
Last modified by Molly on 2024/11/04 18:13



MicroLogix 1000/1100/1200/1400/1500; SLC 5/03 5/04 5/05; PLC-5

HMI Settings

ItemRecommended Note
ProtocolRockwell DF1 
Baud rate19200 
Stop bits1 
Data bits8 
PLC Station No.1 
HMI Station No.0 

PLC Settings

DF1 Full Duplex protocol and CRC error check

Address List

TypeDevice registersFormatRangeNote
BitII ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number I1
OO ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number O0
BB nnhh.dd0.0~ffff.15Only able to communicate with file number B3
SS ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number S2
NN nnhh.dd0.0~ffff.15Only able to communicate with file number N7
WordSS ddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number S2
TSTS nnhh0~ffffOnly able to communicate with file number T4 (Timer Preset Value)
TPTP nnhh0~ffffOnly able to communicate with file number T4 (Timer Accumulator Value)
CSCS nnhh0~ffffOnly able to communicate with file number C5 (Counter Preset Value)
CPCP nnhh0~ffffOnly able to communicate with file number C5 (Counter Accumulator Value)
NN nnhh0~ffffOnly able to communicate with file number N7

Cable Wiring


DF1 Advanced

MicroLogix 1000/1100/1200/1400/1500; SLC 5/03 5/04 5/05; PLC-5

HMI Settings

ItemRecommended Note
ProtocolRockwell DF1 Advanced 
Baud rate19200 
Stop bits1 
Data bits8 
PLC Station No.1 
HMI Station No.0 

PLC Settings

DF1 Full Duplex protocol and CRC error check

Address List

TypeDevice registersFormatRangeNote
BitI1I1ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number I1
O0O0ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number O0
S2S2ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number S2
B3B3ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number B3

Bit data file B0~B99

First two digits is for file number

For example, BN13001.00 represents file number B13, address 001, the 0th bit. 

N7N7ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number N7

Integer data file bit format N0~N99

First two digits is for file number

For example, NN13001.00 represents file number N13, address 001, the 0th bit. 

WordS2S2ddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number S2
T4ST4Sddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number T4 (Timer Preset Value)
T4PT4Pddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number T4 (Timer Accumulator Value)

Timer Preset Value

First two digits is for file number

For example, TNS99255 represents file number T99, address 255. 


Timer Accumulator Value

First two digits is for file number

For example, TNP99255 represents file number T99, address 255. 

C5SC5Sddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number C5 (Counter Preset Value)
C5PC5Pddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number C5 (Counter Accumulator Value)

Counter Preset Value

First two digits is for file number

For example, CNS99255 represents file number C99, address 255. 


Counter Accumulator Value

First two digits is for file number

For example, CNP99255 represents file number C99, address 255. 

N7N7ddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number N7

Integer data file

First two digits is for file number

For example, NN99255 represents file number N99, address 255. 

Double WordF8F8ddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number F8

Floating point data file

First two digits is for file number

For example, FN99255 represents file number F99, address 255. 


Cable Wiring



MicroLogix 1000/1100/1200/1400/1500; SLC 5/03 5/04 5/05 PLC-5

HMI Settings

ProtocolAllen-Bradlley MicroLogix 
Baud rate19200 
Data bit8 
Stop bit1 
PLC station No.1 

Address List

TypeDevice registersFormatRangeNote
BitII d.d0.0~255.15 
OO d.d0.0~255.15 
BB nnhh.dd0.0~ffff.15nn: block number (hex)
SS d.d0.0~255.15 
NN nnhh.dd0.0~ffff.15nn: block number (hex)
WordSS d0~255 
TSTS nnhh0~ffffnn: block number (hex)
TPTP nnhh0~ffff
CSCS nnhh0~ffff
CPCP nnhh0~ffff
NN nnhh0~ffff
CC nnhh0~ffff
TT nnhh0~ffff
RR nnhh0~ffff

Cable Wiring

12.PLC Protocol_html_58205bdf82c06d4.png

MicroLogix 1200

The operational address is determined by the connection of Allen-Bradley PLC to HMI. For extension modules or other special conditions, refer to allen-Bradley PLC instruction manual. The following is an example of allen-bradley MicroLogix1200.

