15 Appendix

Last modified by Jim on 2024/07/30 10:29

Appendix 1 Special Relay (SM)

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data     preservation
SM0Latest error message

OFF: No error

ON: There is an error

SM2Error resolution

OFF→ON: Clear wrong request

ON→OFF: Error clearing completed

SM3Battery voltage is too low

OFF: Normal

ON: Battery voltage is too low

SM4Low battery voltage latch

OFF: Normal

ON: Battery voltage is too low

SM5Reserved R×
SM6PLC Hardware Error

OFF: No error

ON: There is an error

SM7PLC communication error

OFF: No error

ON: There is an error

SM10Parameters error

OFF: No error

ON: There is an error

SM11Operation Error

OFF: No error

ON: There is an error

SM14Operation error latch

OFF: No error

ON: There is an error


System message

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data     preservation
SM30Low battery warning shield

OFF: turn off (default)

ON: open

SM31Clear all non-retentive registers

OFF→ON: Clear request

ON→OFF: Clear completed

SM32Clear all holding registers

OFF→ON: Clear request

ON→OFF: Clear completed

SM33All device remain unchanged in stop state

OFF: turn off (default)

ON: open

SM34All PLC outputs are OFF

OFF: turn off

ON: open

SM35Low battery BAT light status

OFF: BAT light is invalid

ON: Low battery BAT light is on

SM36 to SM49Reserved   
SM53 to SM99Reserved   

Clock information

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SM100Always ON after RUN R×
SM101Always OFF after RUN R×
SM102The 1st cycle after RUN is ON R×
SM103The 1st cycle after RUN is OFF R×
SM104USB power supplyUSB power supply mode when ON. In this case, only download, clock setting, and password setting are allowed.R×
SM105 to SM106Reserved R×
SM107Clock stop and presetStop clock running and displayR/W×
SM108Clock reading display stopsClock running at background, display stoppedR/W×
SM1091min oscillation clockSwitch state every 30 secondsR×
SM1101ms oscillator clockSwitch state every 0.5msR×
SM11110ms oscillation clockSwitch state every 5msR×
SM112100ms oscillation clockSwitch state every 50msR×
SM1131s oscillation clockSwitch state every 500msR×
SM114nms oscillation clockState switch for each (n/2) ms, n is set by SD114R×
SM115ns oscillation clockState switch for each (n/2) s, n is set by SD115R×
SM116±30s correctionIf the clock number is less than 30S, it is reset; if the clock number is greater than 30S, it is carriedR/W×
SM117 to SM119Reserved R×

Scan information

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data     preservation
SM120Constant scan period

OFF: not turned on (default)

ON: open

SM121RUN, STOP control



SM122Circuit program Watchdog function switch

OFF: not open

ON: open (default)


Instruction related

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data     preservation
SM151Carry sign

OFF: Operation does not carry

ON: Operation carries

SM152Abdication sign

OFF: Operation does not abdicate

ON: Operation abdicates

SM153Zero sign

OFF: Result is not zero

ON: Result is zero

SM160XCH exchange mode

OFF: Parameter 1 is exchanged with parameter 2

ON: high 8-bit is exchanged with eighth bits for parameter itself.

SM161Bit processing mode (ASC, ASCI, BCC, CCD,CRC)

OFF: 16 bit processing mode

ON: 8 bit processing mode

SM165SORT/SORT2 instruction ascending and descending order selection

OFF: Ascending

ON: Descending

SM167HKY instruction HEX data processing

OFF: Number key + Function key

ON : Hex key

SM168SMOV instruction hexadecimal processing

OFF: Perform BIN→BCD conversion

ON: BIN→BCD conversion is not performed

SM191BINDA output character number switching signal

OFF: Output00H

ON: There is no change

SM224BMOV instruction direction

OFF: Forward transmission

ON: Reverse transmission

SM226RAMP instruction mode

OFF: looping execution mode

ON: Hold after completion

SM227PR mode

OFF :8 bytes serial output (fixed to 8 characters)

ON : 16-byte serial output (1 to 16 characters)

SM229Partial application instruction execution completed flag

OFF: Instruction not executed or under executing

ON: Instruction execution completed

SM240STL instruction transfer prohibited

OFF: Common action

ON: State transfer is prohibited

SM241IST instruction transfer start

OFF: The IST instruction is not performed

ON: IST instruction transfer started

SM242IST instruction corresponds to start input pulse output

OFF: Not Started

ON: Started

SM243End flag of IST command origin return state(User program control)

OFF: Regression through the origin is not finished

ON: Regression through the origin is finished

SM244IST instruction detects mechanical origin movement(User program control)

OFF: Non mechanical origin

ON: Mechanical origin

SM245STL instruction: disables all output reset during mode switch(User program control)

OFF: Full reset output when state is switched

ON: No action when state is switched

SM246IST instruction: It is ON in the state of STL

OFF: When the STL monitoring effect is OFF, or when the STL monitoring effect is ON and all stepping relays (S soft component) are OFF

ON: When STL monitoring is ON and any one of the stepping relay (S soft component) is ON.

SM247STL monitoring is valid

OFF: Void

ON: The STL monitoring becomes effective, and the state numbers in the action (S0 to S4095) are saved in the special auxiliary relays SD240 to SD247 in the order from small to large.

SM248ANS command signal alarm action

OFF: Alarm not working

ON: Alarm working

SM249ANS command signal alarm is effective

OFF: Alarm void

ON: Alarm effective

SM340DUTY timing clock output 1CLKOUT for DUTY instructionR×
SM341DUTY timing clock output 2R×
SM342DUTY timing clock output 3R×
SM343DUTY timing clock output 4R×
SM344DUTY timing clock output 5R×

Interrupt prohibited

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data     preservation
SM352X0 rising edge interrupt

OFF: X0 rising edge interruption is valid

ON: X0 rising edge interrupt is prohibited

SM353X0 falling edge interrupt

OFF: X0 falling edge interruption is valid

ON: X0 falling edge interrupt is prohibited

SM354X1 rising edge interrupt

OFF: X1 rising edge interruption is valid

ON: X1 rising edge interrupt is prohibited

SM355X1 falling edge interrupt

OFF: X1 falling edge interruption is valid

ON: X1 falling edge interrupt is prohibited

SM356X2 rising edge interrupt

OFF: X2 rising edge interruption is valid

ON: X2 rising edge interrupt is prohibited

SM357X2 falling edge interrupt

OFF: X2 falling edge interruption is valid

ON: X2 falling edge interrupt is prohibited

SM358X3 rising edge interrupt

OFF: X3 rising edge interruption is valid

ON: X3 rising edge interrupt is prohibited

SM359X3 falling edge interrupt

OFF: X3 falling edge interruption is valid

ON: X3 falling edge interrupt is prohibited

SM360X4 rising edge interrupt

OFF: X4 rising edge interruption is valid

ON: X4 rising edge interrupt is prohibited

SM361X4 falling edge interrupt

OFF: X4 falling edge interruption is valid

ON: X4 falling edge interrupt is prohibited

SM362X5 rising edge interrupt

OFF: X5 rising edge interruption is valid

ON: X5 rising edge interrupt is prohibited

SM363X5 falling edge interrupt

OFF: X5 falling edge interruption is valid

ON: X5 falling edge interrupt is prohibited

SM364X6 rising edge interrupt

OFF: X6 rising edge interruption is valid

ON: X6 rising edge interrupt is prohibited

SM365X6 falling edge interrupt

OFF: X6 falling edge interruption is valid

ON: X6 falling edge interrupt is prohibited

SM366X7 rising edge interrupt

OFF: X7 rising edge interruption is valid

ON: X7 rising edge interrupt is prohibited

SM367X7 falling edge interrupt

OFF: X7 falling edge interruption is valid

ON: X7 falling edge interrupt is prohibited


High-speed input and output

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data     preservation
SM400HSC0 contact status

OFF:Calculated value does not reach the set value

ON: Calculated value reaches the set value

SM401Moving direction of HSC0

OFF: forward and reverse

ON: reverse direction

SM405HSC0 counting direction

OFF: count up

ON: count down

SM406 to SM429Reserved   
SM430HSC1 contact status

OFF:Calculated value does not reach the set value

ON: Calculated value reaches the set value

SM431Moving direction of HSC1

OFF: forward direction

ON: reverse direction

SM435HSC1 counting direction

OFF: count up

ON: count down

SM436 to SM459Reserved   
SM460HSC2 contact status

OFF:Calculated value does not reach the set value

ON: Calculated value reaches the set value

SM461Moving direction of HSC2

OFF: forward direction

ON: reverse direction

SM465HSC2 counting direction

OFF: count up

ON: count down

SM466 to SM489Reserved   
SM490HSC3 contact status

OFF:Calculated value does not reach the set value

ON: Calculated value reaches the set value

SM491Moving direction of HSC3

OFF: forward and reverse

ON: reverse direction

SM495HSC3 counting direction

OFF: count up

ON: count down

SM496 to SM519Reserved   
SM520HSC4 contact status

OFF:Calculated value does not reach the set value

ON: Calculated value reaches the set value

SM521Moving direction of HSC4

OFF: forward and reverse

ON: reverse direction

SM525HSC4 counting direction

OFF: count up

ON: count down

SM526 to SM549Reserved   
SM550HSC5 contact status

OFF:Calculated value does not reach the set value

ON: Calculated value reaches the set value

SM551Moving direction of HSC5

OFF: forward direction

ON: reverse direction

SM555HSC5 counting direction

OFF: count up

ON: count down

SM556 to SM579Reserved   
SM580HSC6 contact status

OFF:Calculated value does not reach the set value

ON: Calculated value reaches the set value

SM581Moving direction of HSC6

OFF: forward direction

ON: reverse direction

SM585HSC6 counting direction

OFF: count up

ON: count down

SM586 to SM609Reserved   
SM610HSC7 contact status

OFF:Calculated value does not reach the set value

ON: Calculated value reaches the set value

SM611Moving direction of HSC7

OFF: forward direction

ON: reverse direction

SM615HSC7 counting direction

OFF: count up

ON: count down

SM616 to SM639Reserved   

Pulse output (positioning axis)

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data     preservation
SM880CH1 Pulse sending

OFF: Pulse transmission has not started or completed

ON: Pulse being sent

SM881CH1 Pulse sending error

OFF: Normal

ON: Error

SM882CH1 Pulse sending stopped

OFF: Indicates that the pulse is being sent or started

ON: Pulse transmission is complete

SM883CH1 Forward limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, forward pulse sending stops

SM884CH1 Reversal limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, reverse pulse sending stops

SM885CH1 Rotation direction setting

OFF: Pulse meter value increases during forward rotation

ON: Pulse meter value increases when reversed

SM886CH1 Origin return start

OFF: Disables the origin regression function. That is, the origin regression command is disabled and cannot be used.

ON: Enable the origin regression function, that is, the origin regression command is enabled and can be used normally (default).

SM887CH1 Origin regression directionReservedR/W×
SM888Reserved R/W×
SM889Reserved R/W×
SM890Reserved R/W×
SM891Reserved R/W×
SM892CH1 External signal start

OFF: Receiving external signals when inactive

ON: Receiving external signals when activated

SM893CH1 External signal logic

OFF: No external signal is received

ON: Receives external signals

SM894CH1 Interrupt signal start

OFF: Turns OFF the interrupt signal and cannot use the DVIT command

ON: Turn ON interrupt signal (default)

SM895CH1 Interrupt signal logic

OFF: No interrupt signal is received

ON: Interrupt signal is received

SM896CH1 External limit signal openCH1 Limit signal onR/W 
SM897CH1 PWM mode

OFF: 16-bit pulse output mode

ON: 1000 ratio mode

SM898CH1 Immediately stop

OFF: No action is performed

ON: Stop pulse output immediately without acceleration or deceleration

SM899CH1 scan period is not processed

OFF: Common mode, stop after sending (default)

ON: Stop or slow down immediately

SM900CH1 start speed setting

OFF: Use self-contained acceleration and deceleration

ON: Use set acceleration and deceleration

SM940CH2 Pulse sending

OFF: Pulse transmission has not started or completed

ON: Pulse being sent

SM941CH2 Pulse sending error

OFF: Normal

ON: Error

SM942CH2 Pulse sending stopped

OFF: Indicates that the pulse is being sent or started

ON: Pulse transmission is complete

SM943CH2 Forward limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, forward pulse sending stops

SM944CH2 Reversal limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, reverse pulse sending stops

SM945CH2 Rotation direction setting

OFF: Pulse meter value increases during forward rotation

ON: Pulse meter value increases when reversed

SM946CH2 Origin return start

OFF: Disables the origin regression function. That is, the origin regression command is disabled and cannot be used.

ON: Enable the origin regression function, that is, the origin regression command is enabled and can be used normally (default).

SM947CH2 Origin regression directionReservedR/W×
SM952CH2 External start signal start

OFF: Receiving external signals when inactive

ON: Receiving external signals when activated

SM953CH2 External start signal logic

OFF: No external signal is received

ON: Receives external signals

SM954CH2 Interrupt signal start

OFF: Turns OFF the interrupt signal and cannot use the DVIT command

ON: Turn ON interrupt signal (default)

SM955CH2 Interrupt input signal logic

OFF: No interrupt signal is received

ON: Interrupt signal is received

SM956CH2 External limit signal openCH2 Limit signal onR/W×
SM957CH2 PWM mode

OFF: 16-bit pulse output mode

ON: 1000 ratio mode

SM958CH2 Immediately stop

OFF: No action is performed

ON: Stop pulse output immediately without acceleration or deceleration

SM959CH1 scan period is not processed

OFF: Common mode, stop after sending (default)

ON: Stop or slow down immediately

SM960CH2 Start speed setting

OFF: Use self-contained acceleration and deceleration

ON: Use set acceleration and deceleration

SM1000CH3 Pulse sending

OFF: Pulse transmission has not started or completed

ON: Pulse being sent

SM1001CH3 Pulse sending error

OFF: Normal

ON: Error

SM1002CH3 Pulse sending stopped

OFF: Indicates that the pulse is being sent or started

ON: Pulse transmission is complete

SM1003CH3 Forward limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, forward pulse sending stops

SM1004CH3 Reversal limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, reverse pulse sending stops

SM1005CH3 Rotation direction setting

OFF: Pulse meter value increases during forward rotation

ON: Pulse meter value increases when reversed

SM1006CH3 Origin return start

OFF: Disables the origin regression function. That is, the origin regression command is disabled and cannot be used.

ON: Enable the origin regression function, that is, the origin regression command is enabled and can be used normally (default).

SM1007CH3 Origin regression directionReservedR/W×
SM1012CH3 External start signal start

OFF: Receiving external signals when inactive

ON: Receiving external signals when activated

SM1013CH3 External start signal logic

OFF: No external signal is received

ON: Receives external signals

SM1014CH3 Interrupt signal start

OFF: Turns OFF the interrupt signal and cannot use the DVIT command

ON: Turn ON interrupt signal (default)

SM1015CH3 Interrupt input signal logic

OFF: No interrupt signal is received

ON: Interrupt signal is received

SM1016CH3 External limit signal openCH3 Limit signal onR/W×
SM1017CH3 PWM mode

OFF: 16-bit pulse output mode

ON: 1000 ratio mode

SM1018CH3 Immediately stop

OFF: No action is performed

ON: Stop pulse output immediately without acceleration or deceleration

SM1019CH1 scan period is not processed

OFF: Common mode, stop after sending (default)

ON: Stop or slow down immediately

SM1020CH3 Start speed setting

OFF: Use self-contained acceleration and deceleration

ON: Use set acceleration and deceleration

SM1060CH4 Pulse sending

OFF: Pulse transmission has not started or completed

ON: Pulse being sent

SM1061CH4 Pulse sending error

OFF: Normal

ON: Error

SM1062CH4 Pulse sending stopped

OFF: Indicates that the pulse is being sent or started

ON: Pulse transmission is complete

SM1063CH4 Forward limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, forward pulse sending stops

SM1064CH4 Reversal limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, reverse pulse sending stops

SM1065CH4 Rotation direction setting

OFF: Pulse meter value increases during forward rotation

ON: Pulse meter value increases when reversed

SM1066CH4 Origin return start

OFF: Disables the origin regression function. That is, the origin regression command is disabled and cannot be used.

