04 Shortcut list

Last modified by Mora Zhou on 2023/12/22 10:48

Common shortcuts list

The following table lists the common shortcuts.

ShortcutsCorresponding menuDescription
Ctrl + NNewCreate a new project
Ctrl + OOpenOpen an existing project
Ctrl + SSaveSave the project
Ctrl + XCutCut the selected data
Ctrl + CCopyCopy the selected data
Ctrl + VPastePaste the cut/copied data at the cursor position
Ctrl + ZundoCouldcel the previous operation
Ctrl + YRedoPerform the operation couldceled by [Undo]
Ctrl + FFind DeviceSearch for a device
Ctrl + F1Show/Hide toolbar menuShow/hide toolbar menu
F3Start monitoringStart monitoring the window being operated.
Ctrl + F3Stop monitoringStop monitoring the window being operated
F4Transform/transform + compilationCompile (Transform) current program
Alt+F4ExitClose the project being edited and exits WECON PLC Editor

Shortcuts list in programming area

The following table lists the shortcuts in programming area.

ShortcutsCorresponding menuDescription
F5Open contactInsert an open contact at the cursor position
Shift + F5Open branchInsert an open contact branch at the cursor position
F6Close contactInsert a closed contact at the cursor position
Shift + F6Close branchInsert a closed contact branch at the cursor position
F7CoilInsert a coil at the cursor position
F8Application instructionInsert an application instruction at the cursor position
F9Horizontal lineInsert a horizontal line at the cursor position
F11Vertical lineInsert a vertical line at the cursor position
Ctrl + F9Delete horizontal lineDelete the horizontal line at the cursor position
Ctrl + F11Delete vertical lineDelete the vertical line at the cursor position
Shift + F7Rising pulseInsert a rising pulse at the cursor position
Shift + F8Falling pulseInsert a falling pulse at the cursor position
Ctrl + Alt + F7Rising pulse branchInsert a rising pulse branch at the cursor position
Ctrl + Alt + F8Falling pulse branchInsert a falling pulse branch at the cursor position
Ctrl + Alt + F11Invert operation resultsInsert an operation result inversion at the cursor position
Ctrl + Shift + InsertInsert line statementInsert statement line statement at the cursor position
Shift + InsertInsert rowInsert a row at the cursor position
Shift + DeleteDelete rowDelete the row at the cursor position
Ctrl + InsertInsert columnInsert a column at the cursor position
Ctrl + DeleteDelete columnDelete the column at the cursor position
Ctrl + →Enter/Delete HLine rightwardEnter/delete a line at the right of the cursor position
Ctrl + ←

Enter/Delete HLine leftward

Enter/delete a line at the left of the cursor position
Ctrl + ↓Enter/Delete VLine downwardEnter/delete a line at the downward of the cursor position
Ctrl + ↑Enter/Delete VLine upwardEnter/delete a line at the upward of the cursor position
Ctrl + /Switch open/close contactSwitch an open contact to closed contact, and vice versa
Ctrl + GJumpDisplay the specified row
Ctrl + F5CommentDisplay device comments
Ctrl + F7StatementDisplay statements
F1Open the instructions helpDisplay the instructions help