Changes for page PLC Editor2 (LX5)

Last modified by Mora Zhou on 2024/12/05 16:06

From version 1.1
edited by Leo Wei
on 2022/06/08 12:57
Change comment: Imported from XAR
To version 26.1
edited by Jim
on 2022/09/06 09:39
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki.admin
1 +XWiki.Jim
... ... @@ -1,2 +1,139 @@
1 +(% class="box infomessage" %)
2 +(((
3 +All articles and materials contained in this section are only applicable to LX5S / LX5V series PLC products
4 +Please go to PLC Editor if you are referrring to LX3V / LX3VP / LX3VE / LX3VM series PLC products.
5 +)))
1 1  
7 +{{velocity}}
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11 += [[Manual>>PLC Editor2.01 Program execution.WebHome]] =
12 +Provides users with online viewing of LX5V Programming Manual combining with cases and Wecon PLC Editor2 Software Help.
13 +(%class="version-footer"%)(((
14 +[[Programming Manual>>PLC Editor2.01 Program execution.WebHome||class="btn btn-primary]] [[More>>PLC Editor2.2\.2PLC editor2 software help.WebHome||class="btn btn-primary]]
15 +)))
16 +)))
17 +(%class="col-xs-12 download-container download-option version-option border-cyan fa-icon fa-download"%)(((
18 +=[[Download>>PLC Editor2.Download.WebHome]]=
19 +Provides users with manual, hardware, and software downloads.
20 +(%class="version-footer"%)(((
21 +[[Manual>>PLC Editor2.Download.01 Manual.WebHome||class="btn btn-info]] [[Hardware>>PLC Editor2.Download.02 Hardware.WebHome||class="btn btn-info]] [[Software>>PLC Editor2.Download.03 Software.WebHome||class="btn btn-info]]
22 +)))
23 +)))
24 +(%class="col-xs-12 download-container download-option version-option border-green fa-icon fa-table"%)(((
25 += [[Demo>>PLC Editor2.2 Demos.WebHome]] =
26 +Provides users with demonstrations about instructions, communications, protocols, etc.
27 +(%class="version-footer"%)(((
28 +[[More>>PLC Editor2.2 Demos.WebHome||class="btn btn-success]]
29 +)))
30 +)))
31 +)))
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2 2  
34 += [[FAQ>>PLC Editor.FAQ.WebHome]] =
35 +
36 +A frequently asked questions (FAQ) list is often used in articles, websites, email lists, and online forums where common questions tend to recur. [[More FAQs>>doc:PLC Editor.FAQ.WebHome]]
37 +
38 +* [[What is the frequency about PLC high speed pulse output?>>url:]]
39 +* [[Why does the pulse command not send out when using the pulse command in the STL step instruction?>>url:]]
40 +
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42 +
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46 + 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON 5V Training Video: 5V/5S PLC Software Download & Installation'),
47 + 'topics': [
48 + $services.localization.render('How to downlaod 5V PLC software?')
49 + ],
50 + 'url': '',
51 + 'duration': '3 mins'
52 +},
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54 + 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON 5V Training Video: PLC-Link Function | Wecon LX5V/5S'),
55 + 'topics': [
56 + $services.localization.render('How to use PLC-Link Function?')
57 + ],
58 + 'url': '',
59 + 'duration': '31 mins'
60 +},
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62 + 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON 5V Training Video: Software Interface Introduction'),
63 + 'topics': [
64 + $services.localization.render('The overall layout of the software interface')
65 + ],
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67 + 'duration': '3 mins'
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70 + 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON 5V Training Video: Program Build&Download&Upload'),
71 + 'topics': [
72 + $services.localization.render('How to create a new project?')
73 + ],
74 + 'url': '',
75 + 'duration': '5 mins'
76 +},
77 +{
78 + 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON 5V Training Video: Device Search&Replace Function'),
79 + 'topics': [
80 + $services.localization.render('How to search and replace a specific device/instruction?')
81 + ],
82 + 'url': '',
83 + 'duration': '4 mins'
84 +},
85 +{
86 + 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON 5V Training Video: Project Manager and Instruction List'),
87 + 'topics': [
88 + $services.localization.render('Components of Project Manager')
89 + ],
90 + 'url': '',
91 + 'duration': '5 mins'
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93 +
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137 +
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