ON: Enable the origin regression function, that is, the origin regression command is enabled and can be used normally (default)。

SM1067CH4 Origin regression directionReservedR/W×
SM1072CH4 External start signal start

OFF: Receiving external signals when inactive

ON: Receiving external signals when activated

SM1073CH4 External start signal logic

OFF: No external signal is received

ON: Receives external signals

SM1074CH4 Interrupt signal start

OFF: Turns OFF the interrupt signal and cannot use the DVIT command

ON: Turn ON interrupt signal (default)

SM1075CH4 Interrupt input signal logic

OFF: No interrupt signal is received

ON: Interrupt signal is received

SM1076CH4 External limit signal openCH4 Limit signal on  
SM1077CH4 PWM mode

OFF: 16-bit pulse output mode

ON: 1000 ratio mode

SM1078CH4 Immediately stop

OFF: No action is performed

ON: Stop pulse output immediately without acceleration or deceleration

SM1079CH4 scan period is not processed

OFF: Common mode, stop after sending (default)

ON: Stop or slow down immediately

SM1120CH5 Pulse sending

OFF: Use self-contained acceleration and deceleration

ON: Use set acceleration and deceleration

SM1121CH5 Pulse sending error

OFF: Pulse transmission has not started or completed

ON: Pulse being sent

SM1122CH5 Pulse sending stopped

OFF: Normal

ON: Error

SM1123CH5 Forward limit

OFF: Indicates that the pulse is being sent or started

ON: Pulse transmission is complete

SM1124CH5 Reversal limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, forward pulse sending stops

SM1125CH5 Rotation direction setting

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, reverse pulse sending stops

SM1126CH5 Origin return start

OFF: Pulse meter value increases during forward rotation

ON: Pulse meter value increases when reversed

SM1127CH5 Origin regression direction

OFF: Disables the origin regression function. That is, the origin regression command is disabled and cannot be used.

ON: Enable the origin regression function, that is, the origin regression command is enabled and can be used normally (default).

SM1132CH5 External signal start   
SM1133CH5 External signal logic

OFF: Receiving external signals when inactive

ON: Receiving external signals when activated

SM1134Interrupt signal start

OFF: No external signal is received

ON: Receives external signals

SM1135CH5 Interrupt signal logic

OFF: Turns OFF the interrupt signal and cannot use the DVIT command

ON: Turn ON interrupt signal (default)

SM1136CH5 External limit signal openCH5 Limit signal onR/W×
SM1137CH5 PWM mode R/W×
SM1138CH5 Immediately stop

OFF: 16-bit pulse output mode

ON: 1000 ratio mode

SM1139CH5 scan period is not processed

OFF: No action is performed

ON: Stop pulse output immediately without acceleration or deceleration

SM1140CH5 Start speed setting

OFF: Common mode, stop after sending (default)

ON: Stop or slow down immediately

SM1180CH6 Pulse sending

OFF: Use self-contained acceleration and deceleration

ON: Use set acceleration and deceleration

SM1181CH6 Pulse sending error

OFF: Pulse transmission has not started or completed

ON: Pulse being sent

SM1182CH6 Pulse sending stopped

OFF: Normal

ON: Error

SM1183CH6 Forward limit

OFF: Indicates that the pulse is being sent or started

ON: Pulse transmission is complete

SM1184CH6 Reversal limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, forward pulse sending stops

SM1185CH6 Rotation direction setting

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, reverse pulse sending stops

SM1186CH6 Origin return start

OFF: Pulse meter value increases during forward rotation

ON: Pulse meter value increases when reversed

SM1187CH6 Origin regression direction

OFF: Disables the origin regression function. That is, the origin regression command is disabled and cannot be used.

ON: Enable the origin regression function, that is, the origin regression command is enabled and can be used normally (default).

SM1192CH6 External signal start   
SM1193CH6 External signal logic

OFF: Receiving external signals when inactive

ON: Receiving external signals when activated

SM1194CH6 Interrupt signal start

OFF: No external signal is received

ON: Receives external signals

SM1195CH6 Interrupt input signal logic

OFF: Turns OFF the interrupt signal and cannot use the DVIT command

ON: Turn ON interrupt signal (default)

SM1196CH6 External limit signal openCH6 Limit signal onR/W×
SM1197CH6 PWM mode   
SM1198CH6 Immediately stop

OFF: 16-bit pulse output mode

ON: 1000 ratio mode

SM1199CH6 Scan period processing is not performed

OFF: No action is performed

ON: Stop pulse output immediately without acceleration or deceleration

SM1200CH6 start speed setting

OFF: Common mode, stop after sending (default)

ON: Stop or slow down immediately

SM1240CH7 Pulse sending

OFF: Use self-contained acceleration and deceleration

ON: Use set acceleration and deceleration

SM1241CH7 Pulse sending error

OFF: Pulse transmission has not started or completed

ON: Pulse being sent

SM1242CH7 Pulse sending stopped

OFF: Normal

ON: Error

SM1243CH7 Forward limit

OFF: Indicates that the pulse is being sent or started

ON: Pulse transmission is complete

SM1244CH7 Reversal limit

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, forward pulse sending stops

SM1245CH7 Rotation direction setting

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, reverse pulse sending stops

SM1246CH7 Origin return start

OFF: Pulse meter value increases during forward rotation

ON: Pulse meter value increases when reversed

SM1247CH7 Origin regression direction

OFF: Disables the origin regression function. That is, the origin regression command is disabled and cannot be used.

ON: Enable the origin regression function, that is, the origin regression command is enabled and can be used normally (default).

SM1252CH7 External start signal start   
SM1253CH7 External start signal logic

OFF: Receiving external signals when inactive

ON: Receiving external signals when activated

SM1254CH7 Interrupt signal start

OFF: No external signal is received

ON: Receives external signals

SM1255CH7 Interrupt input signal logic

OFF: Turns OFF the interrupt signal and cannot use the DVIT command

ON: Turn ON interrupt signal (default)

SM1256CH7 External limit signal openCH7 Limit signal onR/W×
SM1257CH7 PWM mode   
SM1258CH7 Immediately stop

OFF: 16-bit pulse output mode

ON: 1000 ratio mode

SM1259CH7 Scan interval is not performed

OFF: No action is performed

ON: Stop pulse output immediately without acceleration or deceleration

SM1300Pulse sending

OFF: Common mode, stop after sending (default)

ON: Stop or slow down immediately

SM1301CH8 Pulse sending error

OFF: Use self-contained acceleration and deceleration

ON: Use set acceleration and deceleration

SM1302CH8 Pulse sending stopped

OFF: Pulse transmission has not started or completed

ON: Pulse being sent

SM1303CH8 Forward limit

OFF: Normal

ON: Error

SM1304CH8 Reversal limit

OFF: Indicates that the pulse is being sent or started

ON: Pulse transmission is complete

SM1305CH8 Rotation direction setting

OFF: Inactive

ON: After the function is enabled, forward pulse sending stops

SM1306CH8 Origin return start

OFF: Disables the origin regression function. That is, the origin regression command is disabled and cannot be used.

ON: Enable the origin regression function, that is, the origin regression command is enabled and can be used normally (default)。

SM1307CH8 Origin regression directionReservedR/W 
SM1308Reserved R/W 
SM1309Reserved R/W 
SM1310Reserved R/W 
SM1311Reserved R/W 
SM1312CH8 External start signal start

OFF: Receiving external signals when inactive

ON: Receiving external signals when activated

SM1313CH8 External start signal logic

OFF: No external signal is received

ON: Receives external signals

SM1314CH8 Interrupt signal start

OFF: Turns OFF the interrupt signal and cannot use the DVIT command

ON: Turn ON interrupt signal (default)

SM1315CH8 Interrupt input signal logic

OFF: No interrupt signal is received

ON: Interrupt signal is received

SM1316CH8 External limit signal openCH8 Limit signal onR/W 
SM1317CH8 PWM mode

OFF: 16-bit pulse output mode

ON: 1000 ratio mode

SM1318CH8 Immediately stop

OFF: No action is performed

ON: Stop pulse output immediately without acceleration or deceleration


OFF: Common mode, stop after sending (default)

ON: Stop or slow down immediately

SM1320CH8 Start speed setting

OFF: Use self-contained acceleration and deceleration

ON: Use set acceleration and deceleration


BD module

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
BD module 1 
SM2010BD1 first switchThe BD module has different models and functions. For details, see the corresponding BD module descriptionR/W×
SM2011BD1 second way switchR/W×
SM2012BD1 third way switchR/W×
SM2013BD1 fourth way switchR/W×
BD module 2 
SM2030BD2 first switchThe BD module has different models and functions. For details, see the corresponding BD module descriptionR/W×
SM2031BD2 second way switchR/W×
SM2032BD2 third way switchR/W×
SM2033BD2 fourth switchR/W×


SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
Communication COM1

COM1 Sending- control function is enabled

COM1 Sending- control/sent & reminding function

COM1 Receive - control is enabled


COM1 Sending- control function is enabled

COM1 Sending- control/sent & reminding function

COM1 Receive - control is enabled


COM1 Sending- control function is enabled

COM1 Sending- control/sent & reminding function

COM1 Receive - control is enabled

SM2543COM1 Control acceptance /prompt receiving R/W×
SM2544COM1 8-bit mode R/W×
SM2560COM1 Communication completion mark R/W×
SM2561COM1 Receiving sign R/W×
SM2562COM1 Retry occurs R/W×
SM2563COM1 Communication error R/W×
SM2564COM1 Communication timeout R/W×
SM2565Reserved  ×
SM2566Reserved  ×
SM2567Reserved  ×
SM2568Reserved  ×
SM2569Reserved  ×
SM2570Reserved  ×
SM2571Reserved  ×
Communication COM2

COM2 sending- control function is enabled

COM2 sending- control/sent & reminding function

COM2 receive - control is enabled

OFF: Data transmission will be controlled by SM2591

ON: Data is automatically sent


COM2 sending- control function is enabled

COM2 sending- control/sent & reminding function

COM2 receive - control is enabled

OFF→ON: Start of data transmission

ON→OFF: End of data transmission


COM2 sending- control function is enabled

COM2 sending- control/sent & reminding function

COM2 receive - control is enabled

OFF: Automatic stop when data receiving is fully loaded

ON: Normal reception, not affected by flag SM2593

SM2593COM2 control acceptance /prompt receiving

OFF: Data is not fully received or data is not received (according to the status of SM2592)

ON: Full data reception or data receiving (according to the status of SM2592)

SM2594COM2 8-bit mode (used by RS custom protocol)

OFF: 16-bit mode

ON: 8-bit mode

SM2610Communication completion mark

OFF: Communication is not completed

ON: Communication is completed

SM2611Receiving sign

OFF: No data is received

ON: Data is being received

SM2612Retry occurs

OFF: No retries occur

ON: Retry occurs

SM2613Communication error

OFF: No error

ON: Communication error occurs

SM2614Communication timeout

OFF: Normal communication

ON: Communication timeout


List of Special devices related to Ethernet

SM numberNameContentR/WPower-down save
SM2681Display the current network informationRefresh the current IP, subnet mask, default gateway after ON, and then OFF after the refresh is completeR/W×
SM2682Display the current MAC informationRefresh the current MAC, and then OFF after the refresh is completeR/W×
SM2683IP, subnet mask, gateway modification flag

ON: changeable

OFF: unchangeable

(When is set to ON, modify when stop->run, and then turn OFF after modification is complete)

SM2684Network card connection status

ON: Network is connecting

OFF: Network is not connecting, please check whether the wire is connected

SM2692MAC address modification flag

ON: changeable

OFF: unchangeable

(When is set to ON, modify when stop->run, and then turn OFF after modification is complete)

SM2700ModbusTCP keep alive mechanism

ON: enable

OFF: disable (default)

SM2701ModbusTCP server is forced to shut down

ON: enable

OFF: disable (default)

(After successfully close the enable, it automatically changes to OFF)

SM2710Ethernet error flag

ON: Ethernet error, please check SD2710 and SD2711

OFF: No Ethernet error

SM2740ModbusTCP server connection status 1

ON: The client is connected

OFF: The client is not connected

SM2760ModbusTCP server connection status 2

ON: The client is connected

OFF: The client is not connected

SM2780ModbusTCP server connection status 3

ON: The client is connected

OFF: The client is not connected

SM2800ModbusTCP server connection status 4

ON: The client is connected

OFF: The client is not connected

SM2820ModbusTCP server connection status 5

ON: The client is connected

OFF: The client is not connected

SM2840ModbusTCP server connection status 6

ON: The client is connected

OFF: The client is not connected

SM2860ModbusTCP server connection status 7

ON: The client is connected

OFF: The client is not connected

SM2880ModbusTCP server connection status 8

ON: The client is connected

OFF: The client is not connected


Appendix 2 Special Register (SD)

Error message

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD0Latest error message Error codeLatest self-diagnosed error code will be storedRX
SD2Set minimum battery voltage

Default value: 26 (2.6V)

Unit: 0.1 V

SD3Current battery voltage

Default value: 26 (2.6V)

Unit: 0.1 V

SD4Battery voltage latch valueBattery voltage value, in unit of 0.1V, when the battery voltage is too low and the latching error occursRX
SD5AC/DC power down timesRecord the number of times the current power supply fails and restarts automaticallyRX
SD6Error code of PLC hardware errorHardware error code will be storedRX
SD7PLC communication Error codeCommunication error code will be storedRX
SD8PLC communication error step number low wordCircuit program step numbers for communication error will be stored, double - wordRX
SD9PLC communication error step number high wordParameter error codes will be storedRX
SD10Parameter Error codeError codes for operation errors are storedRX
SD11Operation Error codeCircuit program step number of the operation error will be stored, double wordRX
SD12Operation error program step number low wordError code for operation error is stored and cannot be cleared by the error lifting functionRX
SD13Operation error program step number high wordCircuit program step number of the operation error will be stored, double word, cannot be cleared by error lifting function, double wordRX
SD14Operation Error code latchAn unexpected error occurred in the PLCRX
SD15Operation error program step number latch low wordRecovered time after AC220V power failure will be stored, unit: msRX
SD16Operation error program step number latch high word RX
SD17Program error Error codeThe latest self-diagnosing error code will be storedRX
SD18AC220V power down recovery time RX
SD19 to SD29ReservedDefault value: 26 (2.6V)  

System message

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD30Model IDPLC model ID is stored and cannot be modifiedRX
SD31Software version numberPLC software version number is stored and cannot be modifiedRX
SD32Hardware version numberPLC hardware version number is stored and cannot be modifiedRX
SD33Input pointsPLC input points are stored and cannot be modifiedRX
SD34Output pointsOutput points of PLC are stored and cannot be modifiedRX
SD35Number of high-speed input shaftsNumber of high speed input shafts is stored, cannot be modifiedRX
SD36Number of high-speed output shaftsNumber of PLC high speed output shafts is stored and cannot be modifiedRX
SD37、SD38Relay identificationIdentify how many output points are of relay type,Using mask method, each bit identifies an output point, 1 code stands for relay typeRX
SD40 to SD47Product unique ID (16 bytes)Unique ID code of the product is stored and cannot be modifiedRX
SD48Compile the link versionPLC compiler linked module version is stored, and cannot be modifiedRX
SD49Production information stringProduction information is stored, and ASCII code is saved X
SD50 to SD99Model IDPLC model ID is stored and cannot be modifiedRX

