
1 Administration mode

Last modified by Mora Zhou on 2023/12/22 10:15


OpenCloud platform can configure to connect V-BOX with third part IIOT through easy built-in Lua script,and access configuration,V-BOX configuration, PLC monitor channel and so on.

Finally, PLC data will send to IIOT platform, and not pass WECON server, such as google IOT, HUAWEI IOT, Azure IOT and so on.

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OpenCloud include two types of accounts.One is administrator account (parent account) for cloud mode.This account can create end-user account(sub account), and configure different IIOT configuration and share to different end-user account. Second is end-user account. This account also can configure different IIOT configuration directly, and configure communication with PLC. Please contact with salesman to register administrator account.

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Administration account function

Account information

Edit user personal information or company information.

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V-BOX parameters

Set the V-BOX custom parameters. Administration account can configure these parameters to end-user account. These parameters can be use in script directly.

Access configuration

1.Access configuration is global management configuration. Current administration account can share these access configuration to end-user account. Then the end-user can select access configuration to create project configuration.

2.Access configuration includes 3 configurations: MQTT configuration, script configuration and customs information.

MQTT configuration

1.Configure the path and parameters for the V-BOX to access the MQTT server. Associate different V-BOX types to use.

2.When MQTT permission is closed, all V-BOX project configurations (sub configurations) that use this access configuration (parent configuration) will not be able to edit the MQTT configuration module, and when the sub configuration is downloaded to the V-BOX, the V-BOX will only use the access configuration (parent configuration) by default .

3.When MQTT permission is enabled, the end-user account can edit the MQTT configuration. When the MQTT configuration is sent to the V-BOX, the V-BOX will use project configurations (sub configurations).

Script Configuration

1.Configure the script of the V-BOX and use it in association with the "Script Configuration permission" in the model definition.

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2.When script permission is closed, all V-BOX project configurations (sub configuration) that use the access configuration (parent configuration) will not be able to edit scripts, and when the project configurations are downloaded to the V-BOX, the V-BOX will only use the scripts in the project configuration by default.

3.When script permission is turned on, the project configuration can edit the script. When the project configuration is downloaded to the V-BOX, the V-BOX will use all the scripts of the access configuration and project configuration.

Customize Information

Configuration customization: Configure all the relevant information about the customizable configuration in the gateway project configuration that uses the access configuration.

Collection point customization: Configure all the relevant information of the customizable collection point in the gateway project configuration that uses the access configuration.

Model redefinition

Model Name

Configure the global display name of the V-BOX model (global means all cloud account and end-user account) will display the configured alias).

Tag trigger type

Configure the number of monitor points under different trigger type groups and different V-BOX models created by end-users who configure administration account management.

MQTT and script permissions

Configure the MQTT and script configuration permissions for project configurations of different V-BOX model.

For example:

MQTT Configuration Permissions:

  1. If the administration account closes the MQTT configuration permission of one V-BOX model (such as V-BOX H-AG), the end-user will not have the right to configure the MQTT module that created with V-BOX H-AG model. When the configuration is downloaded to the V-BOX, the V-BOX will only use the MQTT information in the access configuration by default.
  2. When the MQTT configuration permission is not closed, the end-user can configure the MQTT configuration that created with V-BOX H-AG model, and when the configuration is downloaded to the V-BOX, the V-BOX will use this V-BOX MQTT configuration.

Script Configuration Permissions:

  1. If the administration account closes the script configuration permission of one V-BOX model (such as V-BOX H-AG), the end-user managed by the administration account will not have the right to configure project configuration script created with H-AG. When the configuration is downloaded to the V-BOX, the V-BOX will only use the script in the access configuration by default.
  2. When the script configuration permission is not closed, the end-user of the administration account can configure project configuration script create with H-AG, and when the configuration is downloaded to the V-BOX, the V-BOX will use the V-BOX project configuration and all scripts in the associated access configuration.

End-user account management

  1. Supports administration account configuration group management end-users.

  2. Supports administration accounts to set up group administrators to manage end-users.

  3. Supports administration account to assign access configuration to a certain group (such as user group), then all end-users under the user group will be able to obtain the access configuration when creating V-BOX project configuration.

  4. Supports administration account to assign V-BOX project configuration to a certain group (such as user group), then all end-users under the user group can use the project configuration of administration to create V-BOX project configuration.

  5. Supports administration account or group administrator to view information such as the configuration of group members and the binding V-BOX of the V-BOX list.

