style="width: 285px;" %)PI8000ig|(% style="width:157px" %)YES|(% style="width:176px" %)YES|(% style="width:161px" %)YES|(% style="width:184px" %)YES|(% style="width:160px" %)YES|(% style="width:188px" %)YES
Mora Zhou 43.1 34
Mora Zhou 45.1 35 (% class="box successmessage" %)
Mora Zhou 43.1 36 (((
Hunter 28.1 37 ✎Note: **Since CODESYS V3 was released in version, only the LX6V FreeTag protocol is available in version** The Wecon Free Tag protocol specifically refers to the "WECON LX6V FreeTag Ethernet" and "CODESYS V3".
Hunter 18.1 38 The list of 3rd-party manufacturers' FreeTag protocols is as follows:
Hunter 15.2 39 1. INOVANCE H5U Ethernet FreeTag
40 2. OMRON EtherNet/IP (NX/NJ Series)
41 3. Rockwell CompactLogix Ethenet/IP
42 4. Rockwell Micro850 Ethernet/IP
Hunter 16.1 43 5. Siemens S7-1200/S7-1500 Ethenet FreeTag
Hunter 23.1 44 6. OPC UA Client
Hunter 22.1 45 7. BECKHOFF TwinCAT
Hunter 26.1 46
47 The model suffix (x) means there are optional (G), (W), (AG) model.
Mora Zhou 43.1 48 )))
Hunter 54.1 50 = **PI9.0 FreeTag Protocols Limitation on HMI Series** =
Hunter 28.1 51
Hunter 54.1 52 (% cellspacing="150" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:1425px" %)
53 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)Protocol|=(% style="width: 173px;" %)RE-00/RE-4G|=(% style="width: 187px;" %)RE-00-LA/
Hunter 55.1 54 RE-4G-LA|=(% style="width: 183px;" %)PI3000ig Series|=(% style="width: 232px;" %)PI8000ig Series|=(% style="width: 209px;" %)PI3043ieS-N|=(% style="width: 130px;" %)PI3000i Series|=(% style="width: 108px;" %)IN Series
55 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)CODESYS V3|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)N/A|(% style="width:183px" %)YES(Recommend 2)*|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 2)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
56 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)WECON LX6V FreeTag Ethernet|(% style="width:173px" %)YES|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)YES(Recommend 4)*|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)YES(Recommend 2)*|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
57 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)BACnet/IP~*~*|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)N/A|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
58 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)BECKHOFF TwinCAT|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
59 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)INOVANCE H5U FreeTag|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
60 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)KEYENCE EtherNet/IP KV8000/KV-X310/KV-X520~*~*|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)N/A|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
61 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)OMRON NX/NJ Ethernet/IP|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
62 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)OPC UA Client|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
63 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)OPC UA Server|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)N/A|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
64 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)Rockwell EtherNet/IP CompactLogix|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
65 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)Rockwell EtherNet/IP Micro850|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
66 |=(% style="width: 179px;" %)Siemens S7-1200/S7-1500 FreeTag|(% style="width:173px" %)N/A|(% style="width:187px" %)YES|(% style="width:183px" %)N/A|(% style="width:232px" %)YES(Recommend 6)*|(% style="width:209px" %)N/A|(% style="width:130px" %)N/A|(% style="width:108px" %)N/A
Hunter 26.2 67
Mora Zhou 46.1 68 (% class="box successmessage" %)
69 (((
70 ✎Note:
Hunter 54.1 72 ~1. (Recommend X)* represents the recommended quantity for creating protocols. Communication speed may be delayed if the number exceeds the recommended limit.
Joe 33.1 73
Hunter 54.1 74 2. BACnet/IP~*~* and KEYENCE EtherNet/IP KV8000/KV-X310/KV-X520~*~* now only available for **Early Access PIStudio Version 10.0**.
Mora Zhou 44.1 75 )))