Clock information

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD100Real time clock seconds (0 to 59)PLC built-in RTC clockRX
SD101Real-time clock minutes (0 to 59)RX
SD102Real-time clock hour (0 to 23)RX
SD103Real-time clock day (1 to 31)RX
SD104Real-time clock month (1 to 12)RX
SD105Real-time clock Gregorian calendar year (2000 to 2099)RX
SD106Real time clock weekRX
SD107 to SD113Reserved   
SD114n value of nms oscillation clockSet SM114 clock oscillator n to 500ms by defaultR/WX
SD115n value of ns oscillation clockSet SM115 clock oscillator n to 2s by defaultR/WX
SD116 to SD119Reserved   

Scan information

SM labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD120Constant scan cycle time setting (ms)Default: 10msR/WX
SD122Watchdog timer time setting valueUnit ms, default 200R/WX
SD128Ms part of current scan cycle value (ms part)

• The current scan time will be stored in SD128 and SD129. (Measured in 1μs)

SD128: store ms bits (storage range: 0 to 65535)

SD129: store μs bits (storage range: 0 to 999)

(Example) When the current scan time is 23.6ms, Store as follows:



• STOP→RUN zero clearing will be performed once

SD129Scan period current value (us part)RX
SD130Ms part of the maximum scan period

Maximum scan time excluding the scan time of the initial execution program will be stored in SD130 and SD131. (Measured in 1μs)

SD130: Store ms bits (storage range: 0 to 65535)

SD131: Store μs bits (storage range: 0 to 999)

• STOP→RUN zero clearing will be performed once

SD131Maximum scan period us partRX
SD132Scan period minimum ms part

The minimum scan time excluding the scan time of the initial execution program will be stored in SD133 and SD134. (Measured in 1μs)

SD130: Store ms bits (storage range: 0 to 65535)

SD131: Store μs bits (storage range: 0 to 999)

• STOP→RUN zero clearing will be performed once

SD133Scan period minimum us partRX
SD134Ms part of initial scan time

• The initial scan time will be stored in SD134 and SD135. (Measured in 1μs)

SD134: store ms bits (storage range: 0 to 65535)

SD135: store μs bits (storage range: 0 to 999)

• STOP→RUN zero clearing will be performed once

SD135Initial scan time us partRX
SD136END processing time ms part

• After the scan, the time until the start of the next scan will be stored in SD136 and SD137. (Measured in 1μs)

SD136: store ms bits (storage range: 0 to 65535)

SD137: store μs bits (storage range: 0 to 999)

• STOP→RUN zero clearing will be performed once

SD137END processing time us partRX
SD138Ms part of program execution time

Constant scan wait time (in ms)

• Wait times for constant scan Settings are stored in SD138 and SD139. (measuring in units of 1μs)

SD138: Store ms bits (storage range: 0 to 65535)

SD149: Store μs bits (storage range: 0 to 999)

• STOP→RUN zero clearing will be performed once

SD139Program execution time us partRX
SD140Constant scan cycle waiting time ms

• Execution time of a scan is stored in SD140 and SD141. (Measured in 1μs)

SD140: store ms bits (storage range: 0 to 65535)

SD141: store μs bits (storage range: 0 to 999)

• STOP→RUN zero clearing will be performed once

SD141Constant scan cycle waiting time usRX
SD150Current interrupt priority

During the execution of the interrupt program, the priority of interrupts is stored.

0 to 2: Priority of interrupt pointer for an executing interrupt program

SD151Priority of interrupts currently prohibited

According to interrupt prohibition instruction (DI instruction),interrupt prohibition instruction (DI instruction), interrupt permit instruction (EI instruction) below the specified priority, and the priority in interrupt prohibition will be stored.

0: interrupt prohibition with all priority (default)

1: interrupt prohibition with priority level 1 and priority level 2.

2: interrupt prohibition with priority level 2.

3: interrupt enable with all priority.


Instruction related

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD150Current interrupt priority

During the execution of the interrupt program, the priority of the interrupt will be stored.

  • 1 to 3: The interrupt pointer priority of the interrupt program being executed
  • 0: No interrupt is executed (default)
SD151Currently interrupt prohibition priority

According to the interrupt prohibition instruction (DI instruction), the interrupt prohibition instruction (DI instruction) below the designated priority, and the interrupt enable instruction (EI instruction), the priority of the interrupt prohibition will be stored.

  • 0: All priority interrupts are disabled (default)
  • 1: Priority 1 and 2 interrupts are disabled
  • 2: Priority 2 interrupts are disabled
  • 3: All priority interrupts are enabled
SD240For STL: ON status number 1

The S soft element number of the ON status in STL will be saved, up to 8,

 exceeding the first 8 with smaller storage numbers.

SD241For STL: ON status number 2RX
SD242For STL: ON status number 3RX
SD243For STL: ON status number 4RX
SD244For STL: ON status number 5RX
SD245For STL: ON status number 6RX
SD246For STL: ON status number 7RX
SD247For STL: ON status number 8RX
SD249Signal alarm ON state minimum numberStore signal alarm ON state minimum numberR/WX
SD340DUTY timing clock count value 1Timing clock output 1 of DUTY instruction is counted by scan numbersR/WX
SD341DUTY timing clock count value 2Timing clock output 2 of DUTY instruction is counted by scan numbersR/WX
SD342DUTY timing clock count value 3Timing clock output 3 of DUTY instruction is counted by scan numbersR/WX
SD343DUTY timing clock count value 4Timing clock output 4 of DUTY instruction is counted by scan numbersR/WX
SD344DUTY timing clock count value 5Timing clock output 5 of DUTY instruction is counted by scan numbersR/WX

Interrupt prohibited

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD350 to SD381Timer interrupt disable maskSIMASK instruction interrupt mask. Each bit represents an interrupt. For details, see SIMAK instructionR/WX
SD382 to SD388High-speed counter interrupt disable maskSIMASK instruction interrupt mask. Each bit represents an interrupt. For details, see SIMAK instructionR/WX

High-speed input and output

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD400HSC0 current count value lowCurrent value of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 μ sR/W
SD401HSC0 current count value highR/W
SD402HSC0 current frequency lowCurrent frequency of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 µ sR/W×
SD403HSC0 current frequency highR/W×

HSC0 mode (display)

0: ordinary IO

1: Single phase counting

2: AB phase count

Default: General I/OR/W×

HSC0 frequency multiplication (display)

1: 1 times frequency

2: 2 times frequency

4: 4 times frequency

Default: 1x frequencyR/W×
SD421HSC0 frequency sampling time (ms)Calculate the sampling time of channel high speed counter frequency, default is 1000msR/W×
SD422HSC0 input filter setting (0.01us)The value ranges from 0 to 1700. The default value is 0R/W×
SD423DHSCS, DHSCR, DHSZ instructions use the priority setting of the HSC0channelThe value ranges from 0 to 2. The highest priority is 0. The default value is 0R/W×
SD430HSC1 current count value lowCurrent value of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 μ sR/W×
SD431HSC1 current count value highR/W×
SD432HSC1 current frequency lowCurrent frequency of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 µ sR/W×
SD433HSC1 current frequency highR/W×

HSC1 mode (display)

0: ordinary IO

1: Single phase counting

2: AB phase count

Default: General I/OR/W×

HSC1 frequency multiplication

1: 1 times frequency

2: 2 times frequency

4: 4 times frequency

Default: 1x frequencyR/W×
SD451HSC1 frequency sampling time (ms)Calculate the sampling time of channel high speed counter frequency, default is 1000msR/W×
SD452HSC1 input filter setting (0.01us)The value ranges from 0 to 1700. The default value is 0R/W×
SD453DHSCS, DHSCR, DHSZ instructions use the priority setting of the HSC1 channelThe value ranges from 0 to 2. The highest priority is 0. The default value is 0R/W×
SD460HSC2 current count value lowCurrent value of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 μ sR/W×
SD461HSC2 current count value highCurrent frequency of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 µ sR/W×
SD462HSC2 current frequency lowCurrent frequency of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 µ sR/W×
SD463HSC2 current high frequencyR/W×
SD464Reserved R/W×

HSC2 mode (display)

0: ordinary IO

1: Single phase counting

2: AB phase count

Default: General I/OR/W×

HSC2 frequency multiplication

1: 1 times frequency

2: 2 times frequency

4: 4 times frequency

Default: 1x frequencyR/W×
  Calculate the sampling time of channel high speed counter frequency, default is 1000msR/W×
SD481HSC2 frequency sampling time (ms)The value ranges from 0 to 1700. The default value is 0R/W×
SD482HSC2 input filter setting (0.01us)The value ranges from 0 to 2. The highest priority is 0. The default value is 0R/W×
SD483DHSCS, DHSCR, DHSZ instructions use the priority setting of the HSC2 channelThe value ranges from 0 to 2. The highest priority is 0. The default value is 0R/W×
SD490HSC3 current count value lowCurrent value of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 μ sR/W×
SD491HSC3 current count value highR/W×
SD492HSC3 current frequency lowCurrent frequency of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 µ sR/W×
SD493HSC3 current high frequencyR/W×
SD494Reserved R/W×

HSC3 mode (display)

0: ordinary IO

1: Single phase counting

2: AB phase count

Default: General I/OR/W×

HSC3 frequency multiplication

1: 1 times frequency

2: 2 times frequency

4: 4 times frequency

Default: 1x frequencyR/W×
SD511HSC3 frequency sampling time (ms)Calculate the sampling time of channel high speed counter frequency, default is 1000msR/W
SD512HSC3 input filter setting (0.01us)The value ranges from 0 to 1700. The default value is 0R/W
SD513DHSCS, DHSCR, DHSZ instructions use the priority setting of the HSC3 channelThe value ranges from 0 to 2. The highest priority is 0. The default value is 0R/W×
SD521HSC4 current count value high R/W×
SD522HSC4 current frequency lowCurrent frequency of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 µ sR/W×
SD523HSC4 current high frequencyR/W×
SD524Reserved R/W×

HSC4 mode (display)

0: ordinary IO

1: Single phase counting

2: AB phase count

Default: General I/OR/W×

HSC4 frequency multiplication

1: 1 times frequency

2: 2 times frequency

4: 4 times frequency

Default: 1x frequencyR/W×
SD541HSC4 frequency sampling time (ms)Calculate the sampling time of channel high speed counter frequency, default is 1000msR/W×
SD542HSC4 input filter setting (0.01us)The value ranges from 0 to 1700. The default value is 0R/W×
SD543DHSCS, DHSCR, DHSZ instructions use the priority setting of the HSC4 channelThe value ranges from 0 to 2. The highest priority is 0. The default value is 0R/W×
SD550HSC5 current count value lowCurrent value of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 μ sR/W×
SD551HSC5 current count value highR/W×
SD552HSC5 current frequency lowCurrent frequency of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 µ sR/W×
SD553HSC5 current frequency highR/W×
SD554Reserved R/W×

HSC5 mode (display)

0: ordinary IO

1: Single phase counting

2: AB phase count

Default: General I/OR/W×

HSC5 frequency multiplication

1: 1 times frequency

2: 2 times frequency

4: 4 times frequency

Default: 1x frequencyR/W×
SD571HSC5 frequency sampling time (ms)Calculate the sampling time of channel high speed counter frequency, default is 1000msR/W×
SD572HSC5 input filter setting (0.01us)The value ranges from 0 to 1700. The default value is 0R/W×
SD573DHSCS, DHSCR, DHSZ instructions use the priority setting of the HSC5 channelThe value ranges from 0 to 2. The highest priority is 0. The default value is 0R/W×
SD580HSC6 current count value lowCurrent value of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 μ sR/W×
SD581HSC6 current count value highR/W×
SD582HSC6 current frequency lowCurrent frequency of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 µ sR/W×
SD583HSC6 current frequency highR/W×
SD584Reserved R/W×

HSC6 mode (display)

0: ordinary IO

1: Single phase counting

2: AB phase count

Default: General I/OR/W×

HSC6 frequency multiplication

1: 1 times frequency

2: 2 times frequency

4: 4 times frequency

Default: 1x frequencyR/W×
SD601HSC6 frequency sampling time (ms)Calculate the sampling time of channel high speed counter frequency, default is 1000msR/W×
SD602HSC6 input filter setting (0.01us)The value ranges from 0 to 1700. The default value is 0R/W×
SD603DHSCS, DHSCR, DHSZ instructions use the priority setting of the HSC6 channelThe value ranges from 0 to 2. The highest priority is 0. The default value is 0R/W×
SD610HSC7 current count value lowCurrent value of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 μ sR/W×
SD611HSC7 current count value highR/W×
SD612HSC7 current frequency lowCurrent frequency of the memory channel high-speed counter, updated every 100 µ sR/W×
SD613HSC7 current frequency highR/W×
SD614Reserved R/W×

HSC7 mode (display)

0: ordinary IO

1: Single phase counting

2: AB phase count

Default: General I/OR/W×

HSC7 frequency multiplication

1: 1 times frequency

2: 2 times frequency

4: 4 times frequency

Default: 1x frequencyR/W×
SD631HSC7 frequency sampling time (ms)Calculate the sampling time of channel high speed counter frequency, default is 1000msR/W×
SD632HSC7 input filter setting (0.01us)Value ranges from 0 to 1700. The default value is 0R/W×
SD633ReservedThe value ranges from 0 to 2. The highest priority is 0. The default value is 0R/W×

Pulse output (positioning axis)

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD880CH1 positioning axis output low bitCount value of current high speed pulse outputR/W
SD881CH1 positioning axis output upper bitR/W
SD882Reserved R/W×
SD883Reserved R/W×
SD884CH1 current speed lower bitCurrent high speed pulse output frequencyR/W×
SD885CH1 current speed upper bitR/W×
SD886Reserved R/W×
SD887Reserved R/W×
SD888Reserved R/W×
SD889Reserved R/W×
SD890Reserved R/W×
SD891Reserved R/W×
SD892Reserved R/W×
SD893Reserved R/W×
SD894Reserved R/W×
SD895Reserved R/W×
SD896Reserved R/W×
SD897Reserved R/W×
SD898CH1 maximum speed (32 bits)Default: 100000HzR/W×
SD899CH1 maximum speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD900CH1 offset speed (32 bits)Default: 1HzR/W×
SD901CH1 offset speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD902CH1acceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD903CH1 deceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD904CH1 stop mode

0: slows down and stops

1: Stop immediately

SD905CH1 direction delay time (ms)Default: 0msR/W×
SD906CH1 external start signal (X register value)After the external start signal is enabled, set the input register, for example, SET X10 to 10. Default value: 0R/W×
SD907Reserved R/W×
SD908CH1 start speed (32 bits)Default: 0HzR/W×
SD909CH1 start speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD910Reserved R/W×
SD911Reserved R/W×
SD912Reserved R/W×
SD913Reserved R/W×
SD914Reserved R/W×
SD915Reserved R/W×
SD940CH2 positioning axis output low bitCount value of current high speed pulse outputR/W
SD941CH2 positioning axis output upper bitR/W
SD942Reserved R/W×
SD943Reserved R/W×
SD944CH2 current speed lower bitCurrent high speed pulse output frequencyR/W×
SD945CH2 current speed upper bitR/W×
SD946Reserved R/W×
SD947Reserved R/W×
SD948Reserved R/W×
SD949Reserved R/W×
SD950Reserved R/W×
SD951Reserved R/W×
SD952Reserved R/W×
SD953Reserved R/W×
SD954Reserved R/W×
SD955Reserved R/W×
SD956Reserved R/W×
SD957Reserved R/W×
SD958CH2 maximum speed (32 bits)Default: 100000HzR/W×
SD959CH2 maximum speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD960CH2 offset speed (32 bits)Default: 1HzR/W×
SD961CH2 offset speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD962CH2acceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD963CH2 deceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD964CH2 stop mode

0: slows down and stops

1: Stop immediately

SD965CH2 direction delay time (ms)Default: 0msR/W×
SD966CH2 external start signal (X register value)

After the external start signal is enabled, set the input register, for example, set X10 to 10.