  6. Supports administration account to view the V-BOX project configuration of its sub-accounts in the configuration list, and perform addition, deletion, and modification operations.

Platform name Label

  1. Support administration account configuration cloud platform name.

  2. The configuration name will be synchronized to the administration account sub-account for use, but the sub-account cannot be modified.

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End-user mode

  1. The page display switched to the end-user mode is the page display under the end-user.

  2. End-user mode: Simulate the operational content of the end-user user (sub-account) operation interface.

  3. For details, see-"end-user Operation Help Document".

OpenCloud input restrictions

welcome page

  • The administration account and end-user account: up to 32 digits (spaces are not allowed).
  • Password: The length is >= 6 digits and <= 32 digits (English and special characters in English are allowed, spaces are not allowed, and cannot be empty).
  • Company name: up to 64 digits (except ·_-+=}]",.?,;: "””[]—()...! Special characters other than "" are limited to input, no spaces, and can be empty ).
  • Contact: up to 16 digits (except ·_-+=}]",.?,;: "””[]—()...! Special characters other than "" are limited to input, no spaces can be entered, and can be empty).
  • Contact information: up to 32 digits (only integers can be entered, spaces are not allowed, and can be empty).
  • Cloud platform address: up to 64 bits (spaces are not allowed, can be empty).
  • Company profile-limit: up to 2000 (no other restrictions, can be empty).

V-BOX parameters: Only 36 V-BOX parameters can be added at most.

The number of trigger items added to the model definition page must be a positive integer, and the range is limited to 1-9999, and the default is up to 500 if there is no limit (no spaces can be entered, or empty).Total trigger item can not more than 2000.

Name restrictions

  • Group name and other names: up to 16 digits (except ·_-+=}]",.?,;: """[]—()...! Special characters other than "" are limited to input, no spaces are allowed , Cannot be empty), the number of groups is unlimited.
  • Script name: up to 32 (spaces and other special characters other than _ are not allowed, and the first character must be a letter).

Add end-users

  • Username: up to 16 digits (except ·_-+=}]",.?,;: "””[]—()...! Special characters other than "" are limited to input, no spaces or empty).
  • Password-Limit: The length is greater than or equal to 6 digits and less than or equal to 32 digits (English and special characters in English are allowed, spaces are not allowed, and cannot be empty).
  • UID-Limit: Up to 200 digits (spaces are not allowed).

The period of the collection point configuration: a positive integer ranging from 1 to 30000 (spaces are not allowed).

Time limit for timing execution: one day, 1-24 hours, 1-1440 minutes, 1-86400 seconds, 1000-86400000 milliseconds.

MQTT configuration:

  • Server address: up to 64 bits (spaces are not allowed, cannot be empty, conform to ip address specifications).
  • Port: a positive integer in the range of 0-65535 (spaces are not allowed, cannot be empty, only numbers can be entered, excluding decimals and negative numbers).
  • Heartbeat interval (seconds): range 1-86400 positive integers (spaces are not allowed, cannot be empty, only numbers can be entered, excluding decimals and negative numbers).

MQTT username, password, client ID: up to 200 characters.

Features Module

OpenCloud Sign in

  • User login needs to select account type shown in ②
  • User login can choose the current display language, as shown in ①, currently only Chinese and English are supported.
  • User login can select whether to display the password through ③ as shown in the figure.
  • Users can log in through an account or a bound email.

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Figure 1

Personal information page

Users can edit some personal or company information marked in red as shown in the figure below.

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Figure 2

V-BOX parameter page

  • Support administration account(parent account) to define V-BOX parameter information and provide it to end-users (sub accounts).
  • V-BOX parameters are used for the customizable information when the end-user (sub-account) binds the V-BOX and download parameters configuration to the V-BOX. The information content can be read and used by the script function in the V-BOX project configuration (see bns_get_config(string from) in "V-BOX Interface Document" about the introduction of the'bind' function).
  • The ‘field alias’ field in the V-BOX parameters will be used as a display field when the end-user (sub-account) uses it, and the ‘field name’ field is an operable field in the V-BOX’s internal read field and script after being sent to the V-BOX.
  • The 36 V-BOX parameter limit is the upper limit.
  • V-BOX parameters support cross-page selection and batch deletion.
  • After the user deletes the V-BOX parameters, it cannot be restored.

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Figure 3

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Figure 4

Access configuration page

Associated configuration

The access configuration (parent configuration) of the administration account(parent account) is provided to the end-user (sub account) as the associated configuration when creating the V-BOX project configuration (sub configuration).

