04 Shortcut list
Last modified by Mora Zhou on 2023/12/22 10:48
Common shortcuts list
The following table lists the common shortcuts.
Shortcuts | Corresponding menu | Description |
Ctrl + N | New | Create a new project |
Ctrl + O | Open | Open an existing project |
Ctrl + S | Save | Save the project |
Ctrl + X | Cut | Cut the selected data |
Ctrl + C | Copy | Copy the selected data |
Ctrl + V | Paste | Paste the cut/copied data at the cursor position |
Ctrl + Z | undo | Couldcel the previous operation |
Ctrl + Y | Redo | Perform the operation couldceled by [Undo] |
Ctrl + F | Find Device | Search for a device |
Ctrl + F1 | Show/Hide toolbar menu | Show/hide toolbar menu |
F3 | Start monitoring | Start monitoring the window being operated. |
Ctrl + F3 | Stop monitoring | Stop monitoring the window being operated |
F4 | Transform/transform + compilation | Compile (Transform) current program |
Alt+F4 | Exit | Close the project being edited and exits WECON PLC Editor |
Shortcuts list in programming area
The following table lists the shortcuts in programming area.
Shortcuts | Corresponding menu | Description |
F5 | Open contact | Insert an open contact at the cursor position |
Shift + F5 | Open branch | Insert an open contact branch at the cursor position |
F6 | Close contact | Insert a closed contact at the cursor position |
Shift + F6 | Close branch | Insert a closed contact branch at the cursor position |
F7 | Coil | Insert a coil at the cursor position |
F8 | Application instruction | Insert an application instruction at the cursor position |
F9 | Horizontal line | Insert a horizontal line at the cursor position |
F11 | Vertical line | Insert a vertical line at the cursor position |
Ctrl + F9 | Delete horizontal line | Delete the horizontal line at the cursor position |
Ctrl + F11 | Delete vertical line | Delete the vertical line at the cursor position |
Shift + F7 | Rising pulse | Insert a rising pulse at the cursor position |
Shift + F8 | Falling pulse | Insert a falling pulse at the cursor position |
Ctrl + Alt + F7 | Rising pulse branch | Insert a rising pulse branch at the cursor position |
Ctrl + Alt + F8 | Falling pulse branch | Insert a falling pulse branch at the cursor position |
Ctrl + Alt + F11 | Invert operation results | Insert an operation result inversion at the cursor position |
Ctrl + Shift + Insert | Insert line statement | Insert statement line statement at the cursor position |
Shift + Insert | Insert row | Insert a row at the cursor position |
Shift + Delete | Delete row | Delete the row at the cursor position |
Ctrl + Insert | Insert column | Insert a column at the cursor position |
Ctrl + Delete | Delete column | Delete the column at the cursor position |
Ctrl + → | Enter/Delete HLine rightward | Enter/delete a line at the right of the cursor position |
Ctrl + ← | Enter/Delete HLine leftward | Enter/delete a line at the left of the cursor position |
Ctrl + ↓ | Enter/Delete VLine downward | Enter/delete a line at the downward of the cursor position |
Ctrl + ↑ | Enter/Delete VLine upward | Enter/delete a line at the upward of the cursor position |
Ctrl + / | Switch open/close contact | Switch an open contact to closed contact, and vice versa |
Ctrl + G | Jump | Display the specified row |
Ctrl + F5 | Comment | Display device comments |
Ctrl + F7 | Statement | Display statements |
F1 | Open the instructions help | Display the instructions help |