Default: 0

SD967Reserved R/W×
SD968CH2 start speed (32 bits)Default: 0HzR/W×
SD969CH2 start speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD970Reserved R/W×
SD971Reserved R/W×
SD972Reserved R/W×
SD973Reserved R/W×
SD974Reserved R/W×
SD975Reserved R/W×
SD1000CH3 positioning axis output low bit (Configurable unit)Count value of current high speed pulse outputR/W×
SD1001CH3 positioning axis output upper bit (Configurable unit)R/W×
SD1002Reserved R/W×
SD1003Reserved R/W×
SD1004CH3 current speed lower bitCurrent high speed pulse output frequencyR/W×
SD1005CH3 current speed upper bitR/W×
SD1006Reserved R/W×
SD1007Reserved R/W×
SD1008Reserved R/W×
SD1009Reserved R/W×
SD1010Reserved R/W×
SD1011Reserved R/W×
SD1012Reserved R/W×
SD1013Reserved R/W×
SD1014Reserved R/W×
SD1015Reserved R/W×
SD1016Reserved R/W×
SD1017Reserved R/W×
SD1018CH3 maximum speed (32 bits)Default: 100000HzR/W×
SD1019CH3 maximum speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1020CH3 offset speed (32 bits)Default: 1HzR/W×
SD1021CH3 offset speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1022CH3acceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1023CH3 deceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1024CH3 stop mode

0: slows down and stops

1: Stop immediately

SD1025CH3 direction delay time (ms)Default: 0msR/W×
SD1026CH3 external start signal (X register value)After the external start signal is enabled, set the input register, for example, SET X10 to 10. Default value: 0R/W×
SD1027Reserved R/W×
SD1028CH3 start speed (32 bits)Default: 0HzR/W×
SD1029CH3 start speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1030Reserved R/W×
SD1031Reserved R/W×
SD1032Reserved R/W×
SD1033Reserved R/W×
SD1034Reserved R/W×
SD1035Reserved R/W×
SD1060CH4 positioning axis output low bitCount value of current high speed pulse outputR/W
SD1061CH4 positioning axis output upper bitR/W
SD1062Reserved R/W×
SD1063Reserved R/W×
SD1064CH4 current speed lower bitCurrent high speed pulse output frequencyR/W×
SD1065CH4 current speed upper bitR/W×
SD1066Reserved R/W×
SD1067Reserved R/W×
SD1068Reserved R/W×
SD1069Reserved R/W×
SD1070Reserved R/W×
SD1071Reserved R/W×
SD1072Reserved R/W×
SD1073Reserved R/W×
SD1074Reserved R/W×
SD1075Reserved R/W×
SD1076Reserved R/W×
SD1077Reserved R/W×
SD1078CH4 maximum speed (32 bits)Default: 100000HzR/W×
SD1079CH4 maximum speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1080CH4 offset speed (32 bits)Default: 1HzR/W×
SD1081CH4 offset speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1082CH4 acceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1083CH4 deceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1084CH4 stop mode

0: slows down and stops

1: Stop immediately

SD1085CH4 direction delay time (ms)Default: 0msR/W×
SD1086CH4 External start signal (X register value)After the external start signal is enabled, set the input register, for example, SET X10 to 10. Default value: 0R/W×
SD1087Reserved R/W×
SD1088CH4 start speed (32 bits)Default: 0HzR/W×
SD1089CH4 start speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1090Reserved R/W×
SD1091Reserved R/W×
SD1092Reserved R/W×
SD1093Reserved R/W×
SD1094Reserved R/W×
SD1095Reserved R/W×
SD1120CH5 positioning axis output low bitCount value of current high speed pulse outputR/W
SD1121CH5 positioning axis output upper bitR/W
SD1122Reserved R/W×
SD1123Reserved R/W×
SD1124CH5 current speed lower bitCurrent high speed pulse output frequencyR/W×
SD1125CH5 current speed upper bitR/W×
SD1126Reserved R/W×
SD1127Reserved R/W×
SD1128Reserved R/W×
SD1129Reserved R/W×
SD1130Reserved R/W×
SD1131Reserved R/W×
SD1132Reserved R/W×
SD1133Reserved R/W×
SD1134Reserved R/W×
SD1135Reserved R/W×
SD1136Reserved R/W×
SD1137Reserved R/W×
SD1138CH5 maximum speed (32 bits)Default: 100000HzR/W×
SD1139CH5 maximum speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1140CH5 offset speed (32 bits)Default: 1HzR/W×
SD1141CH5 offset speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1142CH5 acceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1143CH5 deceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1144CH5 stop mode

0: slows down and stops

1: Stop immediately

SD1145CH5 direction delay time (ms)Default: 0msR/W×
SD1146CH5 external start signal (X register value)After the external start signal is enabled, set the input register, for example, SET X10 to 10. Default value: 0R/W×
SD1147Reserved R/W×
SD1148CH5 start speed (32 bits)Default: 0HzR/W×
SD1149CH5 start speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1150Reserved R/W×
SD1151Reserved R/W×
SD1152Reserved R/W×
SD1153Reserved R/W×
SD1154Reserved R/W×
SD1155Reserved R/W×
SD1180CH6 positioning axis output low bitCount value of current high speed pulse outputR/W
SD1181CH6 positioning axis output upper bitR/W
SD1182Reserved R/W×
SD1183Reserved R/W×
SD1184CH6 current speed lower bitCurrent high speed pulse output frequencyR/W×
SD1185CH6 current speed upper bitR/W×
SD1186Reserved R/W×
SD1187Reserved R/W×
SD1188Reserved R/W×
SD1189Reserved R/W×
SD1190Reserved R/W×
SD1191Reserved R/W×
SD1192Reserved R/W×
SD1193Reserved R/W×
SD1194Reserved R/W×
SD1195Reserved R/W×
SD1196Reserved R/W×
SD1197Reserved R/W×
SD1198CH6 maximum speed (32 bits)Default: 100000HzR/W×
SD1199CH6 maximum speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1200CH6 offset speed (32 bits)Default: 1HzR/W×
SD1201CH6 offset speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1202CH6acceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1203CH6 deceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1204CH6 stop mode

0: slows down and stops

1: Stop immediately

SD1205CH6 direction delay time (ms)Default: 0msR/W×
SD1206CH6 external start signal (X register value)After the external start signal is enabled, set the input register, for example, SET X10 to 10. Default value: 0R/W×
SD1207Reserved R/W×
SD1208CH6 external start signal (X register value)Default: 0HzR/W×
SD1209CH6 start speed upper bit (32 bits)R/W×
SD1210Reserved R/W×
SD1211Reserved R/W×
SD1212Reserved R/W×
SD1213Reserved R/W×
SD1214Reserved R/W×
SD1215Reserved R/W×
SD1240CH7 positioning axis output low bitCount value of current high speed pulse outputR/W
SD1241CH7 positioning axis output upper bitR/W
SD1242Reserved R/W×
SD1243Reserved R/W×
SD1244CH7 current speed lower bitCurrent high speed pulse output frequencyR/W×
SD1245CH7 current speed upper bitR/W×
SD1246Reserved R/W×
SD1247Reserved R/W×
SD1248Reserved R/W×
SD1249Reserved R/W×
SD1250Reserved R/W×
SD1251Reserved R/W×
SD1252Reserved R/W×
SD1253Reserved R/W×
SD1254Reserved R/W×
SD1255Reserved R/W×
SD1256Reserved R/W×
SD1257Reserved R/W×
SD1258CH7 maximum speed (32 bits)Default: 100000HzR/W×
SD1259CH7 maximum speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1260CH7 offset speed (32 bits)Default: 1HzR/W×
SD1261CH7 offset speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1262CH7acceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1263CH7 deceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1264CH7 stop mode

0: slows down and stops

1: Stop immediately

SD1265CH7 direction delay time (ms)Default: 0msR/W×
SD1266CH7 external start signal (X register value)After the external start signal is enabled, set the input register, for example, SET X10 to 10. Default value: 0R/W×
SD1267Reserved R/W×
SD1268CH7 start speed low bit (32 bits)Default: 0HzR/W×
SD1269CH7 start speed high bit (32 bits)R/W×
SD1270Reserved R/W×
SD1271Reserved R/W×
SD1272Reserved R/W×
SD1273Reserved R/W×
SD1274Reserved R/W×
SD1275Reserved R/W×
SD1300CH8 positioning axis output low bitCount value of current high speed pulse outputR/W
SD1301CH8 positioning axis output upper bitR/W
SD1302Reserved R/W×
SD1303Reserved R/W×
SD1304CH8 current speed lower bitCurrent high speed pulse output frequencyR/W×
SD1305CH8 current speed upper bitR/W×
SD1306Reserved R/W×
SD1307Reserved R/W×
SD1308Reserved R/W×
SD1309Reserved R/W×
SD1310Reserved R/W×
SD1311Reserved R/W×
SD1312Reserved R/W×
SD1313Reserved R/W×
SD1314Reserved R/W×
SD1315Reserved R/W×
SD1316Reserved R/W×
SD1317Reserved R/W×
SD1318CH8 maximum speed (32 bits)Default: 100000HzR/W×
SD1319CH8 maximum speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1320CH8 offset speed (32 bits)Default: 1HzR/W×
SD1321CH8 offset speed (32 bits)R/W×
SD1322CH8 acceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1323CH8 deceleration time (16 bits)Default: 100msR/W×
SD1324CH8 stop mode

0: slows down and stops

1: Stop immediately

SD1325CH8 direction delay time (ms)Default: 0msR/W×
SD1326CH8 external start signal (X register value)After the external start signal is enabled, set the input register, for example, SET X10 to 10. Default value: 0R/W×
SD1327Reserved R/W×
SD1328CH8 start speed low bit (32 bits)Default: 0HzR/W×
SD1329CH8 start speed high bit (32 bits)R/W×
SD1330Reserved R/W×
SD1331Reserved R/W×
SD1332Reserved R/W×
SD1333Reserved R/W×
SD1334Reserved R/W×
SD1335Reserved R/W×

BD module

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
BD module 1 
SD2000BD1 TypeStores the type of the BD module currently connected)R×
SD2001BD1 versionStores the version number of the BD module currently connectedR×
SD2002BD1 last errorStores the last time Error code of the the currently connected BD moduleR×
SD2003BD1 current errorstore the current error code of the BD module currently connectedR×
SD2004BD1 error timesStores the number of errors recorded in BD module currently connectedR×
SD2010BD1 first valueValues stored on different BD modules have different meanings. For details, see the corresponding BD module descriptionR×
SD2011BD1 second valueR×
SD2012BD1 third valueR×
SD2013BD1 fourth valueR×
BD module 2
SD2020BD2 typeStores the type of the BD module currently connected)R×
SD2021BD2 versionStores the version number of the BD module currently connectedR×
SD2022BD2 last errorLast time Error code of the the currently connected BD moduleR×
SD2023BD2 current errorstore the current error code of the BD module currently connectedR×
SD2024BD2 error timesStores the number of errors recorded in BD module currently connectedR×
SD2030BD2 first valueValues stored on different BD modules have different meanings. For details, see the corresponding BD module descriptionR×
SD2031BD2 second valueR×
SD2032BD2 third valueR×
SD2033BD2 fourth valueR×

Right expansion module

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD2081Total number of modules connectedTotal number of currently connected right expansion modulesR×
SD2082Number of IO modulesNumber of connected I/O expansion modulesR×
SD2083Number of special expansion modulesNumber of special extension modules currently connectedR×
SD2084Which module started to go offline

-1: No module is offline

0: The first module is offline

1: The second module is offline, and so on


Input filtering

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD2280Input filter point setting, default 10msLow byte X0 to X3, high byte X4 to X7R/W×
SD2281Input filter point setting, default 10msLow byte X10 to X13, high byte X14 to X17R/W×
SD2282Input filter point setting, default 10msLow byte X20 to X23, high byte X24 to X27R/W×
SD2283Input filter point setting, default 10msLow byte X30 to X33, high byte X34 to X37R/W×
SD2284Input filter point setting, default 10msLow byte X40 to X43, high byte X44 to X47R/W×
SD2285Input filter point setting, default 10msLow byte X50 to X53, high byte X54 to X57R/W×
SD2286 to SD2287Input filter point setting, default 10ms......R/W×


SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
Communication com1
SD2540COM1 Communication port settingsDefault: Baud rate 115200, Stop bit 1, data bit 8, setting method for parity bit is not specified, but you may refer to the Description of the PROTPARA InstructionR/W
SD2541COM1 Serial port parameter modification identifierIf you need to modify serial port parameters in RUN, you must operate the modification identifier and write a correct identifier to make the modification successful. After the modification is successful, the value is automatically cleared. For details about the operation method, see Description of the PROTPARA Instruction.R/W
SD2542COM1 Protocol settings

0H : Wecon Modbus slave station

2H : ModbusRTU slave station

3H : ModbusASCII slave station

10H : User-defined protocol

20H : ModbusRTU Master station

30H : ModbusASCII Master station

SD2543COM1 Protocol modification logoIf the communication PROTOCOL needs to be modified in RUN, it must calculate the modification identifier and write the correct identifier to make the modification successful. After the modification is successful, the value is automatically cleared. For details, see the PROTOCOL instruction.R/W
SD2544COM1 Station number settingValue range: 0~255 Default value: 0R/W
SD2545COM1 Station number modification logoIf the communication STATION number needs to be modified in RUN, it must calculate the modification identifier and write the correct identifier to make the modification successful. After the modification is successful, the value will be cleared automatically. For the specific calculation method, see the STATION instruction.R/W
SD2546Sending interval 0.1ms R/W
SD2547Communication timeout setting 10ms R/W
SD2548COM1 Timeout retries R/W
SD2549COM1 Character interval timeout setting 0.1ms R/W
SD2550COM1 STX value R/W
SD2551COM1 ETX value R/W
SD2555In case of PLC upload and download timeout, the upload and download will be interrupted if the transmission does not continue after the timeout.Unit: 100ms, default: 300 (30s) 
SD2560The amount of data received by COM1 R
SD2561COM1 last error R
SD2562COM1 Current error R
SD2563COM1 Error steps R
SD2564COM1 Error station number R
SD2565COM1 Cumulative number of errors R
SD2566COM1 Number of error steps (double world) R
SD2567 R
SD2568Reserved R
SD2569Reserved R
SD2570Reserved R
SD2571Reserved R
Communication com2
SD2590COM2 Communication port settings

Default: Baud rate 115200, Stop bit 1, data bit 8, parity bit None

For details, see the description of the PROTPARA instruction.