  • Bit address I: The address ranges from 0.0 to 255.15. The value of the data before the decimal point ranges from 0 to 255 (decimal). The value from 0 to 15 after the decimal point is the sub address (decimal).
  • Bit address B: The address ranges from 000.0 to fff.15. The first f from left to right represents the block number (hexadecimal); The second and third f from left to right represent the word address (hexadecimal). The value 0 to 15 after the decimal point reprensents the sub address (decimal).
  • Word address S: The word address ranges from 0 to 255 (decimal).
  • Word address TS: The address ranges from 000.0 to ffff. The first and second f from left to right represents the block number (hexadecimal); The third and fourth f from left to right represent the word address (hexadecimal). 

✎Note: Register address TP, CS, CP, N, F and TS address edit are same. D indicates decimal, and F indicates hexadecimal. Different PLC models may support different registers. See the following table.

PLC bit address typeAddress formatAddress range
Idd.ddI 0.0 ~ 255.15
Odd.ddO 0.0 ~ 255.15
Bfff.ddB 000.0 ~ fff.15
Sdd.ddS 0.0 ~ 255.15
Nffff.ddN 000.0 ~ fff.15
PLC word address typeAddress formatAddress range
SdddS0 ~ 255
TSffffTS0 ~ FFFF
TPffffTP0 ~ FFFF
CSffffCS0 ~ FFFF
CPffffCP0 ~ FFFF
NffffN0 ~ FFFF
FffffF0 ~ FFFF

Ethernet/IP DF1

Supported Series: Rockwell MicroLogix 1100, 1400, SLC5/05 Ethernet port. MicroLogix1000,1200,1500,SLC 5/03, 5/04 with 1761-NET-ENI

ProtocolRockwell Ethernet/IP DF1 
Port No.44818 
PLC station No.1 

Address List

TypeDevice registersFormatRangeNote
BitI1I1ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number I1
O0O0ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number O0
S2S2ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number S2
B3B3ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number B3

Bit data file B0~B99

First two digits is for file number

For example, BN13001.00 represents file number B13, address 001, the 0th bit. 

N7N7ddd.dd0.0~255.15Only able to communicate with file number N7

Integer data file bit format N0~N99

First two digits is for file number

For example, NN13001.00 represents file number N13, address 001, the 0th bit. 

WordS2S2ddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number S2
T4ST4Sddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number T4 (Timer Preset Value)
T4PT4Pddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number T4 (Timer Accumulator Value)

Timer Preset Value

First two digits is for file number

For example, TNS99255 represents file number T99, address 255. 


Timer Accumulator Value

First two digits is for file number

For example, TNP99255 represents file number T99, address 255. 

C5SC5Sddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number C5 (Counter Preset Value)
C5PC5Pddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number C5 (Counter Accumulator Value)

Counter Preset Value

First two digits is for file number

For example, CNS99255 represents file number C99, address 255. 


Counter Accumulator Value

First two digits is for file number

For example, CNP99255 represents file number C99, address 255. 

N7N7ddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number N7

Integer data file

First two digits is for file number

For example, NN99255 represents file number N99, address 255. 

Double WordF8F8ddd0~255Only able to communicate with file number F8

Floating point data file

First two digits is for file number

For example, FN99255 represents file number F99, address 255. 


PLC Setting:

1.Open the RSLinx Classic Lite software and click [Configure Drivers...] in [Communications].1.png

2.Click the drop-down menu and select EtherNet/IP driver2.png

3.Click Add New and a pop-up window will pop up. Name the driver and click [OK] in the pop-up window.3.png

4.The configuration driver window pops up., click on the correct network adapter option (such as the ASIX USB to Fast Ethernet Family Adapter option in this picture), and click OK


5.Click the [Close] button.5.png

6.Click the [RSWho] button.6.png

7.Pop up the RS Who window, indicating that the driver has been added successfully.7.png

8.Open the RSLogix 500Pro software and select [System Comms...] in the [Comms] option.8.jpg

9.Select the driver you have created. All device nodes in the same LAN as the computer will be scanned. Select the PLC to be connected and click [OK].