Create configuration

Users can create access configurations by customizing or create configurations by using ‘Use IOT Platform Link’ with one click. The access configuration created through "Use IOT Platform Link" will copy the MQTT and script information defined in "Use IOT Platform Link".

Use IOT platform link

Use IOT Platform Link’ is provided by the system. If it does not exist, the user has no right to choose and use it.

Access configuration

There are three sub-modules in the access configuration: MQTT, script, and custom information.

For example:

MQTT configuration:

Information such as the path of the V-BOX accessing the MQTT server and the user name and password is associated with the MQTT configuration permission in the model definition module.

For the filling method of MQTT information, please refer to some MQTT client software on the market (such as MQTTfx).

After the information of MQTT is configured, it is used in the script by calling related functions in the "V-BOX LUA Script Function Document"-MQTT operation.

For example:

  • Administration account(parent accounts) can manage end-users (sub accounts) user1 and user2.
  • The parent account creates an access configuration “config”, and defines the content of the MQTT module in the “config”.
  • The parent account turn off the MQTT permission of the V-BOX H-AG model and turn on the MQTT permission of the V-BOX H-00 model in the model definition.
  • User1 and user2, which are sub-accounts, receive the access configuration "config" assigned by the parent account (the administration account are assigned in the end-user account management module, see Chapter 2 <End-user Account Management > for details).
  • The sub-account uses "config" (parent configuration) as the associated configuration to create the V-BOX project configuration, which is the V-BOX project configuration (sub-configuration) of the V-BOX H-AG and V-BOX H-00 models respectively.
  • After entering the V-BOX project configuration page, you will find that the sub-account cannot view and edit the MQTT module information in the V-BOX H-AG model sub-configuration, but can view and edit the MQTT module information in the V-BOX H-00 model.
  • When the sub-account sends the sub-configurations to the V-BOXs of the corresponding models, when the V-BOX H-AG is executing the script, if there are functions in the script that call the MQTT information, then only the parent configuration (config) will be called. When the V-BOX H-00 executes the script, it will only call and execute the MQTT information in the sub-configuration.

Script Configuration:

The V-BOX runs the script, which is used in association with the script configuration permission in the model definition.

After administrator account create an access configuration, the system will automatically generate a main script (core_script), which cannot be deleted.

For the use of the script, please refer to the last chapter <Simple Description of the Script> and "V-BOX Interface Document".

For example:

  • The current administrator account(parent account) can manage end-users (sub accounts) user1 and user2.
  • And the parent account creates an access configuration "config", and defines two script codes (lua1 and lua2) in the "config" (including the main script created by the system by default as three scripts).
  • The parent account is again in the model definition module. Turn off the script permissions of the V-BOX H-AG model and turn on the script permissions of the V-BOX H-00 model.
  • User1 and user2, which are sub-accounts, receive the access configuration "config" assigned by the parent account (the administration account are assigned in the end-user account management module, see Chapter 2 “end-user Account Management” for details).
  • The sub-account uses "config" (parent configuration) as the associated configuration to create V-BOX project configurations (sub-configurations) of V-BOX H-AG and V-BOX H-00 models respectively.
  • After entering the sub-configuration details page, you will find that the sub-account cannot view and edit the script module information in the sub-configuration of the V-BOX H-AG model, but can view and edit the script module in the sub-configuration of the V-BOX H-00 model(At this time, the sub-account edited a script lua3).
  • And when the sub-account sends the sub-configurations to the V-BOXs of the corresponding models, the V-BOX H-AG V-BOX will only execute the scripts core_script, lua1 and lua2 in the parent configuration (config) when executing the scripts, V-BOX H-00 The V-BOX will execute core_script, lua1, lua2, and lua3 in the parent and sub configuration.

Customize Information:

  • Support administration account (parent account) definition, configuration custom information and collection point custom information, which are provided to end-users (sub-accounts).
  • Configure custom information and collection point Custom information is used for end-users (sub-accounts) to create customizable information when creating V-BOX project configuration and collection points. The information content can be passed through script functions in the script module script of V-BOX project configuration Read and use (for details, please refer to the introduction of'user' function in bns_get_config(string from) in "V-BOX Interface Document").
  • The'field alias' field in the custom information will be used as a display field when the end-user (sub-account) uses it, and the'field name' field is available in the V-BOX's internal read field and scripts after the V-BOX engineering configuration is sent to the V-BOX Field.
  • Custom information supports cross-page selection and batch deletion.
  • After the user deletes the custom information, it cannot be restored.