SD2591COM2 Serial port parameter modification identifierIf you need to modify serial port parameters in RUN, you must calculate the modification identifier and write a correct identifier to make the modification successful. After the modification is successful, the value is automatically cleared. For details about the calculation method, see the PROTPARA instruction description.R/W
SD2592COM2 Protocol settings

0H: Wecon Modbus slave station

2H: ModbusRTU slave station

3H: ModbusASCII slave station

10H: User-defined protocol

20H: ModbusRTU master station

30H: ModbusASCII master station

SD2593COM2 Protocol modification logoIf the communication PROTOCOL needs to be modified in RUN, it must calculate the modification identifier and write the correct identifier to make the modification successful. After the modification is successful, the value is automatically cleared. For details, see the PROTOCOL instruction.R/W
SD2594COM2 Station number settingValue range: 0 to 255 Default value: 0R/W
SD2595Station number modification logoIf the communication STATION number needs to be modified in RUN, it must calculate the modification identifier and write the correct identifier to make the modification successful. After the modification is successful, the value will be cleared automatically. For the specific calculation method, see the STATION instruction.R/W
SD2596Sending intervalUnit: 0.1ms, Default: 0R/W
SD2597Communication timeout settingUnit: 10ms,Default: 100msR/W
SD2598COM2 Timeout retriesDefault: 0R/W
SD2599COM2 Character interval timeout setting 0.1msUnit: 0.1ms, Default: 10(1ms)R/W
SD2600COM2 user-defined protocol starting symbolDefault: 0R/W
SD2601COM2 user-defined protocol end symbolDefault: 0R/W
SD2610The amount of data received by COM2Amount of data received by the storage serial portR×
SD2611COM2 last errorStores the last communication error codeR×
SD2612COM2 Current errorStores the current communication error codeR×
SD2613COM2 Error stepsStores the number of steps in the ladder diagram for the current communication errorR×
SD2614COM2 Error station numberThe station number that stores the current communication errorR×
SD2615COM2 Cumulative number of errorsStores the accumulative number of communication errorsR×

List of special devices related to Ethernet

SD numberNameContentR/W



SD2680The 1st byte of IP addressLocal IP addressR/W
SD2681The 2nd byte of IP addressR/W
SD2682The 3rd byte of IP addressR/W
SD2683The 4th byte of IP addressR/W
SD2684The 1st byte of subnet maskLocal subnet maskR/W
SD2685The 2nd byte of subnet maskR/W
SD2686The 3rd byte of subnet maskR/W
SD2687The 4th byte of subnet maskR/W
SD2688The 1st byte of default gatewayLocal default gatewayR/W
SD2689The 2nd byte of default gatewayR/W
SD2690The 3rd byte of default gatewayR/W
SD2691The 4th byte of default gatewayR/W
SD2692The 1st byte of MAC addressLocal MAC addressR/W
SD2693The 2nd byte of MAC addressR/W
SD2694The 3rd byte of MAC addressR/W
SD2695The 4th byte of MAC addressR/W
SD2696The 5th byte of MAC addressR/W
SD2697The 6th byte of MAC addressR/W
SD2700Communication speed

0: 100Mbps/half-duplex

1: 100Mbps/full duplex

2: 10Mbps/half-duplex

3: 10Mbps/full duplex

SD2702The maximum connection number supported by ModbusTCP serverThe maximum client connection number supported by local ModbusTCP serverR/W×
SD2703Number of ModbusTCP connectionsNumber of local ModbusTCP connectionsR×
SD2710Error codeEthernet error codeR×
SD2711The socket ID of the error this time

-1: system default ModbusTCP server

0 to 5: custom socket error

SD2720Input the low bit of the number of ping requestsNumber of external input ping commandR×
SD2721Input the high bit of the number of ping requestsR×
SD2722Input the low bit of the number of ping repliesNumber of replies to external ping commandsR×
SD2723Input the high bit of the number of ping repliesR×
SD2724Output the low bit of the number of ping requestsNumber of ping commands sentR×
SD2725Output the high bit of the number of ping requestsR×
SD2726Output the low bit of the number of ping repliesNumber of replies after receiving the ping commandR×
SD2727OUtput the high bit of the number of ping repliesR×
SD2728The sending number of arp packageCount the sending number of arp packageR×
SD2729The receiving number of arp packageCount the receiving number of arp packageR×
SD2730The sending number of IP packageCount the sending number of IP packageR×
SD2731The receiving number of IP packageCount the receiving number of IP packageR×
SD2732The sending number of tcp packageCount the sending number of tcp packageR×
SD2733The receiving number of tcp packageCount the receiving number of tcp packageR×
SD2734The sending number of udp packageCount the sending number of udp packageR×
SD2735The receiving number of udp packageCount the receiving number of udp packageR×
SD2740Connection 1 Local port numberThe first of ModbusTCP client to connect to this PLC connection information and errorsR×
SD2741Connection 1 The 1st byte of IP addressR×
SD2742Connection 1 The 2nd byte of IP addressR×
SD2743Connection 1 The 3rd byte of IP addressR×
SD2744Connection 1 The 4th byte of IP addressR×
SD2745Connection 1 Peer port numberR×
SD2748Connection 1 Error codeR×
SD2749Connection 1 Error communication times low wordR×
SD2750Connection 1 Error communication times high wordR×
SD2760Connection 2 Local port numberThe second of ModbusTCP client to connect to this PLC connection information and errorsR×
SD2761Connection 2 The 1st byte of IP addressR×
SD2762Connection 2 The 2nd byte of IP addressR×
SD2763Connection 2 The 3rd byte of IP addressR×
SD2764Connection 2 The 4th byte of IP addressR×
SD2765Connection 2 Port numberR×
SD2768Connection 2 Error codeR×
SD2769Connection 2 Error communication times low wordR×
SD2770Connection 2 Error communication times high wordR×
SD2780Connection 3 Local port numberThe third of ModbusTCP client to connect to this PLC connection information and errorsR×
SD2781Connection 3 The 1st byte of IP addressR×
SD2782Connection 3 The 2nd byte of IP addressR×
SD2783Connection 3 The 3rd byte of IP addressR×
SD2784Connection 3 The 4th byte of IP addressR×
SD2785Connection 3 Peer port numberR×
SD2788Connection 3 Error codeR×
SD2789Connection 3 Error communication times low wordR×
SD2780Connection 3 Error communication times high wordR×

Log information

SD labelNameContentR/WPower-down data preservation
SD4000Lower bit of ladder diagram writing numberTotal download times of storage ladder diagram, power off preservationR
SD4001Higher bit of ladder diagram writing numberR
SD4002Lower bit of PLC parameter writing numberTotal download times of storage parameters, power off preservationR
SD4003Higher bit of PLC parameter writing numberR
SD4004Lower bit of password writing numberStore the total times of writing password, power off preservationR
SD4005Higher bit of password writing numberR
SD4006Lower bit of comment writing numberStore the total times of downloading comment, power off preservationR
SD4007Lower bit of comment writing numberR
SD4008Lower bit of total startup timesStore the total number of PLC startup times, power off preservationR
SD4009Higher bit of total startup timesR
SD4010Lower bit of total startup timeStore the total startup time of PLC, power off preservation, unit sR
SD4011Higher bit of total startup timeR
SD4012Lower bit of total startup RUN timeStore the total number of PLC startup times, power off preservationR
SD4013Higher bit of total startup RUN timeR
SD4014Lower bit of this startup RUN timeStore the total startup time of PLC, power off preservation, unit sR×
SD4015Lower bit of this startup RUN timeR×

Appendix 3 Error code Sorting

PLC hardware error

Error codeInstructionActionTreatment planDetection time
1000PLC power supply voltage is abnormalStop running PWR light is offPrompt that the power supply is abnormal, please replace the power supplyAlways
1100Watchdog timeoutStop runningThe scan time of the program exceeds the watchdog timeout time setting. Modify the setting value of the timeout time (SD122) or the program.Always
1200FLASH write times exceed limit (information display of read times of upper computer, SD4000 double word)Stop runningThe number of FLASH writes exceeds 20,000, and the PLC needs to be replacedWhen downloading the program
1201Failed to read production informationStop runningFLASH is damaged, PLC needs to be replacedWhen STOP→RUN
1380It is detected that the battery voltage is too low, which will affect the power-down retention Deviceskeep running

• Confirm the battery connection.

• Replace the battery in time.

When the END instruction is executed
1382User-defined exceptionkeep runningNo need to deal withWhen the END instruction is executed

Circuit program execution error

Error codeInstructionActionTreatment planDetection time
1400Program abnormality caused by STOP→RUNStop runningCheck whether the parameter configuration is incorrectly configured, and whether the Circuit program uses an unsupported instruction.When STOP→RUN
1401Program exception caused by STOPStop runningSTOP
1402The execution of the Circuit program is caused by the program exceptionStop runningWhen the Circuit program is running
1403Program abnormality caused by RUN→STOPStop runningWhen RUN→STOP
1500Circuit program conversion is executed in the END instruction OUT T label is wrongStop runningDetect OUT T instruction in Circuit programWhen the END instruction is executed
1501Null pointer errorStop runningCheck whether an undefined program name is usedWhen initializing

PLC parameter error

Error codeInstructionActionTreatment planDetection time
2000Number of I/O points allocated by program is different from the actual number of hardware I/O pointsStop runningCheck the configuration of I/O pointsWhen STOP→RUN
2001Set the parameters of the standard input and output module for the high-speed pulse input and output moduleStop runningCheck input point parameter configurationWhen STOP→RUN
2002The installed expansion module exceeds the maximum numberStop runningReduce the installation of expansion modulesWhen STOP→RUN
2003X point multiplexing, the same point is used as AB phase high-speed input, but also as one-way input or interrupt inputStop runningCheck input mode configurationWhen STOP→RUN
2004Configure high-speed input IO error, CNTCFG instruction parameter writeStop runningCheck the value of parameter 1 of CNTCFGCommand runtime
2100Memory capacity setting errorStop runningCheck the memory capacity settingWhen STOP→RUN
2101Wrong setting of holding areaStop runningCheck the setting of the holding registerWhen STOP→RUN
2102Setting of the comment area is wrongStop runningCheck the annotation settingsWhen STOP→RUN
2103File register area setting errorStop runningCheck file storage area settingsWhen STOP→RUN
2200Inconsistent program verificationStop runningThe upper and lower computer programs are inconsistent, please upload or download againWhen STOP→RUN
2201Inconsistent check sums of special parametersStop runningThe upper and lower computer parameters are inconsistent, please upload or download againWhen STOP→RUN
2202Special parameter setting errorStop runningCheck the settings of special parametersWhen STOP→RUN
2203PLC EDITOR2 and PLC firmware version are inconsistentStop runningPlease check the correspondence table between PLC EDITOR2 and firmware version, reinstall PLC EDITOR2 or upgrade firmwareWhen STOP→RUN
2380The current scan period exceeds the constant scan period setting valuekeep runningModify the constant scan period settingWhen the END instruction is executed
2400Event exceeds maximum rangeStop runningCheck whether the event setting exceeds 100When STOP→RUN
2401Event executor is emptyStop runningWhether to establish the correct event procedureWhen STOP→RUN
2402Event clearer is emptyStop runningWhether to establish the correct event procedureWhen STOP→RUN
2403Timed interrupt exceeds the maximum rangeStop runningCheck whether the timer interrupt setting exceeds 100When STOP→RUN
2404Timed interrupt execution program is emptyStop runningWhether to establish the correct timing interrupt programWhen STOP→RUN
2405Timed interrupt priority setting errorStop runningCheck whether the timer interrupt priority is set to 0 to 2When STOP→RUN
2406High-speed counting interrupt exceeds the maximum rangeStop runningCheck whether the high-speed counting interrupt setting exceeds 100When STOP→RUN
2407High-speed counting interrupt execution program is emptyStop runningWhether to establish the correct high-speed counting interrupt programWhen STOP→RUN
2408High-speed counter priority setting errorStop runningCheck whether the high-speed counting interrupt priority is set to 0 to 2When STOP→RUN
2409Input interruption exceeds the maximum rangeStop runningCheck whether the external interrupt setting exceeds 16When STOP→RUN
240AInput interrupt execution program is emptyStop runningWhether to establish the correct external interrupt programWhen STOP→RUN
240BInput interrupt priority setting errorStop runningCheck whether the external interrupt priority is set to 0 to 2When STOP→RUN
2500High-speed counter channel exceeds the maximum range*/Stop runningDetect high-speed input configurationWhen STOP→RUN
2501High-speed counter mode setting error*/Stop runningDetect high-speed input configurationWhen STOP→RUN
2502The multiplication setting of the high-speed counter is wrong*/Stop runningDetect high-speed input configurationWhen STOP→RUN
2503The counting direction of the high-speed counter is set incorrectly*/Stop runningDetect high-speed input configurationWhen STOP→RUN
2504High-speed counter interrupts were used, but high-speed counters were not turned on using OUT HSC instructions, and values of HSC soft components were modifiedkeep runningCheck to see if there are contacts to turn off the OUT HSC instruction100us interrupt execution time
2580After the high-speed counter is turned on, but the axis high-speed counter enable is not configuredkeep runningView project management→parameters→high-speed counting configurationWhen OUT HSC instruction is executed
2581High-speed counter interrupts were used, but high-speed counters were not turned on using OUT HSC instructions, and values of HSC soft components were modifiedkeep runningSee if there are any contacts that have the OUT HSC instruction turned off100us interrupt execution time
2582The REF instruction was used to refresh the speedometer value, but no OUT HSC instruction was used to turn on the high-speed counter for the channelkeep running

1. View project management → Parameters → High-speed counting configuration → Whether to use

2. Check if there are any contacts with OUT HSC instruction turned off

When the REF instruction is executed
2600High-speed counter conflicts with the interrupted X pointStop runningDetect high-speed input or external interrupt configurationWhen STOP→RUN

PLC communication error

Error codeInstructionActionTreatment planDetection time
3080COM1 data receiving errorkeep runningThere may be interference on the communication line, it is recommended to connect the ground wire.When the instruction is executed
3081COM1 data receiving timeoutkeep running

Check the wiring, check whether the serial port parameter settings correspond to master and slave, and check whether there is interference.

Check whether the slave station is too late to respond. For this reason, you can try to increase the sending interval SD2546.

When the instruction is executed
3082COM1 CRC check errorkeep runningThere may be interference on the communication line, it is recommended to connect the ground wire.When the instruction is executed
3083COM1 LRC check errorkeep runningThere may be interference on the communication line, it is recommended to connect the ground wire.When the instruction is executed
3084COM1 station number configuration errorkeep runningCheck the slave station number setting. And check whether there is any problem with the receiving and sending mechanism from the station.When the instruction is executed
3085COM1 send buffer overflowkeep runningContact a technician if this error occursWhen the instruction is executed
3086COM1 function code errorkeep runningCheck whether the set function code is a function code supported by PLCWhen the instruction is executed
3087COM1 address errorkeep runningCheck whether the slave station has this address (please refer to Modbus Abnormal 02)When the instruction is executed
3088COM1 length errorkeep runningCheck whether the communication length exceeds the Modbus rangeWhen the instruction is executed
3089COM1 data errorkeep running

Check the parameters of the instruction for errors.

Check whether the slave station supports the setting of this value. (Please refer to Modbus exception 03)

When the instruction is executed
308ACOM1 slave is busyKeep runningSlave station returns information: Slave station is busy (please refer to Modbus Abnormal 06)When the instruction is executed
308BCOM1 slave does not support function codeskeep runningCheck whether the slave station supports this function code (please refer to Modbus exception 01)When the instruction is executed
308CCOM1 slave failurekeep runningSlave station returns information: Slave station is faulty, please check whether the slave station is faulty (please refer to Modbus Abnormal 04))When the instruction is executed
308DCOM1 slave confirmationkeep runningSlave station return information: slave station confirmation (please refer to Modbus abnormal 05)When the instruction is executed
308E keep running When the instruction is executed
308FCOM1 sending timeoutkeep runningContact a technician if this error occursWhen the instruction is executed
3090Receive buffer overflowkeep runningCheck if the other device is sending data all the timeWhen the instruction is executed
30A0COM1 unavailable gatewaykeep runningReturned information from the station: unavailable gateway (please refer to Modbus exception 0A)When the instruction is executed
30A1COM1 indicates that no response was obtained from the target device. Usually means that the device is not in the networkkeep runningSlave station returns information: soft components is not in the network (please refer to Modbus exception 0B)When the instruction is executed
3180COM2 data receiving errorkeep runningThere may be interference on the communication line, it is recommended to connect the ground wire.When the instruction is executed
3181COM2 data receiving timeoutkeep running

Check the wiring, check whether the serial port parameter settings correspond to master and slave. Check whether there is interference.

Check whether the slave station is too late to respond. For this reason, you can try to increase the sending interval SD2546.