10.Click Comms [Go Online].10.png

11.Click [YES] in the pop-up window.11.png

12.Enter online mode.14.jpg

Cable Wiring


EtherNet/IP(CompactLogix Series)

Supported Series: Rockwell CompactLogix Series Ethernet

ProtocolRockwell EtherNet/IP (CompactLogix Series) 
Port No.44818 
PLC station No.1 

Support Variable Type

PLC  data typeBit/WordPIStudio data formatMemo
BOOLBooleanBit object 
SINT  -128-127
USINT  0~255
INTInteger16-bit signed, ASCll-32768~32767
UINT  0~65535
DINTDouble integer32-bit signed-2^31~(2^31-1)
UDINT  0~4294967295
REALSingle Precision Float32-bit floating 
LINTLong integer64-bit signed 
ULINTLong integer64-bit unsigned 
LREALDouble Precision Float64-bit double 
STRING  Enable Read DWord

PLC Setting:

1.Open the RSLinx Classic Lite software and click [Configure Drivers...] in [Communications].


2.Click the drop-down menu and select EtherNet/IP driver


3.Click Add New and a pop-up window will pop up. Name the driver and click [OK] in the pop-up window.


4.The configuration driver window pops up., click on the correct network adapter option (such as the ASIX USB to Fast Ethernet Family Adapter option in this picture), and click [OK].


5.Click the [Close] button


6.Open Stuido5000 and create a new project or open an existing project.

To create a new project: click [New Project].


7.Click the [1769-L16ER-BB1B]→ Edit Project Name → Select the file storage location → [Next]


8. Select the software version →Select [Expansion I/O] number→ Security Authority → Click [Finish].

The software version must be the same as the PLC firmware version, and the Security Authority protection should be selected according to personal needs.


 Create a new tag

1.Click the drop-down menu on the left of [Controller ABcs]→ Right-click [Controller Tags] → Click [New tag].


2.Input tag name → Select tag type → Create


Establishing communication

1.Click [Communications]→Click[Who Active].


2.Select the drive → Select the corresponding PLC →Click [Go Online].

The driver is a new created driver from step 1.2


3.Click [Download]


4.Click [Download]→ [YES].



Export Tags

1.Click the drop-down menu on the left of [Controller ABcs]→Right-click [Controller Tags]→ Click [Export Tags].


2.Edit the tag file name → Select the file storage location → [Export].


 HMI Setting:

 New project

1.[Home]→[New]→[New project]→Set the name,series and model of HMI→[Next]→[Screen style] →[OK].


Communication configuration



2.Choose protocol:

 Device type [Rockwell]→[Rockwell EtherNet/IP(CompactLogix Series)]→[OK]


3.[Setting]→[PLC IP Address]→[OK]→[Labels manage].


4.Tags import:

[Import Tags From File]→Choose the .CSV file→[Open]→[Save]→[OK]


Rockwell Micro850 Series

Supported Series: Rockwell CompactLogix Series Ethernet

ProtocolRockwell Micro850 Series 
Port No.44818 
PLC station No.1 

1.Open Connected Components Workbench and create a new project or open an existing project.

To create a new project: click [New Project]→Edit project name→Click [Browse]select project storage location→Click [Create].


2.Click the [Controllers]→ [Micro850] → Select device model → [Add To Project].


3. Double click [Global Variables]→Right click on a blank space in the table→ Click [Add Variable].


4.Right click[Micro850]→ Click [Properties].


5.Select Controller → Ethernet →Configure the IP address of the PLC.


6.Click [Download]→Choose your device→Click[OK].




8. Right click [Micro850]→Click [Export]→Click [Variables].


9.Edit the tag file name → Select the file storage location → [Export].
