17 LX3V/5V/5S comparsion

Last modified by Jim on 2025/02/11 11:34

Basic differences

Running ModeCyclic scan /Interrupt
Power supplyA: AC 220V; D: DC 24V
Output typeMT: TransistorMT: Transistor; MR: RelayMT: Transistor; MR: Relay
I/O1212; 1412; 1616; 2416; 2424; 3624;0806; 1208; 1212; 1412;
1616; 2416; 2424; 3624;
0806; 1208; 1212; 1412; 
1616; 2416; 2424; 3624;
Execute TimeBasic 0.01-0.03μsBasic 0.03-0.08μsBasic 0.06μs/Applied instruction:1-10us
Program Capacity512KB16k
High Speed Pulse Output≤1412MT and smaller: 4*200KHz;
≥1616MT and bigger:  8*200KHz。
MT/MR2H: 2* 200KHz;
MT4H: 4* 200KHz。
MT/2H: 2*100KHZ, or 4H: 4*100, single: 200kHZ
High speed counter Interrupt100 channels21channels
Timer Interrupt100 channels,Support 0.1ms Interrupt95 channels
X InterruptX0-X7 Rising & FallingX0-X5 Rising & FallingX0-X5 Rising & Falling
High speed counter Single Phase≤1412 and smaller: 4*150KHz
≥1616 and bigger: 8*150KHz
≤1412 and smaller: 2*150KHz;4*10KHz
≥1616 and bigger: 6*150KHz

Hardware counter for the first two channels:2*200KHz;

Software counter for the first two channels:2*100KHz;

Software counter for last four channels:4*10KHz

High speed counter AB phase≤1412 and smaller: 4*100KHz
≥1616 and bigger: 8*100KHz
≤1412 and smaller: 1*100KHz+2*10KHz
≥1616 and bigger: 3*100KHz

Hardware counter for the first two channels:2*100KHz;

Software counter for the first two channels:2*50KHz;

Software counter for last four channels:4*5KHz

Storage TypeFLASH
Serial Communication

COM1: RS422、RS485;COM2: RS485

1208 and smaller: COM1: RS422;COM2: RS485;
1212 and bigger: COM1: RS422、RS485;COM2:RS485
1208 and smaller: COM1: RS422;COM2: RS485;
1212 and bigger: COM1: RS422、RS485;COM2: RS485
BD board supportyesyesyes
Communication BD boardsupport LX5V-2RS485-BD and LX5V-ETH-BDRS485 BD support, 3vp supports ethernet bd board
Expansion Moduleyes √ (1212 and bigger can support)yes √ (1212 and bigger can support)
Electronic CAM√(2 sheets for switch)√(MT)(2 sheets for switch)N/A
S-type CAM√(MT)N/A
Linear Interpolation√(MT)N/A
Circular Interpolation√(MT)N/A

Software difference between 5S vs 5V

High speed counter configuration

5V as below


5S is as below


More detail information,please check the product catalog

Functions that 3V has but 5V does not

BD module

LX5V does not support LX3V-2RS485-BD

LX5V does not support LX3V-ETH-BD

Analog BD module expansion address

Provides the function of analog module BD to modify parameters such as filtering. For specific functions, please refer to the below link:
1. LX3 series: 5-9 System-special address - Wecon (we-con.com.cn)
2. LX5 series: 15 Appendix - Wecon (we-con.com.cn) 15 Appendix - Wecon (we-con.com.cn)


Program label function, when the label of the program corresponds to the label of the PLC, the ladder diagram can be uploaded and downloaded. Clearing the memory does not clear this tag either. It is mainly to limit the ladder diagram used by PLC.


