Changes for page 3 Software

Last modified by Jett on 2025/03/13 14:13

From version 11.1
edited by Stone Wu
on 2022/08/01 17:09
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 16.3
edited by Mora Zhou
on 2023/10/27 09:38
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki.Stone
1 +XWiki.Mora
... ... @@ -1,5 +1,336 @@
1 1  = **1 PIStudio** =
2 2  
3 +== V8.4.66_D23102001 ==
4 +
5 +* Official Website: [[Download Link>>]]
6 +
7 +**Bugs fixed**
8 +
9 +PC Software
10 +
11 +1. In Omron free tag protocol, software crash during project compilation after tag import;
12 +1. In Omron free tag protocol, the project cannot be driven in package when compiling;
13 +1. 3102ig Camera Display object cannot be compiled;
14 +1. Error in the length limit of the folder edit box for the image display function of the bitmap object graphical interface;
15 +1. Error in the description of the expiration time for CreateInstallmentPwd tool: Modify from expiration time to next expiration time;
16 +1. Crash when the conversion tool converts the History XY Plot;
17 +1. It prompts wrong address when the conversion tool converts the Bit Alarm Record;
18 +1. The width-height ratio is wrong when the DiscRecord Chart object switches different resolutions;
19 +1. Error in compiling address of OMRON NX Ethernet/IP Protocol;
20 +1. Software crash and abnormal interface update when search address in address list;
21 +1. PI toolkit probably fails to connect for the first time;
22 +1. The data record is incomplete, and the table column width cannot be adjusted when using DataLogTool;
23 +1. Abnormal use of some tag addresses;
24 +1. Modified: Inconsistent color between meter value and scale;
25 +1. Error in tag array correspondence of tag protocol;
26 +1. Abnormal display when configuring the underlying screen;
27 +1. Abnormal compilation of 8070ig for using Camera Control object;
28 +1. Some pictures are lost after compilation;
29 +1. Abnormal display of bitmap of Switch object;
30 +1. Shortcut key configuration will also be deleted after deleting any main screen;
31 +1. HMI graphics status color cannot be changed;
32 +1. Modified: After the text is successfully set in Text Library, the language content is not grayed out when entering the settings again;
33 +1. (((
34 +Use “Save as” once, it can open the screen file normally. But use “Save as” again to rename it with the same name, and then the folder will be empty.
35 +)))
36 +1. (((
37 +There is no limit to the size of Custom object;
38 +)))
39 +1. (((
40 +Sub-screen jumps to the next/previous screen (Without common screen), and right-click to switch to the target screen which is not grayed out;
41 +)))
42 +1. (((
43 +HMI crash caused by abnormal data modification of objects;
44 +)))
45 +1. (((
46 +“More" without Spanish translation in TLS/SSL in MQTT;
47 +)))
48 +1. (((
49 +Translation of some objects in right-click is different from that of object bar;
50 +)))
51 +1. (((
52 +After importing HMI project pictures, offline simulation does not display the imported pictures;
53 +)))
54 +1. (((
55 +After modifying the function switch, it will cause communication failure;
56 +)))
57 +1. (((
58 +Download prompt garbled in Win7;
59 +)))
60 +1. (((
61 +The wiring diagram of 8043ig and 3043ig communication is inconsistent with the actual situation;
62 +)))
63 +1. (((
64 +Neutral project simulation crash and download will be stuck and cannot click;
65 +)))
66 +1. (((
67 +Draw objects exceeds boundaries after modifying coordinates to a prompted maximum value;
68 +)))
69 +1. (((
70 +Unable to use lua object directly when not enabling Lua Script;
71 +)))
72 +1. (((
73 +The error prompt of communication port configuration, namely there is spare %s;
74 +)))
75 +1. (((
76 +Language selection of data recording channel does not save;
77 +)))
78 +1. (((
79 +The project file is deleted at compile caused by setting a special path for “Save as”;
80 +)))
81 +1. (((
82 +The preview of Table object does not follow the modification of the number of rows and columns to change;
83 +)))
84 +1. (((
85 +Modifying the coordinates and sizes of Arc object through parameters will cause the inconsistency between graphics and actual situation;
86 +)))
87 +1. (((
88 +Fix other problems;
89 +)))
90 +
91 +HMI Application
92 +
93 +1. History Trend Chart cannot display curve in real-time.