When the instruction is executed
3182COM2 CRC check errorkeep runningThere may be interference on the communication line, it is recommended to connect the ground wire.When the instruction is executed
3183COM2 LRC check errorkeep runningThere may be interference on the communication line, it is recommended to connect the ground wire.When the instruction is executed
3184COM2 station number configuration errorkeep runningCheck the slave station number setting. And check whether there is any problem with the receiving and sending mechanism from the station.When the instruction is executed
3185COM2 send buffer overflowkeep runningContact a technician if this error occursWhen the instruction is executed
3186COM2 function code errorkeep runningCheck whether the set function code is a function code supported by PLCWhen the instruction is executed
3187COM2 address errorkeep runningCheck whether the slave station has this address (please refer to Modbus Abnormal 02)When the instruction is executed
3188COM2 length errorkeep runningCheck whether the communication length exceeds the Modbus rangeWhen the instruction is executed
3189COM2 data errorkeep running

Check the parameters of the instruction for errors.

Check whether the slave station supports the setting of this value. (Please refer to Modbus exception 03)

When the instruction is executed
318ACOM2 slave is busykeep runningSlave station returns information: Slave station is busy (please refer to Modbus Abnormal 06)When the instruction is executed
318BCOM2 slave does not support function codeskeep runningCheck whether the slave station supports this function code (please refer to Modbus exception 01)When the instruction is executed
318CCOM2 slave failurekeep runningSlave station returns information: Slave station is faulty, please check whether the slave station is faulty (please refer to Modbus Abnormal 04))When the instruction is executed
318DCOM2 slave confirmationkeep runningSlave station return information: slave station confirmation (please refer to Modbus abnormal 05)When the instruction is executed
318E keep running When the instruction is executed
318FCOM2 sending timeoutkeep runningContact a technician if this error occursWhen the instruction is executed
31A0COM2 unavailable gatewaykeep runningReturned information from the station: unavailable gateway (please refer to Modbus exception 0A)When the instruction is executed
31A1COM2 indicates that no response was obtained from the target device. Usually means that the device is not in the networkkeep runningSlave station returns information: soft components is not in the network (please refer to Modbus exception 0B)When the instruction is executed
31C0PLCLINK meter header exceptionkeep runningDownload the program againWhen the instruction or function is applied
31C1The communication port does not support PLCLINK for the functionkeep runningUpgrade firmwareWhen the instruction or function is applied
31C2PLCLINK table version is not compatiblekeep runningDownload the program againWhen the instruction or function is applied
31C3The number of PLCLINK commands is out of range. The current limit is 1 to 255 articles.keep runningCheck the number of commandsWhen the instruction or function is applied
31C4The station number in the PLCLINK form is out of rangekeep runningCheck the site number in the formWhen the instruction or function is applied
31C5The PLCLINK form is outside the scope of the software componentkeep runningCheck the range of software components corresponding to the tableWhen the instruction or function is applied
31C6The PLCLINK form command uses software components that are out of rangekeep runningCheck the software components used for each command in the tableWhen the instruction or function is applied

PLC operation error

Error codeInstructionActionProcessing schemeDetection time
3680Ethernet data reception errorKeep runningCheck the environment for interference.When the instruction is executed
3681Ethernet data reception timeoutKeep running

Check whether the network cable is loose.

Check whether the network opposite end is faulty and cannot send data.

Check whether the network opposite end is not responding in time and the data is too late.

For this reason, try increasing the receive timeout in the socket configuration.

When the instruction is executed
3684ModbusTCP station number configuration errorKeep running

Check the setting of slave station number.

Check whether there is a problem with the receiving and sending mechanism of the slave station.

When the instruction is executed
3685ModbusTCP send buffer overflowKeep runningContact the technician for the errorWhen the instruction is executed
3686ModbusTCP function code errorKeep runningCheck whether the function code set is supported by the PLC.When the instruction is executed
3687ModbusTCP address errorKeep running

Check whether the slave station has the address.

(Please refer to Modbus abnormality 02)

When the instruction is executed
3688ModbusTCP length errorKeep runningCheck whether the communication length exceeds the range of Modbus.When the instruction is executed
3689ModbusTCP data errorKeep running

Check whether the parameter of instruction is incorrect.

Check whether the value set is supported by slave. (Please refer to Modbus abnormality 03)

When the instruction is executed
368AModbusTCP slave station is busyKeep running

Slave returns message: Slave is busy.

(Please refer to Modbus abnormality 06)

When the instruction is executed
368BModbusTCP slave station does not support function codeKeep runningCheck whether the function code is supported by slave. (Please refer to Modbus abnormality 01)When the instruction is executed
368CModbusTCP slave station faultKeep running

Slave returns message: Slave is faulty.

(Please refer to Modbus abnormality 04)

When the instruction is executed
368DModbusTCP slave station confirmationKeep running

Slave returns message: Slave confirmation.

(Please refer to Modbus abnormality 05)

When the instruction is executed
368EModbusTCP protocol currently does not support this instructionKeep runningRS instruction could not be used when set to slave protocol. Please change protocol or close the contact before the RS instruction.When the instruction is executed
368FNetwork port sending timeoutKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
3690Receiving cache overflowKeep runningCheck whether the other device has been sending data.When the instruction is executed
36A0ModbusTCP unavailable gatewayKeep running

Slave returns message: Unavailable gateway.

(Please refer to Modbus abnormality 0A)

When the instruction is executed
36A1ModbusTCP No response was received from the target device. Generally it means that the device is not on the network.Keep running

Slave returns message: The device is not on the network.

(Please refer to Modbus abnormality 0B)

When the instruction is executed
36C0ModbusTCP transaction identifier errorKeep runningCheck whether the network is congested and data cannot be received.When the instruction is executed
36C1ModbusTCP The server is full of available linksKeep runningCheck whether SD2702 and SD2703 have too many clients to link.When the instruction is executed
36C8The Ethernet protocol stack is running out of spaceKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36C9The number of links exceeded the limitKeep runningCheck whether the total number of links exceeds the limit.When the instruction is executed
36CAThe last sending is not completeKeep runningUse the send completion flag to judge the current send is complete before sending the next one.When the instruction is executed
36CBTCP abnormal writeKeep runningUse flag bit device to judge whether the connection is normal. If not, not data is sent. For example, after the closing flag is set,no data is sent.When the instruction is executed
36CCTCP abnormal outputKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36CDThe IP address has been usedKeep runningCheck whether a connection using the same address information exists.When the instruction is executed
36CEThe server receiving link errorKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36CFTCP receiving buffer overflowKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36D0TCP connection failedKeep runningThe TCP client may be enabled when the network cable is not connected.When the instruction is executed
36D1Abnormal when closing the link initiativelyKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36D2An abnormal shutdown occurred inside the protocol stackKeep runningIt may be closed because of no response for a long time. Check whether the opposite end is online, and whether it could be pinged.When the instruction is executed
36D3Initiate an RST link on the opposite endKeep running

Check whether the opposite end initiates an abnormal shutdown.

As a client, the number of links on the opposite end iis full or the port on the opposite end is not opened.

When the instruction is executed
36D4A single-ended shutdown of the protocol stack occursKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36D5There is an IP address conflictKeep runningThere are the same IP devices in the LAN, please change the IP address.When the instruction is executed
36D6There is an MAC address conflictKeep runningThere are the same MAC devices in the LAN, please change the MAC address.When the instruction is executed
36D7TCP sending buffer overflowKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36D8UDP abnormal connectionKeep runningIP address and port number may have been used.When the instruction is executed
36D9UDP sending buffer overflowKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36DAUDP insufficient memory space when sendingKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36DBUDP failed to sendKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36DCUDP memory release failureKeep runningContact the technician for the error.When the instruction is executed
36DDUDP receiving buffer overflowKeep runningThe data length that UDP received exceeds the limit value 512.When the instruction is executed
4080The divisor in the division instruction is 0Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4081Application instruction calculation data overflowKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4082A data type that cannot be converted is entered in the application instructionKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4083Any data of -0, non-normalized number, non-number, and ±∞ is input in the application commandKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4084Data beyond the specified range is entered in the application instruction (for example, parameter 1 is specified as 0 ~ 1, setting 2)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4085The output result in the read application instruction exceeds device range (for example, the maximum D7999 of the D device, and D8000 is used)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4086The output result in the writing application instruction exceeds device range (for example, the maximum D7999 of the D device, and D8000 is used)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4087The application instruction parameter uses an unsupported deviceKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4088Multiple application instructions use the same axis at the same time and all have been activatedKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4089The number of application instructions exceeds the limitKeep runningCheck whether a restricted instruction is used in the Circuit program and exceeds the limitWhen the application instruction is executed
408AThe read length of the string exceeds, the continuous length of the string exceeds the limit (currently 400) or exceeds the limit within the instructionKeep runningModify the length of the read stringWhen the application instruction is executed
408BWhen the character string is read, the maximum range of device is read, but 00H is not found.Keep runningView string terminatorWhen the application instruction is executed
408EMultiple application instruction parameters use the same device, but the instruction does not allow device multiplexingKeep runningCheck whether the DUTY command uses the same SM for outputWhen the application instruction is executed
408FThe firmware used does not support this command, please upgrade to the latest firmwareKeep runningUpgrade to firmware that contains the instructionWhen the application instruction is executed
4100The number of FOR ~ NEXT instructions used does not correspond or FOR ~ NEXT exceeds the maximum nesting levelKeep runningModify the corresponding relationship of the FOR ~ NEXT instruction of the Circuit programWhen NEXT and END instructions are executed
4180There is no jump destination address of CJ or CALL, the result of index modification, the label is not defined, and P63 is executed in the CALL instruction when it is other than P0 to P4095. Because P63 is a label to jump to END, it cannot be used in the CALL instructionKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4181CJ instruction exceeds the maximum nesting levelKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4102CALL instruction exceeds the maximum nesting levelKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4183Break exceeds maximum nesting levelKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4185EI instruction popping errorKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4186BREAK is not in the FOR ~ NEXT commandKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4187MC ~ MCR exceeds the maximum nesting rangeKeep runningView the nesting relationship of MC and MCRWhen the application instruction is executed
4188When using N in the MC nesting structure, the order from small to large is not followedKeep runningModify the N nesting corresponding to MCWhen the application instruction is executed
4189SIMASK instruction specifies an unset interruptKeep runningModify the interrupt name specified by SIMASK or the interrupt configurationWhen the application instruction is executed
4D80The sampling time (Ts) exceeds the target range (Ts≦0)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D81The input filter constant (α) exceeds the target range (α<0 or 1025 < α)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D82The maximum ascent rate (deltaT) exceeds the target range (deltaT <0 or 32000 ≦ deltaT)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D83The proportional gain (Kp) exceeds the target range (Kp<0)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D84The integral gain (Ki) exceeds the target range (Ki<0)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D85Differential gain (Kd) exceeds the target range (Kd<0)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D86Sampling time (Ts)<operation periodKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D87The proportional gain (Kp) exceeds the target range (Kp<1 or Kp>3000)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D88The integration time (Ti) exceeds the target range (Ti<0 or Ti>3600)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D89Differential time (Td) exceeds the target range (Td<0 or Td>1000)Keep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4D90PID output upper limit is less than lower limitKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the application instruction is executed
4E80E-cam table loading errorKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the instruction is executed
4E81The currently numbered form has a cam in useKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the instruction is executed
4E82Form address errorKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the instruction is executed
4E83Table exceeds device rangeKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the instruction is executed
4EC0Electronic gear ratio setting errorKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the instruction is executed
4F80DHSZ instruction minimum range >= maximum rangeKeep runningModify application instruction parametersWhen the instruction is executed
4F81DHSCS, DHSCR, DHSZ commands are enabled but high-speed counter counting is not enabled with OUT HSC instructionKeep running

1. View project management → Parameters → High-speed counting configuration → Whether to use

2. Check if there are any contacts with OUT HSC command turned off

When the instruction is executed

Right expansion module error (communication error reported)

Error codeInstructionActionTreatment planDetection time
7080Expansion module and check errorkeep runningDetect the connection between the expansion module and the host or whether there is external interferenceCommand runtime
7081Expansion module communication message is abnormalkeep runningDetect the connection between the expansion module and the host or whether there is external interferenceCommand runtime
7082FROM/TO instruction errorkeep runningCheck the link between the expansion module and the hostCommand runtime
7083Expansion module access exceptionkeep runningCheck the link between the expansion module and the hostCommand runtime

Appendix 4 ASCII code comparison table 

ASCII code comparison table

0000 0000000x00NUL(null)Null character
0000 0001110x01SOH(start of headline)Start of headline
0000 0010220x02STX (start of text)Start of text
0000 0011330x03ETX (end of text)End of text
0000 0100440x04EOT (end of transmission)End of transmission
0000 0101550x05ENQ (enquiry)Enquiry
0000 0110660x06ACK (acknowledge)Acknowledge
0000 0111770x07BEL (bell)Bell
0000 10001080x08BS (backspace)Backspace
0000 10011190x09HT (horizontal tab)Horizontal tab
0000 101012100x0ALF (NL line feed, new line)Line feed
0000 101113110x0BVT (vertical tab)Vertical tab
0000 110014120x0CFF (NP form feed, new page)Form feed
0000 110115130x0DCR (carriage return)Enter key
0000 111016140x0ESO (shift out)No need to switch
0000 111117150x0FSI (shift in)Enable to switch
0001 000020160x10DLE (data link escape)data link escape
0001 000121170x11DC1 (device control 1)Device control 1
0001 001022180x12DC2 (device control 2)Device control 2
0001 001123190x13DC3 (device control 3)Device control 3
0001 010024200x14DC4 (device control 4)Device control 4
0001 010125210x15NAK (negative acknowledge)Decline to receive
0001 011026220x16SYN (synchronous idle)Synchronous idle
0001 011127230x17ETB (end of trans. block)Ends the transfer block
0001 100030240x18CAN (cancel)Cancel
0001 100131250x19EM (end of medium)End of medium
0001 101032260x1ASUB (substitute)Substitute
0001 101133270x1BESC (escape)Escape
0001 110034280x1CFS (file separator)File separator
0001 110135290x1DGS (group separator)Group separator
0001 111036300x1ERS (record separator)Record separator
0001 111137310x1FUS (unit separator)Unit separator
0010 000040320x20(space)Space
0010 000141330x21!!
0010 001042340x22""
0010 001143350x23##
0010 010044360x24$$
0010 010145370x25%%
0010 011046380x26&&
0010 011147390x27''
0010 100050400x28((
0010 100151410x29))
0010 101052420x2A**
0010 101153430x2B++
0010 110054440x2C,,
0010 110155450x2D--
0010 111056460x2E..
0010 111157470x2F//
0011 000060480x3000
0011 000161490x3111
0011 001062500x3222
0011 001163510x3333
0011 010064520x3444
0011 010165530x3555
0011 011066540x3666
0011 011167550x3777
0011 100070560x3888
0011 100171570x3999
0011 101072580x3A::
0011 101173590x3B;;
0011 110074600x3C<<
0011 110175610x3D  
0011 111076620x3E>>
0011 111177630x3F??
0100 0000100640x40@@
0100 0001101650x41AA
0100 0010102660x42BB
0100 0011103670x43CC
0100 0100104680x44DD
0100 0101105690x45EE
0100 0110106700x46FF
0100 0111107710x47GG
0100 1000110720x48HH
0100 1001111730x49II
0100 1011113750x4BKK
0100 1100114760x4CLL
0100 1101115770x4DMM
0100 1110116780x4ENN
0100 1111117790x4FOO
0101 0000120800x50PP
0101 0001121810x51QQ
0101 0010122820x52RR
0101 0011123830x53SS
0101 0100124840x54TT
0101 0101125850x55UU
0101 0110126860x56VV
0101 0111127870x57WW
0101 1000130880x58XX
0101 1001131890x59YY
0101 1010132900x5AZZ
0101 1011133910x5B[[
0101 1100134920x5C\\
0101 1101135930x5D]]
0101 1110136940x5E^^
0101 1111137950x5F__
0110 0000140960x60``
0110 0001141970x61aa
0110 0010142980x62bb
0110 0011143990x63cc
0110 01001441000x64dd
0110 01011451010x65ee
0110 01101461020x66ff
0110 01111471030x67gg
0110 10001501040x68hh
0110 10011511050x69ii
0110 10101521060x6Ajj
0110 10111531070x6Bkk
0110 11001541080x6Cll
0110 11011551090x6Dmm
0110 11101561100x6Enn
0110 11111571110x6Foo
0111 00001601120x70pp
0111 00011611130x71qq
0111 00101621140x72rr
0111 00111631150x73ss
0111 01001641160x74tt
0111 01011651170x75uu
0111 01101661180x76vv
0111 01111671190x77ww
0111 10001701200x78xx
0111 10011711210x79yy
0111 10101721220x7Azz
0111 10111731230x7B{{
0111 11001741240x7C||
0111 11011751250x7D}}
0111 11101761260x7E~~
0111 11111771270x7FDEL (delete)Delete