(1) NOP instruction (null instruction)

(2) TRAN instruction (SFC transfer begins)

(3) FEND instruction (main program ends)

(4) IRET instruction (interrupt return)

(5) SRET instruction (subroutine return)

(6) SPD instruction

(7) DRVI2 instruction

(8) PTO/DPTO instruction(envelope pulse command)

(9) DABS instruction

(10) RSLIST instruction

(11) CPAVL instruction(communication BD configuration)

Unsupported special register function (M8000, D8000)

Clock related

Clock function not supported by LX5V

M8014Oscillation clock with 1 minute clock period
M8015Clock stop and preset
M8016Stop time to read the display
M8017±30 seconds correction
M8018install and examine
M8019Real-time clock (RTC) error

High-speed counter ring counting function

M8099High-speed ring counter count start
M8099Ring count configuration

X0~X5 pulse capture function

M8170X000 pulse capture
M8171X001 pulse capture
M8172X002 pulse capture
M8173X003 pulse capture
M8174X004 pulse capture
M8175X005 pulse capture

3V and 5V incompatible functions

(These can be automatically converted in the future)

General register

Double word counterC200~C219LC0~LC99Non-power-down save
Double word counterC220~C234LC100~LC255Power-down save
High-speed counterC235~C255HSC0~HSC7Check the high-speed input function
Data RegisterD0~D7999D0~D7999 (R0~R29999) 
Pointer PP0~P127P0~P4095 
Instruction II0~I8xxNone 
constantK, H, EK, H, E 

Incompatible part

1. T250~T255 of LX3V are 100ms timers, while T250~T255 of LX5V are 10ms timer.

2. C200~C234 of LX3V are double word counters, LX5V is changed to single word, and LC0~LC255 are added as double word counters.

3. LX3V's high-speed counters C235~C255 are no longer used. In LX5V, the high-speed counter type is configured through the configuration table, and HSC0~HSC7 is selected as the high-speed input counter according to the channel. See the high-speed input function for details.

4. CJ instruction uses pointer P63 to jump directly to END instruction in 3V,  but P63 of LX5V is a normal label.

5. Pointer I is cancelled in LX5V, please check the programming mode for details.

Programming method


(For details, please refer to LX5V Programming Manual Chapter 1.4-Subroutine Branch)

Use of LX3V subroutines

Use of LX5V subroutines

Add new subroutine: project management -> subroutine -> right click -> new


Subroutine can be directly used in the main program by calling its name.



(For details, please refer to LX5V Programming Manual Chapter 1.4-Branch)

LX3V interrupt

The interrupt program is under FEND and returns with IRET. The meaning of the specific interrupt is distinguished by the pointer I number.(Refer to EI/DI instruction in 3V)

The 1ms interrupt program of LX3V is as follows:


LX5V interrupt

Add new interrupt: Project Management -> program->Interrupt -> New


Interrupt configuration: select interrupt mode



OUT instruction

Double word counterfile:///C:\Users\ANNAXU~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml14432\wps28.png



The C200~C219 of LX3V are converted to LC0~LC19 of LX5V (Un-power-down save).

The OUT C220~C234 of LX3V is converted to OUT LC100~LC114 of LX5V (Power-down save).

CALL instruction


LX5V: OUT LC0 subroutine name(See LX5V programming manual for details)

CJ instruction

LX5V does not support CJ P63 to jump directly to the END instruction.

LX5V does not support CJ instructions to jump into subroutines and interrupts.

DI, EI instructions

There is no need to connect the contact before the DI instruction of LX3V.


The contact must be connected before the DI instruction of LX5V. 


DHSCS instruction

LX3V: calls interrupt using IXX


LX5V: calls interrupts by using the interrupt program name


CPAVL instruction

CPVAL is used to configure communication BD boards in 3V. LX5V does not currently support it.

CPVAL is used to switch electronic cam table in LX3V. LX5V uses ECAMCUT instruction(Refer to Chapter 9.1 of LX5V Programming Manual for details).

TRH instruction

LX3V: input parameters are floating

LX5V: input parameters are integer

ASC instruction

 LX3V: input strings don't need double quotes


 LX5V: input strings need double quotes


High-speed input function

Use on LX3V

Find the high-speed input counter you need to use according to the following table:


Through special registers, configure the functions such as frequency multiplication and counting direction.

