06 Instructions

Last modified by Devin Chen on 2024/10/15 14:46

Basic program instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription


Basic instructionsLDOperation contact type NO (normally open)¡¡¡¡
LDIOperation contact type NC (normally closed)¡¡¡¡
OUTFinal logical operation type coil drive¡¡¡¡
ANDSerial connection of NO(normally open)¡¡¡¡
ANISerial logical, operation contact type NC(normally closed) contacts¡¡¡¡
ORParallel, connection of NO (normally open) contacts¡¡¡¡
ORIParallel, connection of NC (normally closed) contacts¡¡¡¡
LDPInitial logical, operation -Rising edge pulse¡¡¡¡
LDFInitial logical, operation falling/trailing edge pulse¡¡¡¡
ANDPSerial connection of Rising edge pulse¡¡¡¡
ANDFSerial connection of falling/ trailing edge pulse¡¡¡¡
ORPParallel, connection of NO Rising edge pulse¡¡¡¡
ORFParallel connection of Falling/trailing edge pulse¡¡¡¡
ORBSerial connection of multiple parallel circuits¡¡¡¡
ANBSerial connection of multiple parallel circuits¡¡¡¡
MPSStores the current result of the internal PLC operations¡¡¡¡
MRDReads the current result of the internal PLC operations¡¡¡¡
MPPPops (recalls and removes) the currently stored result¡¡¡¡
MCDenotes the start of a master control block¡¡¡¡
MCRDenotes the end of a master control block¡¡¡¡
INVInvert the current result of the internal PLC operations¡¡¡¡
PLSRising edge pulse¡¡¡¡
PLFFalling / trailing edge pulse¡¡¡¡
SETSets a bit device permanently ON¡¡¡¡
RSTResets a bit device permanently OFF¡¡¡¡

Step ladder instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Step ladder instructionsSTLSTL programming start instruction¡¡¡¡
RETSTL programming end instruction¡¡¡¡

Program Flow instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Program flow instructionsCJConditional jump¡¡¡¡
CALLCall Subroutine¡¡¡¡
EIEnable Interrupt¡¡¡¡
DIDisable Interrupt¡¡¡¡
WDTWatchdog Timer¡¡¡¡
FORStart of a For/Next Loop¡¡¡¡
NEXTEnd a For/Next Loop¡¡¡¡

Move and Compare instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Move and Compare instructionsCMPCompare ¡¡¡¡
ZCPZone compare¡¡¡¡
MOVMove ¡¡¡¡
SMOVShift move-¡¡¡
CMLCompliment -¡¡¡
BMOVBlock move¡¡¡¡
FMOVFill move-¡¡¡
XCHExchange -¡¡¡
BCDBinary coded decimal¡¡¡¡
BINBinary ¡¡¡¡

Arithmetic and Logical Operations instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Arithmetic and Logical Operations instructionsADDAddition ¡¡¡¡
SUBSubtraction ¡¡¡¡
MULMultiplication ¡¡¡¡
DIVDivision ¡¡¡¡
WANDWord AND¡¡¡¡
WORWord OR¡¡¡¡
WXORWord exclusive OR¡¡¡¡
NEGNegation -¡¡¡

Rotation and Shift instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Rotation and Shift instructionsRORRotation right¡¡¡¡
ROLRotation left¡¡¡¡
RCR16-bit rotation right with carry-¡¡¡
RCL16-bit rotation left with carry-¡¡¡
SFTR(bit) shift right¡¡¡¡
SFTL(bit) shift left¡¡¡¡
WSFRword shift right-¡¡¡
WSFLword shift left-¡¡¡
SFWRshift register write¡¡¡¡
SFRDshift register read¡¡¡¡

Data operation instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Data operation instructionsZRSTZone reset¡¡¡¡
DECODecode ¡¡¡¡
ENCOEncode ¡¡¡¡
SUMThe sum of active bits-¡¡¡
BONCheck specified bit status-¡¡¡
MEANMean -¡¡¡
ANS(timed) annunciator set-¡¡¡
ANRAnnunciator reset-¡¡¡
SQRSquare root-¡¡¡
FLTFloat -¡¡¡
SWAPHigh and low bit conversion-¡¡¡

High-speed Processing Instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



High-speed Processing InstructionREFRefresh¡¡¡¡
REFFRefresh and filter adjust-¡¡¡
MTRInput matrix¡¡¡¡
DHSCRHigh speed counter set¡¡¡¡
DHSCSHigh speed counter reset¡¡¡¡
DHSZHigh speed counter zone compare-¡¡¡
SPDSpeed detect¡¡¡¡
PLSY16-bit pulse Y output¡¡¡¡
PWMPulse width modulation¡¡¡¡
PLSRRamp pulse output¡¡¡¡
PLSR2Multi-speed pulse output--¡-

ECAM instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



ECAM instructionDECAMECAM configuration---¡
DEGEARElectronic gear configuration---¡
ECAMTBXCreate E-CAM datasheet---¡