94 +1. HSW521.5=1 failed to delete SD card history data;
95 +1. After deleting the data record, the record ID does not start from 1;
96 +1. PI3000ig remote update HMI2.0 System unsuccessfully;
97 +1. Timeline jump when zooming History Trend Chart in or out;
98 +1. Negative decimal display of Numerical input/Display object is abnormal;
99 +1. The dynamic channel display of History Trend Chart is invalid.
100 +1. (((
101 +Range for ie series registers is too small;
102 +)))
103 +1. (((
104 +The login window does not pop up for user permissions;
105 +)))
106 +1. (((
107 +The alarm record is stored in the U disk and the alarm screen does not prompt when the U disk is not inserted;
108 +)))
109 +1. (((
110 +Crash when closing the Print Object in the sub-screen;
111 +)))
112 +1. (((
113 +Deviation of printing screenshots in sub-screen;
114 +)))
115 +1. (((
116 +File List does not display the files without suffix;
117 +)))
118 +1. (((
119 +After switching languages, the screen displays the original language first and then changes to the current language.;
120 +)))
121 +1. (((
122 +The picture is stuck when the video is played to the end in full screen;
123 +)))
124 +1. (((
125 +Importing a recipe with CSV, the first two recipe data for the customized type are lost;
126 +)))
127 +1. (((
128 +Importing a recipe with CSV, import failed when CSV file is utf-8 format;
129 +)))
130 +1. (((
131 +Message alerts that the web page and screen display do not match;
132 +)))
133 +1. (((
134 +Crash when reading customized recipe as ordinary recipe file;
135 +)))
136 +1. (((
137 +When using FTP function, downloading project will clear the data in U disk and SD card;
138 +)))
139 +1. (((
140 +Function switch can't jump when setting the minimum pressing time;
141 +)))
142 +1. (((
143 +The background network of 4G module with AG cannot be used normally;
144 +)))
145 +1. (((
146 +Word switch cannot be reset after setting the minimum pressing time;
147 +)))
148 +1. (((
149 +Invalid recipe index address;
150 +)))
151 +1. (((
152 +Communication will cause crash when the maximum value of Bar Chart object scale is configured with external address;
153 +)))
154 +1. (((
155 +485_2 cannot be used when downloading PLC program by remote pass-through;
156 +)))
157 +1. (((
158 +The trigger is invalid after pressing the function switch;
159 +)))
160 +1. (((
161 +Fix: Lua script triggers clicks to configure objects that need to be confirmed, and the confirmation screen will flash back;
162 +)))
163 +1. (((
164 +The Local Time Second register cannot modify the time;
165 +)))
166 +1. (((
167 +Fixed: The data record file exported by dbtocsvfile function is blank;
168 +)))
169 +1. (((
170 +File List failed to copy files in batches;
171 +)))
172 +1. (((
173 +The user operation log cannot be cleared;
174 +)))
175 +1. (((
176 +Using mqtt in HMI will report errors under specific circumstances;
177 +)))
178 +1. (((
179 +Use of Flow Component objects causes crashes in certain situations;
180 +)))
181 +1. (((
182 +The use of Alarm Records, Data Records, History YX Trend Plots, and Operation records has a probability of crash.
183 +)))
184 +1. (((
185 +The startup speed of i series (HMI V2.0 system) and general series (HMI V2.0 system) becomes slow in 20230925 version.