Use the OUT instruction to start the high-speed counter counting.


Use on LX5V

According to channel, select the HSC register to use:


Configure the high-speed counter mode through the host computer configuration table:


Use the OUT instruction to start the high-speed counter counting.


Difference between high-speed counters on LX5V and LX3V

LX3V updates the count value when the OUT instruction is executed, which is affected by the scan cycle.

LX5V is updated in the 100us interrupt, not affected by the scan cycle, and provides the REF instruction to refresh the current high-speed counter value immediately.

LX5V single-phase high-speed counter supports filtering function, configurable 0~17us.

LX5V high-speed input counter will update the input frequency in the special soft element (SD) every 100us.

High-speed output function

High-speed pulse commands are the same in the use of commands.


High-speed pulse command difference.

PLSR2 instruction parameter address is different

Special device change

1. LX3V has multiple high-speed pulse devices that are shared by multiple axes, while LX5V is separated. Therefore, when converting the program, this type of special address needs to be assigned to all axes together. For example, D8148 of 3V is the acceleration and deceleration time of 4 axes Y0~Y3, then in LX5V, Y0 acceleration time SD902, deceleration time SD962 and other axis acceleration and deceleration time need to be set to the value of D8148.

2. Comparison of bit devices

M8145Y000 pulse output stopSM898Y000 pulse output stop
M8146Y001 pulse output stopSM958Y001 Pulse output stop
M8152Y002 pulse output stopSM1018Y002 pulse output stop
M8153Y003 pulse output stopSM1078Y003 Pulse output stop
M8147Y000 monitoring during pulse outputSM880Y000 monitoring during pulse output
M8148Y001 monitoring during pulse outputSM940Y001 Monitoring during pulse output
M8149Y002 monitoring during pulse outputSM1000Y002 Monitoring during pulse output
M8150Y003 monitoring during pulse outputSM1060Y003 Monitoring during pulse output




Some instructions (PLSR, etc.) instruction execution completed (Y0-Y3)

SM882Y0 pulse sending completed
SM942Y1 pulse sending completed
SM1002Y2 pulse transmission completed
SM1062Y3 pulse transmission completed
M8134Y0's thousandth control bitSM897Y0's thousandth control bit

The acceleration and deceleration time between each axis of Y1's thousandth control position positioning command is separated


Y1 Perimeter control bit
M8136Y2 perimeter control bitSM1017Y2 Perimeter control bit
M8137Y3 perimeter control bitSM1077Y3 Perimeter control bit

3. Comparison of word devices

D8104Y0 acceleration and deceleration time (open M8135)SD902/SD962Y0 acceleration/deceleration time
D8105Y1 acceleration and deceleration time (open M8135)SD1022/SD1082Y1 acceleration/deceleration time
D8106Y2 acceleration and deceleration time (open M8135)SD1142/SD1202Y2 acceleration/deceleration time
D8107Y3 acceleration and deceleration time (open M8135)SD1262/SD1322Y3 acceleration/deceleration time
D8140Y000 current position lowSD880Y000 Current position low
D8141Y000 current position highSD881Y000 current position high
D8142Y001 current position lowSD940Y001 Current position low
D8143Y001 current position highSD941Y001 Current position high
D8150Y002 current position lowSD1000Y002 current position low
D8151Y002 current position highSD1001Y002 current position high
D8152Y003 current position lowSD1060Y003 Current position low
D8153Y003 current position highSD1061Y003 Current position high




Y0-Y3 paranoid speed (single word)

SD900, SD901Y0 Paranoid speed (double word)
SD960, SD961Y1 Paranoid speed (double word)
SD1020, SD1021Y2 Paranoid speed (double word)
SD1080, SD1081Y3 Paranoid speed (double word)