Appendix 5 Instruction list

Application instruction (by instruction type)

ClassificationInstructionFunctionLX5VReference page
Program flow instructionLDNormally open contact operation start instruction29
LDINormally closed contact operation start instruction29
ANDNormally open contact series connection instruction29
ANINormally closed contact series connection instruction29
ORone normally open contact parallel connection instruction29
ORIone normally closed contact parallel connection instruction29
LDPRising edge pulse operation start instruction33
LDFFalling edge pulse operation start instruction33
ANDPRising edge pulse series connection instruction33
ANDFFalling edge pulse series connection instruction33
ORPRising edge pulse parallel connection instruction33
ORFFalling edge pulse parallel connection instruction33
ANBLadder diagram block series connection instruction37
ORBLadder diagram block parallel connection instruction37
MPSOperation result push, read, pop38
MRDOperation result push, read, pop38
MPPOperation result push, read, pop38
INVInvert the result of the operation39
MEPPulse the result of the operation40
MEFPulse the result of the operation40
OUTOutput instruction41
SETSetting instruction43
RSTReset instruction45
PLFFalling edge output47
PLSRising edge output48
ENDProgram end instruction48
CJConditional jump49
CALLSubroutine call53
DIInterrupt prohibited55
EIInterrupt allowed55
SIMASKInterrupt mask59
FOR~NEXTCycle instruction60
BREAKBreak cycle62
MCMain control instruction63
MCRMain control instruction63
WDTWatchdog timer67
Timer, counter and output instructionOUT TTimer output68
OUT CCounter output70
OUT LCLong counter output71
High-speed input counterOUT HSCHigh-speed counter switch77
DHSCSHigh-speed comparison set79
DHSCRHigh-speed comparison reset81
DHSZHigh-speed zone comparison83
Transmit comparison instructionsMOV16-bit transmission85
DMOV32-bit transmission86
BMOVBatch transmission87
FMOV16-bit multicast88
DFMOV32-bit multicast90
SMOVBit shift91
CML16-bit invert transmission93
DCML32-bit invert transmission94
CMP16-bit data comparison output95
DCMP32-bit data comparison output96
XCH16-bit data exchange97
DXCH32-bit data exchange99
ZCP16-bit data interval comparison101
DZCP32-bit data interval comparison103
Cycle bit shift instructionROR16-bit cycle shift right105
DROR32-bit cycle shift right107
RCR16-bit cycle shift right with carry109
DRCR32-bit cycle shift right with carry111
ROL16-bit cycle shift left113
DROL32-bit cycle shift left114
RCL16-bit cycle shift left with carry115
DRCL32-bit cycle shift left with carry116
SFTRn-bit shift right of the n-bit data117
SFTLn-bit shift left of the n-bit data119
WSFRn-word shift right of the n-word data121
WSFLn-word shift left of the n-word data122
SFRn-bit shift right of the 16-bit data126
DSFRone word shift right of the n-bit data125
SFLn-bit shift left of the 16-bit data126
DSFLone word shift left of the n-bit data128
Arithmetic operation instructionADD16-bit addition operation129
DADD32-bit addition operation131
SUB16-bit subtraction operation133
DSUB32-bit subtraction operation135
MUL16-bit multiplication operation137
DMUL32-bit multiplication operation138
DIV16-bit division operation139
DDIV32-bit division operation140
INC16-bit data increment141
DINC32-bit data increment142
DEC16-bit data decrement143
DDEC32-bit data decrement144
Logic operation instructionNEG16-bit complement145
DNEG32-bit complement147
WOR16-bit data logic OR148
DOR32-bit data logic OR149
WAND16-bit data logic AND150
DAND3-bit data logic AND151
WXOR16-bit data logic exclusive OR152
DXOR32-bit data logic exclusive OR153
PRUNOctal bit transmission (16-bit data)611
Data processing instructionANSAlarm setting162
ANRAlarm reset164
BON16-bit data bit judgement165
DBON32-bit data bit judgement166
SUMThe ON bits of 16-bit data169
DSUMThe ON bits of 32-bit data170
MEAN16-bit data mean value171
DMEAN32-bit data mean value172
SQR16-bit square root173
DSQR32-bit square root174
WSUM16-bit data sum value175
DWSUM32-bit data sum value176
SORT16-bit data sorting177
SORT216-bit data sorting180
DSORT232-bit data sorting183
SWAP16-bit high and low byte swap186
DSWAP32-bit high and low byte swap187
BTOWByte unit data merge188
WTOBByte unit data separation190
DIS4-bit separation of 16-bit data192
UNI4-bit combination of 16-bit data193
ZRSTData batch reset194
ZSETData batch set196
CRCcyclic redundancy check instruction197
BCCBIN16 and BIN8 bit data addition, subtraction and exclusive check154
MAXBIN16 bit The maximum value of 16-bit data158
DMAXBIN32 bit The maximum value of 32-bit data158
MINBIN16 bit The minimum value of 16-bit data159
DMINBIN32 bit The minimum value of 32-bit data160
Matrix input instructionMTRMatrix input200
Convenient instructionABSDBIN 16-bit data absolute method202
DABSDBIN 32-bit data absolute method204
SER16-bit data search206
DSER32-bit data search208
ALTBit device output inversion210
INCDBIN 16-bit data relative method212
RAMPRotary table proximity control214
ROTCRotary table proximity control216
STMRSpecial function timer219
TTMRTeaching timer222
TRHConversion of wet and dry bulb temperature and humidity613
External IO instructionARWSArrow switch224
DSWNumeric key input228
HKYHexadecimal numeric key input230
DHKY32 digit key input233
PRASCII code printing236
SEGDnumeric key input238
SEGL7SEG code hour and minute display239
TKYNumeric key input242
DTKYNumeric key input244
Data conversion instructionBCDBIN → BCD246
BIN4-bit BCD → BIN248
DBIN8-bit BCD → BIN250
FLTBIN integer → binary floating point number252
DFLTBIN integer → binary floating point number254
VALCharacter string → BIN 16-bit data conversion255
DVALCharacter string → BIN 32-bit data conversion257
ASCIHEX code data → ASCII conversion259
HEXASCII → HEX code data conversion262
CCDCheck code265
GBINGray code → BIN 16-bit data conversion268
DGBINGray code → BIN 32-bit data conversion268
GRYBIN 16-bit data → Gray code conversion270
DGRYBIN 32-bit data → Gray code conversion271
DPRUNOctal digit transmission (32-bit data)273
Floating point instructionDACOSSingle precision real number COS-1 operation274
DASINSingle precision real number SIN-1 operation275
DATANSingle precision real number TAN-1 operation276
DCOSSingle precision real number COS operation277
DCOSHSingle precision real number COSH operation278
DSINSingle precision real number SIN operation279
DSINHSingle precision real number SINH operation280
DTANSingle precision real number TAN operation281
DTANHSingle precision real number TANH operation282
DDEGSingle precision real number radian → angle conversion283
DRADSingle precision real number conversion angle → radian conversion284
DEADDSingle precision real number addition operation285
DESUBSingle precision real number subtraction operation287
DEMULSingle precision real number multiplication operation289
DEDIVSingle precision real number division operation291
DEMOVSingle precision real data transmission293
DEBCDBinary floating point → decimal floating point conversion294
DEBINDecimal floating point → binary floating point conversion296
DENEGSingle precision real number sign inversion297
DECMPSingle precision real number comparison298
DEZCPBinary floating point bandwidth comparison300
DESQRSingle precision real square root302
DESTRSingle precision real number → string conversion303
DEVALString → single precision real number conversion308
DEXPSingle precision real number exponential operation311
INTSingle precision real number → signed BIN 16-bit data312
DINTSingle precision real number → signed BIN 32-bit data313
DLOG10Single precision real number common logarithmic operation314
DLOGESingle precision real number natural logarithm operation315
Contact comparison instructionLD=Number equal comparison316
LD>Number greater than comparison316
LD<Number less than comparison316
LD>=Number greater than or equal to comparison316
LD<=Number less than or equal to comparison316
Floating number comparison instructionLD<>Number unequal comparison316
AND=Number equal comparison316
AND>Number greater than comparison316
AND<Number less than comparison316
AND>=Number greater than or equal to comparison316
AND<=Number less than or equal to comparison316
AND<>Number unequal comparison316
OR=Number equal comparison316
OR>Number greater than comparison316
OR<Number less than comparison316
OR>=Number greater than or equal to comparison316
OR<=Number less than or equal to comparison316
OR<>Number unequal comparison316
LDD=Number equal comparison318
LDD>Number greater than comparison318
LDD<Number less than comparison318
LDD>=Number greater than or equal to comparison318
LDD<=Number less than or equal to comparison318
LDD<>Number unequal comparison318
ANDD=Number equal comparison318
ANDD>Number greater than comparison318
ANDD<Number less than comparison318
ANDD>=Number greater than or equal to comparison318
ANDD<=Number less than or equal to comparison318
ANDD<>Number unequal comparison318
ORD=Number equal comparison318
ORD>Number greater than comparison318
ORD<Number less than comparison318
ORD>=Number greater than or equal to comparison318
ORD<=Number less than or equal to comparison318
ORD<>Number unequal comparison318
LDE=Floating number equal comparison320
LDE>Floating number greater than comparison320
LDE<Floating number less than comparison320
LDE>=Floating number greater than or equal to comparison320
LDE<=Floating number less than or equal to comparison320
LDE<>Floating number unequal comparison320
ANDE=Floating number equal comparison320
ANDE>Floating number greater than comparison320
ANDE<Floating number less than comparison320
ANDE>=Floating number greater than or equal to comparison320
ANDE<=Floating number less than or equal to comparison320
ANDE<>Floating number unequal comparison320
ORE=Floating number equal comparison320
ORD>Floating number greater than comparison320
ORE<Floating number less than comparison320
ORE>=Floating number greater than or equal to comparison320
ORE<=Floating number less than or equal to comparison320
ORE<>Floating number unequal comparison320
LDS=String number equal comparison322
LDS<>String number greater than comparison322
ANDS=String number less than comparison322
ANDS<>String number greater than or equal to comparison322
ORS=String number less than or equal to comparison322
ORS<>String number unequal comparison322
Clock operation instructionTADDThe addition of clock data324
TSUBThe subtraction of clock data326
TRDClock data reading328
TWRClock data writing329
HTOS16-bit data conversion of time data (hour, minute, second → second)331
  1. bit data conversion of time data (hour, minute, second → second)
HOURHour measuring 16-bit334
DHOURHour measuring 32-bit336
  1. bit data conversion of time data (second → hour, minute, second)
  1. bit data conversion of time data(second → hour, minute, second)
TCMPClock data comparison340
TZCPClock data bandwidth comparison342
Data control instructionBANDBIN 16-bit data dead zone control344
DBANDBIN 32-bit data dead zone control345
BINDABIN 16-bit data → Decimal ASCII conversion347
DBINDABIN 32-bit data → Decimal ASCII conversion348
DABINDecimal ASCII → BIN conversion349
DDABINDecimal ASCII → BIN32-bit data conversion351
LIMITBIN 16-bit data high and low limit control353
DLIMITBIN 32-bit data high and low limit control354
SCLBIN 16-bit unit scale (coordinate data of each point)355
DSCLBIN 32-bit unit scale (coordinate data of each point)358
DSCL2BIN 32-bit unit scale (X/Y coordinate data)365
ZONEBIN 16-bit data zone control369
DZONEBIN 32-bit data zone control370
Data block instructionBK+BIN 16-bit block data addition operation372
DBK+BIN 32-bit block data addition operation374
BK-BIN 16-bit block data subtraction operation376
DBK-BIN 32-bit block data subtraction operation378
BKCMP=BIN 16-bit block data comparison380
DBKCMP=BIN 32-bit block data comparison382
BKCMP<>BIN 16-bit block data comparison384
DBKCMP<>BIN 32-bit block data comparison386
BKCMP>BIN 16-bit block data comparison388
DBKCMP>BIN 32-bit block data comparison390
BKCMP>=BIN 16-bit block data comparison392
DBKCMP>=BIN 32-bit block data comparison394
BKCMP<BIN 16-bit block data comparison396
DBKCMP<BIN 32-bit block data comparison398
BKCMP<=BIN 16-bit block data comparison400
DBKCMP<=BIN 32-bit block data comparison402
Data table operation instructionSFRDShift read404
POPRead from the back of the data table406
SFWRShift write408
FINSData insertion of data sheet411
FDELData deletion of data sheet413
IO refresh instructionREFIO refresh415
REFFInput refresh (with filter setting)417
Timing measure instructionDUTYClock pulse generation instruction418
Random number instructionRNDRandom number instruction420
Preferred instructionDEXMNPreferred instruction421
High-speed pulse output instructionZRNOrigin return426
DZRNOrigin return428
DSZROrigin return428
DDSZROrigin return428
DVIT16-bit data relative positioning430
DDVIT32-bit data relative positioning430
DRVIRelative positioning432
DDRVIRelative positioning432
DRVAAbsolute positioning434
SCL2BIN16-bit unit scale (X/Y coordinate data)362
DDRVAAbsolute positioning434
PLSRPulse output with acceleration and deceleration436
DPLSRPulse output with acceleration and deceleration436
PLSR2Multi-speed positioning438
PLSVVariable speed operation444
DPLSVVariable speed operation444
PLSYPulse output446
DPLSYPulse output446
PWMBIN 16-bit pulse output448
PWMPWM perimeter mode449
G90G01Absolute position line interpolation instruction451
G91G01Relative position line interpolation instruction453
G90G02Absolute position clockwise circular interpolation instruction455
G91G02Relative position clockwise circular interpolation instruction458
G90G03Absolute position counterclockwise circular interpolation instruction461
G91G03Relative position counterclockwise circular interpolation instruction464
G90G02HAbsolute position clockwise circular helical interpolation instruction467
G91G02HRelative position clockwise circular helical interpolation instruction470
G90G03HAbsolute position counterclockwise circular helical interpolation instruction473
G91G03HRelative position counterclockwise circular helical interpolation instruction476
Electronic camDEGEARElectronic gear/32 bit hand wheel instruction490
DECAM32-bit electronic cam instruction495
ECAMCUTElectronic cam table switching instruction498
ECAMTBXElectronic cam table generation instructions501
Communication instructionPROTOCOLCommunication port protocol setting547
PORTPARAModbus serial port parameter setting549
STATIONModbus station number setting551
RSExternal communication instruction553
RS2External communication instruction557

Single word data writing from TO/PLC to the module

(16-bit specification)


Double word data writing from TO/PLC to the module

(16-bit specification)