186 +)))
187 +1. (((
188 +The data that luasqlite saved will lose the last record when power off;
189 +)))
190 +1. (((
191 +The modification of object startup level will invalid after power off and restart;
192 +)))
193 +1. (((
194 +Address mapping enables bit trigger control but it can map once only;
195 +)))
196 +1. (((
197 +Using lua script to pop up sub-screen in 20230801 version, which cannot monitor and display in LAN;
198 +)))
199 +1. (((
200 +we_bas_getmachineinfo() function executes error;
201 +)))
202 +1. (((
203 +After WiFi connects to the mobile phone hotspot, it still shows the connected status when closing the hotspot;
204 +)))
205 +1. (((
206 +When the login button overlaps with the function switch in user login interface, the jump fails after login;
207 +)))
208 +1. (((
209 +The user permissions are enabled by the object, and when it needs to be confirmed, the login interface will pop up again after entering the correct password in the login interface;
210 +)))
211 +1. (((
212 +The two function switch objects are hidden by user permission control and stacked together. When logging in to a certain user, click on the overlapping position of the function switch is invalid;
213 +)))
214 +1. (((
215 +The last row of lua customized table can't be deleted;
216 +)))
217 +1. (((
218 +The initialization status of the word status display object is different from that of the configuration;
219 +)))
220 +1. (((
221 +Trigger the record in the screen without data record or alarm record, switch back to the screen with data record, and trigger the refresh table, it cannot search the previous records;
222 +)))
223 +1. (((
224 +Data records will lose data when exporting CSV files;
225 +)))
226 +1. (((
227 +When the object level uses the password of each level independently, it will not be reduced to the startup level after using the high level, so it is necessary to input the password when using the low level;
228 +)))
229 +1. (((
230 +The keyboard pop-up position of the level password of the text input object is always centered, and the keyboard position during text input is changed after setting;
231 +)))
232 +1. (((
233 +Traditional Recipe does not enable continuous address, and upload and download fail;
234 +)))
235 +1. (((
236 +IN1071 will crash when the installment payment screen pops up;
237 +)))
238 +1. (((
239 +The cursor mode is switched to the selected box mode. When the simulation runs, if the cursor exceeds the simulator, it will be pulled back;
240 +)))
241 +1. (((
242 +Fix other problems.
243 +)))
244 +
245 +== V8.2.95_D20220928 ==
246 +
247 +* Official Website: [[Download Link>>]]
248 +
249 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" id="HBugsfixed" %)
250 +**Bugs fixed**
251 +
252 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
253 +PC Software
254 +
255 +1. Optimize the function of saving project as;
256 +1. The word alarm configuration cannot be imported after being exported;
257 +1. The problem of abnormal resolution after png image editing and external import; 
258 +1. The password of project designer can be input into Chinese;
259 +1. The 8150ig model cannot be configured with camera search function;
260 +1. The probability of recipe setting cannot be saved;
261 +1. When simulating the "WECON" directory of C disk is adjusted to "HMIEmulation" directory;
262 +1. The problem that the position of text parts does not change after setting coordinates;
263 +1. The interface displays an redundant scroll bar when creating a new screen;
264 +1. The download tool only scans one of the network segments when there are multiple ip under the computer network card;
265 +1. The content of data records is abnormal and cannot be imported after being exported;
266 +1. The welcome interface opens the project and incorrectly prompts the project to be occupied;
267 +1. The installation path affects clicking offline simulation to pop up online simulation;
268 +1. The font size of the newly built-in screen 5004 is abnormal when switching to the size of 1920*1080;
269 +1. When the data record is stored in U disk and SD card, the size of the data record is not limited during compilation;
270 +1. The name of the newly created part in the right-click menu bar is consistent with the name in the part list;
271 +1. The problem that when compiling ie series projects, the memory size of the components of the picture exceeds the problem that no error is reported;