Y0-Y3 maximum frequency (double word)

SD898Y0 Maximum speed low
SD899Y0 Highest speed
SD958Y1 Maximum speed low
SD959Y1 Highest speed
SD1018Y2 Maximum speed low
SD1019Y2 Highest speed
SD1078Y3 Maximum speed low
SD1079Y3 Highest speed




4-axis acceleration/deceleration time (when M8135 is not turned on)

SD902/SD962Y0 acceleration/deceleration time
SD1022/SD1082Y1 acceleration/deceleration time
SD1142/SD1202Y2 acceleration/deceleration time
SD1262/SD1322Y3 acceleration/deceleration time

 4. New features of high-speed pulse instructions on LX5V

①Support lower frequency output

3V: 10hz-200KHZ 5V: 1HZ-200K

②Support a larger range of acceleration/deceleration time, separate acceleration/deceleration

3V: 50ms-5000ms 5V: 15ms-32000ms

③Support to directly set the start frequency

④Support to modify the pulse frequency during operation

⑤Support to modify the pulse position (number) during operation

⑥Support direction delay (first output the direction and then delay and then output the pulse)

⑦Support positive and negative limit

⑧Provide different stopping methods (deceleration to stop or immediate stop)

⑨Support direction reversal (can set the forward direction to low level)

Communication function

1. Communication parameter configuration

There is a difference in the serial port parameter settings, mainly in the start bit of STX and ETX of the custom protocol. 3V is B8 B9 and 5V is B10 B11. The main reason is that 5V increases the baud rate of 921600.

2. Differences in protocol settings

3V settings:

protocolD8126 value setting
RS instruction (custom protocol)00H
HMI monitoring protocol (PLC protocol)01H
N:N network communication protocol slave04H
RS instruction (custom protocol)10H
MODBUS-RTU master station20H
MODBUS-ASCII master station30H
N:N network communication protocol master station40H

5V settings:

SD2592 value settingProtocol
0 HWecon Modbus slave
2 HModbusRTU slave
3 HModbusASCII slave
10 HUser-defined protocol
20 HModbusRTU master station
30 H

ModbusASCII master


Although 5V does not have 3V HMI monitoring protocol. But the current HMI has matched the 5V Wecon Modbus slave protocol. The Wecon Modbus slave protocol is modified based on ModbusRTU slave,  Compatible with all ModbusRTU slave content.

3. Differences in special devices

3V only supports setting the serial port parameters in the first cycle of the scan cycle. The mode of the first cycle setting can be switched only by modifying the corresponding soft element setting according to the special soft element comparison table.

4. Slave address difference

5V address:

PortOccupyAddress range

10 hex Register

Total reserved land Address size

Word address    
T0~T511512 WORD0x0000-0x01ff0~5111536
C0~C255256 WORD0x0600-0x06ff1536~17911024
LC0~LC255512 WORD0x0A00-0x0BFF2560~30711024
HSC0~HSC1532 WORD0x0E00-0x0E1F3584~3615512
D0~D79998000 WORD0x1000-0x2F3F4096~1209516384
SD0~SD40954096 WORD0x5000-0x5FFF20480~2457512288
R0~R3000030000 WORD0x8000-0xF52F32768~6276730000
Bit address    
T0~T511512 bit0x0000-0x01ff0~5111536
C0~C255256 bit0x0600-0x06ff1536~17911024
LC0~LC255256 bit0x0A00-0x0AFF2560~28151024
HSC0~HSC1516 bit0x0E00-0x0E0F3584~3599512
Reserved 0x8000-0xBFFF 16383

5. LX5V added functions

Modify serial communication parameters during RUN. For example, use PROTOCOL instruction to modify the protocol during run. The corresponding instruction description can also find the method of setting without instruction. For details, please refer to the relevant instructions of the instruction. Commands are PROTOCOL (set serial port protocol), PROTPARA (set serial port parameters), STATION (set station number)