FROMRead single word data from the module (16-bit specification)566
DFROMRead single word data from the module (32-bit specification)568
PID control instructionCCPIDCCPID calculation606
CCPID_SHTCCPID_SHT calculation  
PIDPID calculation603
LAGCDLHysteresis temperature control instruction  
FPIDFPID calculation607
 FPIDFPID calculation607
PRUNOctal bit transmission (16-bit data)611
 TRHConversion of wet and dry bulb temperature and humidity613
LENString length detection625
LEFTExtract from the left side of the string626
RIGHTExtract from the right side of the string628
 MIDRAny extraction from string630
$MOVString transfer632
MIDWArbitrary replacement in string634
STRBIN 16-bit data → string conversion637
DSTRBIN 32-bit data → string conversion639
$+Combination of strings642
INSTRString search644
ASCASCII data input646
Step ladder diagram instructionSTL/RETStep ladder diagram instruction648
ISTInitialization state652
Ethernet instructionSOCOPENCreate socket link670
SOCCLOSEClose socket link672
SOCSENDEthernet free-form communication sending672
SOCRECVEthernet free-form communication receiving673
SOCMTCPEthernet ModbusTCP communication674

 Application instruction (by alphabetical order)

ClassificationInstructionFunctionLX5VReference page
ALDNormally open contact operation start instruction29
ABSDBIN 16-bit data absolute method202
ADD16-bit addition operation29
ALTBit device output inversion210
ANBLadder diagram block series connection instruction37
ANDNormally open contact series connection instruction29
AND<Number less than comparison316
AND<=Number less than or equal to comparison316
AND<>Number unequal comparison316
AND=Number equal comparison316
AND>Number greater than comparison316
AND>=Number greater than or equal to comparison316
ANDD<Number less than comparison318
ANDD<=Number less than or equal to comparison318
ANDD<>Number unequal comparison318
ANDD=Number equal comparison318
ANDD>Number greater than comparison318
ANDD>=Number greater than or equal to comparison318
ANDE<Floating number less than comparison320
ANDE<=Floating number less than or equal to comparison320
ANDE<>Floating number unequal comparison320
ANDE=Floating number equal comparison320
ANDE>Floating number greater than comparison320
ANDE>=Floating number greater than or equal to comparison320
ANDFFalling edge pulse series connection instruction33
ANDPRising edge pulse series connection instruction33
ANDS<>String number greater than or equal to comparison322
ANDS=String number less than comparison322
ANINormally closed contact series connection instruction29
ANRAlarm reset164
ANSAlarm setting162
ARWSArrow switch224
ASCASCII data input646
ASCIHEX code data → ASCII conversion259
BBANDBIN 16-bit data dead zone control344
BCCBIN16 and BIN8 bit data addition, subtraction and exclusive check154
BIN4-bit BCD → BIN248
BINDABIN 16-bit data → Decimal ASCII conversion347
BK-BIN 16-bit block data subtraction operation376
BK+BIN 16-bit block data addition operation372
BKCMP<BIN 16-bit block data comparison384
BKCMP<=BIN 16-bit block data comparison400
BKCMP<>BIN 16-bit block data comparison384
BKCMP=BIN 16-bit block data comparison380
BKCMP>BIN 16-bit block data comparison388
BKCMP>=BIN 16-bit block data comparison392
BMOVBatch transmission87
BON16-bit data bit judgement165
BREAKBreak cycle62
BTOWByte unit data merge92
CCALLSubroutine call53
CCDCheck code265
CCPIDCCPID calculation606
CJConditional jump49
CML16-bit invert transmission93
CMP16-bit data comparison output95
CRCcyclic redundancy check instruction197
DDABINDecimal ASCII → BIN conversion349
DABSDBIN 32-bit data absolute method204
DACOSSingle precision real number COS-1 operation274
DADD32-bit addition operation131
DAND3-bit data logic AND151
DASINSingle precision real number SIN-1 operation275
DATANSingle precision real number TAN-1 operation276
DBANDBIN 32-bit data dead zone control345
DBIN8-bit BCD → BIN250
DBINDABIN 32-bit data → Decimal ASCII conversion348
DBK-BIN 32-bit block data subtraction operation378
DBK+BIN 32-bit block data addition operation374
DBKCMP<BIN 32-bit block data comparison398
DBKCMP<=BIN 32-bit block data comparison402
DBKCMP<>BIN 32-bit block data comparison386
DBKCMP=BIN 32-bit block data comparison382
DBKCMP>BIN 32-bit block data comparison390
DBKCMP>=BIN 32-bit block data comparison394
DBON32-bit data bit judgement166
DCML32-bit invert transmission94
DCMP32-bit data comparison outputDCMP
DCOSSingle precision real number COS operation277
DCOSHSingle precision real number COSH operation278
DDABINDecimal ASCII → BIN32-bit data conversion351
DDEC32-bit data decrement144
DDEGSingle precision real number radian → angle conversion283
DDIV32-bit division operation140
DDRVAAbsolute positioning434
DDRVIRelative positioning432
DDSZROrigin return428
DDVIT32-bit data relative positioning430
DEADDSingle precision real number addition operation285
DEBCDBinary floating point → decimal floating point conversion294
DEBINDecimal floating point → binary floating point conversion95
DEC16-bit data decrement143
DECAM32-bit electronic cam instruction495
DECMPSingle precision real number comparison298
DEDIVSingle precision real number division operation291
DEGEARElectronic gear/32 bit hand wheel instruction490
DEMOVSingle precision real data transmission293
DEMULSingle precision real number multiplication operation289
DENEGSingle precision real number sign inversion297
DESQRSingle precision real square root302
DESTRSingle precision real number → string conversion303
DESUBSingle precision real number subtraction operation287
DEVALString → single precision real number conversion308
DEXMNPreferred instruction421
DEXPSingle precision real number exponential operation311
DEZCPBinary floating point bandwidth comparison300
DFLTBIN integer → binary floating point number254
DFMOV32-bit multicast90
DFROMRead single word data from the module (32-bit specification)568
DGBINGray code → BIN 32-bit data conversion268
DGRYBIN 32-bit data → Gray code conversion271
DHKY32 digit key input233
DHOURHour measuring 32-bit336
DHSCRHigh-speed comparison reset81
DHSCSHigh-speed comparison set79
DHSZHigh-speed zone comparison83
DHTOS32-bit data conversion of time data (hour, minute, second → second)332
DIInterrupt prohibited55
DINC32-bit data increment142
DINTSingle precision real number → signed BIN 32-bit data313
DIS4-bit separation of 16-bit data192
DIV16-bit division operation139
DLIMITBIN 32-bit data high and low limit control354
DLOG10Single precision real number common logarithmic operation314
DLOGESingle precision real number natural logarithm operation315
DMAXBIN32 bit The maximum value of 32-bit data158
DMEAN32-bit data mean value172
DMINBIN32 bit The minimum value of 32-bit data287
DMOV32-bit transmission86
DMUL32-bit multiplication operation138
DNEG32-bit complement147
DOR32-bit data logic OR149
DPLSRPulse output with acceleration and deceleration436
DPLSVVariable speed operation444
DPLSYPulse output446
DPRUNOctal digit transmission (32-bit data)273
DRADSingle precision real number conversion angle → radian conversion284
DRCL32-bit cycle shift left with carry116
DRCR32-bit cycle shift right with carry111
DROL32-bit cycle shift left114
DROR32-bit cycle shift right107
DRVAAbsolute positioning434
DRVIRelative positioning432
DSCLBIN 32-bit unit scale (coordinate data of each point)358
DSCL2BIN 32-bit unit scale (X/Y coordinate data)365
DSER32-bit data search208
DSFLone word shift left of the n-bit data128
DSFRone word shift right of the n-bit data125
DSINSingle precision real number SIN operation279
DSINHSingle precision real number SINH operation280
DSORT232-bit data sorting183
DSQR32-bit square root174
  1. bit data conversion of time data

(hour, minute, second → second)

DSTRBIN 32-bit data → string conversion639
DSUB32-bit subtraction operation135
DSUMThe ON bits of 32-bit data170
DSWNumeric key input228
DSWAP32-bit high and low byte swap187
DSZROrigin return428
DTANSingle precision real number TAN operation281
DTANHSingle precision real number TANH operation282
DTKYNumeric key input244
DTODouble word data writing from TO/PLC to the module (16-bit specification)564
DUTYClock pulse generation instruction418
DVALCharacter string → BIN 32-bit data conversion257
DVIT16-bit data relative positioning430
DWSUM32-bit data sum value176
DXCH32-bit data exchange99
DXOR32-bit data logic exclusive OR153
DZCP32-bit data interval comparison103
DZONEBIN 32-bit data zone control370
DZRNOrigin return428
EECAMCUTElectronic cam table switching instruction498
ECAMTBXElectronic cam table generation instructions501
EIInterrupt allowed55
ENDProgram end instruction48
FFDELData deletion of data sheet413
FINSData insertion of data sheet411
FLTBIN integer → binary floating point number252
FMOV16-bit multicast88
FOR~NEXTCycle instruction60
FPIDFPID calculation607
FROMRead single word data from the module (16-bit specification)566
GG90G01Absolute position line interpolation instruction451
G90G02Absolute position clockwise circular interpolation instruction455
G90G02HAbsolute position clockwise circular helical interpolation instruction467
G90G03Absolute position counterclockwise circular interpolation instruction461
G90G03HAbsolute position counterclockwise circular helical interpolation instruction473
G91G01Relative position line interpolation instruction453
G91G02Relative position clockwise circular interpolation instruction458
G91G02HRelative position clockwise circular helical interpolation instruction470
G91G03Relative position counterclockwise circular interpolation instruction464
G91G03HRelative position counterclockwise circular helical interpolation instruction476
GBINGray code → BIN 16-bit data conversion268
GRYBIN 16-bit data → Gray code conversion270
HHEXASCII → HEX code data conversion262
HKYHexadecimal numeric key input230
HOURHour measuring 16-bit334
HTOS16-bit data conversion of time data (hour, minute, second → second)331
IINC16-bit data increment141
INCDBIN 16-bit data relative method212
INSTRString search644
INTSingle precision real number → signed BIN 16-bit data312
INVInvert the result of the operation38
LISTInitialization state652
LD<Number less than comparison15
LD<=Number less than or equal to comparison15
LD<>Number unequal comparison15
LD=Number equal comparison29
LD>Number greater than comparison29
LD>=Number greater than or equal to comparison15
LDD<Number less than comparison318
LDD<=Number less than or equal to comparison318
LDD<>Number unequal comparison318
LDD=Number equal comparison318
LDD>Number greater than comparison318
LDD>=Number greater than or equal to comparison318
LDE<Floating number less than comparison320
LDE<=Floating number less than or equal to comparison320
LDE<>Floating number unequal comparison320
LDE=Floating number equal comparison320
LDE>Floating number greater than comparison320
LDE>=Floating number greater than or equal to comparison320
LDFFalling edge pulse operation start instruction33
LDINormally closed contact operation start instruction29
LDPRising edge pulse operation start instruction33
LDS<>String number greater than comparison322
LDS=String number equal comparison322
LEFTExtract from the left side of the string626
LENString length detection625
LIMITBIN 16-bit data high and low limit control353
MMAXBIN16 bit The maximum value of 16-bit data158
MCMain control instruction63
MCRMain control instruction63
MEAN16-bit data mean value171
MEFPulse the result of the operation40
MEPPulse the result of the operation40
MIDRAny extraction from string630
MIDWArbitrary replacement in string634
MINBIN16 bit The minimum value of 16-bit data159
MOV16-bit transmission85
MPPOperation result push, read, pop38
MPSOperation result push, read, pop38
MRDOperation result push, read, pop38
MTRMatrix input200
MUL16-bit multiplication operation137
NNEG16-bit complement145
OOROne normally open contact parallel connection instruction29
OR<Number less than comparison316
OR<=Number less than or equal to comparison316
OR<>Number unequal comparison316
OR=Number equal comparison316
OR>Number greater than comparison316
OR>=Number greater than or equal to comparison316
ORBLadder diagram block parallel connection instruction37
ORD<Number less than comparison318
ORD<=Number less than or equal to comparison318
ORD<>Number unequal comparison318
ORD=Number equal comparison318
ORD>Number greater than comparison318
ORD>Floating number greater than comparison318
ORD>=Number greater than or equal to comparison318
ORE<Floating number less than comparison320
ORE<=Floating number less than or equal to comparison320
ORE<>Floating number unequal comparison320
ORE=Floating number equal comparison320
ORE>=Floating number greater than or equal to comparison320
ORFFalling edge pulse parallel connection instruction33
ORIone normally closed contact parallel connection instruction29
ORPRising edge pulse parallel connection instruction33
ORS<>String number unequal comparison322
ORS=String number less than or equal to comparison322
OUTOutput instruction41
OUT CCounter output70
OUT HSCHigh-speed counter switch77
OUT LCLong counter output71
OUT TTimer output70
PPIDPID calculation603
PLFFalling edge output47
PLSRising edge output48
PLSRPulse output with acceleration and deceleration436
PLSR2Multi-speed positioning438
PLSVVariable speed operation444
PLSYPulse output446
POPRead from the back of the data table406
PORTPARAModbus serial port parameter setting551
PRASCII code printing236
PROTOCOLCommunication port protocol setting547
PRUNOctal bit transmission (16-bit data)611
PWMBIN 16-bit pulse output448
PWMPWM perimeter mode449
RRAMPRotary table proximity control214
RCL16-bit cycle shift left with carry115
RCR16-bit cycle shift right with carry109
REFIO refresh415
REFFInput refresh (with filter setting)417
RIGHTExtract from the right side of the string628
RNDRandom number instruction420
ROL16-bit cycle shift left113
ROR16-bit cycle shift right105
ROTCRotary table proximity control216
RSExternal communication instruction553
RS2External communication instruction557
RSTReset instruction45
SSCLBIN 16-bit unit scale (coordinate data of each point)355
SCL2BIN16-bit unit scale (X/Y coordinate data)362
SEGDnumeric key input238
SEGL7SEG code hour and minute display239
SER16-bit data search206
SETSetting instruction43
SFLn-bit shift left of the 16-bit data126
SFRn-bit shift right of the 16-bit data126
SFRDShift read404
SFTLn-bit shift left of the n-bit data119
SFTRn-bit shift right of the n-bit data117
SFWRShift write408
SIMASKInterrupt mask59
SMOVBit shift91
SOCCLOSEClose socket link672
SOCMTCPEthernet ModbusTCP communication674
SOCOPENCreate socket link670
SOCRECVEthernet free-form communication receiving673
SOCSENDEthernet free-form communication sending672
SORT16-bit data sorting177
SORT216-bit data sorting180
SQR16-bit square root173
STATIONModbus station number setting551
STL/RETStep ladder diagram instruction648
STMRSpecial function timer219
STOH16-bit data conversion of time data (hour, minute, second → second)338
STRBIN 16-bit data → string conversionSTR
SUB16-bit subtraction operation133
SUMThe ON bits of 16-bit data169
SWAP16-bit high and low byte swap186
TTADDThe addition of clock data324
TCMPClock data comparison340
TKYNumeric key input242
TOSingle word data writing from TO/PLC to the module (16-bit specification)562
TRDClock data reading328
TRHConversion of wet and dry bulb temperature and humidity613
TSUBThe subtraction of clock data326
TTMRTeaching timer222
TWRClock data writing329
TZCPClock data bandwidth comparison342
VUNI4-bit combination of 16-bit data193
VALCharacter string → BIN 16-bit data conversion255
WWAND16-bit data logic AND150
WDTWatchdog timer67
WOR16-bit data logic OR148
WSFLn-word shift left of the n-word data122
WSFRn-word shift right of the n-word data121
WSUM16-bit data sum value175
WTOBByte unit data separation190
WXOR16-bit data logic exclusive OR152
XXCH16-bit data exchange97
ZZCP16-bit data interval comparison101
ZONEBIN 16-bit data zone control369
ZRNOrigin return426
ZRSTData batch reset194
ZSETData batch set196
 $+Combination of strings642
$MOVString transfer632

Appendix 6 BD&Module Wiring























2WT-Six-wire system
