272 +1. When the U disk upgrade tool selects an invalid drive letter to generate a file, it does not normally prompt errors;
273 +1. The prompting wrong parameters when opening engineering parameters in the project of repairing vertical screen;
274 +
275 +(% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
276 +HMI Application
277 +
278 +1. Keyboard without "&" the question of symbols;
279 +1. The camera function on HMI V2.0 system will report error messages;
280 +1. The camera picture is still displayed after switching pictures on HMI V2.0 system;
281 +1. The project of Chinese character designer password cannot be simulated;
282 +1. The screenshots of printed parts are invalid when saved to SD card;
283 +1. The project downloaded by Ethernet cannot be uploaded normally;
284 +1. The debugging window moves the left and right scroll bars, and the upper and lower scroll bars will jump to the bottom;
285 +1. The manual APN of 4G setting cannot be saved;
286 +1. The system is upgraded to V2.0, the horizontal and vertical screens are abnormal;
287 +1. PI3043ie can't communicate with plc after upgrading;
288 +1. HMI2.0 background dynamic and static switch does not cache static IP;
289 +1. PI3070ig ftpserver can't access the service;
290 +1. V-BOX can't download PI3070N through download;
291 +1. The starting time will automatically change after the data record query setting interface pops up;
292 +1. The flow component displaying deviation in web pages;
293 +1. The alarm record header of switching language is not switched;
294 +1. The current alarm record will show the problem of historical alarm record;
295 +1. The camera uses power failure to save the address, and the camera state is not initialized after power failure and restart;
296 +1. The camera directly enters the account number, password and device serial number without enabling the search module;
297 +1. PI audio plays with sound and the volume is displayed as 0;
298 +1. When the hot spot name of the connection has single quotation marks, the network cannot recognize the problem;
299 +1. Add background U Disk upgrade updates the network configuration function (downloads the Ethernet parameters in the project parameters synchronously to the HMI
300 +1. The ig series can't use ezviz cloud function when using 4G Internet of Things card to surf the Internet;
301 +1. The screen saver cannot be exited on HMI V2.0 system;
302 +1. The communication is disconnected and cannot be reconnected after ig series VPN penetrates;
303 +1. Optimize the polling speed of VB trigger script;
304 +
305 +Drive the updated
306 +
307 +1. The abnormal communication caused by recipe reading;
308 +
309 +Driver Protocol
310 +
311 +1. Add Omron (NX/NJ) free label driver;
312 +
313 +**New functions**
314 +
315 +PC Software
316 +
317 +1. The picture compression function in the project parameters;
318 +1. Compatible switching models of PI8150ig (1920*1080 and 1280*720).
319 +1. The template picture with resolution of 1920*1080 of ig.
320 +1. ig series does not check the size limit of data record files.
321 +
322 +HMI Application
323 +
324 +1. The rotation function of switch components (only supported by HMI V2.0 system);
325 +1. Automatic rotation of rotation bitmap control and address control hiding function (only supported by HMI V2.0 system);
326 +1. Ftp service function (only supported by HMI V2.0 system);
327 +1. Ezviz cloud camera function (only supported by HMI V2.0 system);
328 +1. Lua curve custom component sliding bar function and draw 8 curves (only supported by HMI V2.0 system);
329 +1. Background language boot configuration (only supported by HMI V2.0 system);
330 +1. The function of modifying the header of data records (only supported by HMI V2.0 system);
331 +1. Historical trend style 6 and style 7 (only supported by HMI V2.0 system);
332 +1. PI8150ig (1920*1080rn) resolution;
333 +
3 3  == V8.2.62_D20220625 ==
4 4  
5 5  * Official Website: [[Download Link>>]]
... ... @@ -265,15 +265,10 @@
265 265  
266 266  = **2 Levi2PI** =
267 267  
268 -== V4.3.8 ==
599 +== V4.5.8 ==
269 269  
270 -* Official Website: [[Download Link>>]]
271 -* Dropbox: [[Download Link>>]]
601 +* [[Download Link>>]]
272 272  
273 -== V4.5.6(Test Version) ==
274 -
275 -* Google Drive: [[Download Link>>]]
276 -
277 277  = **3 HMI Monitor System** =
278 278  
279 279  == VER: 20210317 ==