External I/O Devices instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



External I/O device instructionTKYTen key input-¡¡¡
HKYHexadecimal input-¡¡¡
DSWDigital switch (thumbwheel input)¡¡¡¡
SEGDSeven segment decoder-¡¡¡
SEGLSeven segment with latch¡¡¡¡
ARWSArrow switch-¡¡¡
ASCASCII code-¡¡¡
PR“print” to a display-¡¡¡
FROMRead from a special function block¡¡¡¡
TOWrite to a special function block¡¡¡¡
GRYConverts binary integer to GRAY code-¡¡¡
GBINConverts GRAY CODE to binary-¡¡¡

External Devices instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



External devices instructionRSRS communications¡¡¡¡
RS2RS2 communications¡¡¡¡
CPAVLSerial port settings¡¡¡¡
CPAVLEthernet port settings¡¡¡¡
PRUNOctal bit transmission¡¡¡¡
ASCIhexadecimal to ASCII¡¡¡¡
HEXASCII to hexadecimal¡¡¡¡
CCDcheck code¡¡¡¡
PIDPID control loop¡¡¡¡

Floating Point instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Floating point instructionDECMPBinary floating point data compare-¡¡¡
DEZCPBinary floating point zone compare-¡¡¡
DEBCDBinary to BCD floating point data conversion-¡¡¡
DEBINBCD to Binary floating point data conversion-¡¡¡
DEADDBinary floating point addition-¡¡¡
DESUBBinary floating point subtraction-¡¡¡
DEMULBinary floating point multiplication-¡¡¡
DEDIVBinary floating point division-¡¡¡
DESQRBinary floating point square root-¡¡¡
INT16-bit binary floating point to integer-¡¡¡
DSINSin operation-¡¡¡
DCOSCosine operation-¡¡¡
DTANTangent operation-¡¡¡
DASINCalculate radian value, according to the corresponding value of SIN--¡¡
DSINHBinary floating point operation of Hyperbolic Sine function SINH--¡¡
DACOSCalculate radian value, according to the corresponding value of COS--¡¡
DCOSHBinary floating point operation of Hyperbolic Cosine function COSH--¡¡
DATANCalculate radian value, according to the corresponding value of TAN--¡¡
DTANHBinary floating point operation of Hyperbolic Tangent function TANH--¡¡
DEXPPerform exponent operation of binary floating-point number to base e (2.71828)--¡¡
DLOG10Perform common logarithm operation of binary floating-point number to base 10--¡¡
DLOGEPerform natural logarithm operation of binary floating-point number to base e (2.71828)--¡¡

Positioning Instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Positioning instructionDABSAbsolute current value read¡¡¡¡
ZRNSetting of zero return speed¡¡¡¡
PLSVVariable speed pulse output¡¡¡¡
DRVIRelative position control¡¡¡¡
DRVAAbsolute position control¡¡¡¡

4.14 Real Time Clock Control

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Real time clock controlTCMPtime compare¡¡¡¡
TZCPtime zone compare¡¡¡¡
TADDtime addition¡¡¡¡
TSUBtime subtraction¡¡¡¡
TRDread RTC data¡¡¡¡
TWRset RTC data¡¡¡¡
HOUR16-bit chronograph¡¡¡¡

Handy Instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription


Handy instructionISTinitial state¡¡¡¡
SERSearch -¡¡¡
ABSDAbsolute drum¡¡¡¡
INCDIncremental drum¡¡¡¡
TTMRTeaching timer-¡¡¡
STMRSpecial timer - definable-¡¡¡
ALTAlternate state¡¡¡¡
RAMPRamp - variable value¡¡¡¡
ROTCRotary table control-¡¡¡
SORTSort data-¡¡¡

Circular interpolation instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDecryptionLX3VLX3VPLX3VELX3VM
Circular interpolation instructionG90G01Absolute position line interpolation---¡
G91G01Relative position line interpolation---¡
G90G02Absolute position of the clockwise circular interpolation---¡
G91G02Relative position clockwise circular interpolation---¡
G90G03Absolute position anticlockwise circular interpolation---¡
G91G03Relative position anticlockwise circular interpolation---¡

Inline Comparisons Instructions

Instruction typeInstructionDescription



Inline comparisons instructionLD=Comparison of 16-bit data (==)¡¡¡¡
LD>Comparison of 16-bit data (>¡¡¡¡
LD<Comparison of 16-bit data (<¡¡¡¡
LD<>Comparison of 16-bit data (<>¡¡¡¡
LD<=Comparison of 16-bit data (<=)¡¡¡¡
LD>=Comparison of 16-bit data (>=)¡¡¡¡
AND=Comparison of 16-bit data (==)¡¡¡¡
AND>Comparison of 16-bit data (>¡¡¡¡
AND<Comparison of 16-bit data (<¡¡¡¡
AND<>Comparison of 16-bit data (<>¡¡¡¡
AND<=Comparison of 16-bit data (<=)¡¡¡¡
AND>=Comparison of 16-bit data (>=)¡¡¡¡
OR=Comparison of 16-bit data (==)¡¡¡¡
ORD=Comparison of 32-bit data (==)¡¡¡¡
OR>Comparison of 16-bit data (>¡¡¡¡
OR<Comparison of 16-bit data (<¡¡¡¡
OR<>Comparison of 16-bit data (<>¡¡¡¡
OR<=Comparison of 16-bit data (<=)¡¡¡¡
OR>=Comparison of 16-bit data (>=)¡¡¡¡