Limitation of the Ethernet communication protocol

Version 12.1 by Mora Zhou on 2024/05/10 09:30

Limitation of the Ethernet communication protocol

The table below shows the maximum number of communications configured for the general protocol, Free Tag Protocol and CodeSys V3 Protocol on each series model.
 (**Only HMI V2.0 System supports Free Tag Protocol and CodeSys V3 Protocol**)

HMI SeriesGeneral ProtocolFreeTags ProtocolCodeSys V3 Protocol
General 3000 Series16N/AN/A
General 8000 Series244N/A
General 9000 Series32N/AN/A
PI3000i Series16N/AN/A
PI3000ie Series
PI3000ie Series
 (other model)
 PI3070ig-O & PI3102ig-O16N/AN/A
PI3000ig Series
 (except -O models)
PI8000ig Series3262

PIStudio Version Limit Differences for FreeTag protocol

PIStudio Version8.2.95.220928028.4.66.23102001Upcoming Release
ProtocolWecon FreeTag Protocol(6C & 6V)3rd Party Manufacturer FreeTagWecon FreeTag Protocol(6C & 6V)3rd Party Manufacturer FreeTagWecon FreeTag Protocol(6C & 6V)3rd Party Manufacturer FreeTag
PI3000ig Series
(except -O models)

✎Note: The Wecon Free Tag protocol specifically refers to the "WECON LX6V FreeTag Ethernet" and "CODESYS V3". So for example at the columns for Upcoming Release, all models from 3000ig CAN ONLY use CODESYS V3 to communicate with LX6C, but not able to use CODESYS V3 to communicate with any other CODESYS devices. And please notice that once update the firmware with the newer version, it cannot downgrade with older version PIStudio anymore.