For example:

  • The current administration account(parent account) can manage end-users (sub accounts) user1 and user2.
  • And the parent account creates two access configurations config1 and config2, and defines a configuration custom information “con” and a collection point custom information “mon” in the custom information module in config1.
  • User1 and user2, which are sub-accounts, get the access configuration config1 and config2 assigned by the parent account (cloud merchant users are allocated in the end-user account management module, see Chapter 2 “end-user Account Management Page” for details).
  • The sub-account uses config1 as the associated configuration to create the V-BOX project configuration (sub-configuration) son1, and the sub-account uses config2 as the associated configuration to create the V-BOX project configuration (sub-configuration) son2.
  • The sub-account can edit the configuration custom information in son1, but it cannot edit the configuration custom information in son2.
  • When the sub-account sends the sub-configurations to the V-BOX of the corresponding model, the configuration and the customized information of the collection point configuration will be issued at the same time. When the V-BOX executes the script, if there is a function to read the customized information, it will execute these information.

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Figure 12

Model definition

Model definition

The model definition module can be configured with four major contents: model name, collection point trigger type limit, MQTT permission, and script permission. Among them, for different trigger types, no limit setting means limit by default up to 500.

Support function

Support administration account to configure model definition information under different V-BOX models.

Support administration account to define the alias of a current V-BOX model. After the alias is enabled, the current administration account and its sub-accounts will uniformly display the alias.

For example:

  • The current administration account (parent account) can manage end-users (sub accounts) user1 and user2.
  • And the parent account created an access configuration "config", defined the MQTT information in the "config" and created three scripts including the main running script automatically generated by the system.
  • And assign "config" to the group where the sub-account is located in the end-user user management module (assign to the group where the sub-account is located, all members of the group will share the configuration, see <end-user Account Management Page> for details).
  • At the same time, the parent account defines the number of different trigger types of the V-BOX H-AG model in the model definition module (such as: change collection: 10, word trigger: 10, other trigger types are not limited), and the MQTT configuration is disabled Permissions, script permissions are enabled; define the number of different trigger types of V-BOX H-00 models (such as: no trigger: 5, trigger a record and reset: 15, other trigger types are not limited), and enable MQTT Configure permissions, turn off script permissions.
  • As user1 and user2 as sub-accounts, log in and enter the V-BOX project configuration page, create a V-BOX H-AG V-BOX project configuration (sub-configuration) son1 according to the "config" (parent configuration) assigned by the parent account, and a V-BOX S -00 V-BOX project configuration (sub configuration) son2.
  • For the sub-configuration son1 of the sub-account, the sub-account cannot operate the MQTT information, but can operate the script (for example, the sub-account creates two scripts at this time).
  • For the number of collection points in son1 to be added by the sub-account, it will be restricted according to the V-BOX H-AG trigger type limit set in the model definition of the parent account (for example: A total of 10 collection points can be added under all the change collection groups in son1. A total of 10 collection points can be added under all word trigger groups. Under other trigger type groups, for all a certain trigger type group, only 500 can be added at most.).
  • And when the sub-account sends son1 to the V-BOX, the MQTT information executed by the V-BOX will only execute the MQTT information in "config", and the executed scripts will be three scripts in "config" and two scripts in son1 (a total of five scripts) Joint execution).
  • For the sub-configuration son2 of the sub-account, the sub-account can operate MQTT information (for example, the sub-account edits and saves the MQTT information at this time), but cannot operate the script.
  • For the number of collection points in son2 to be added by the sub-account, it will be limited according to the V-BOX H-00 trigger type limit set in the model definition of the parent account (for example: a total of 5 points can be added under all non-trigger groups in son2 Collection points, all trigger one record and reset group can add a total of 15 collection points, under other trigger type groups, for all a certain trigger type group, only up to 500 can be added).
  • And when the sub-account sends son2 to the V-BOX, the MQTT information executed by the V-BOX will only execute the MQTT information in son2, and the executed script will be the three scripts in "config" (the three scripts are executed together).

Configuration Remarks:

  • f the sub-account is configured with MQTT in the V-BOX H-AG V-BOX project configuration (sub-configuration) associated with "config" (parent configuration), but the parent account closes the MQTT permission of V-BOX H-AG later, then the sub-account Refreshing the page again will not see the MQTT module, and when the sub-account sends the sub-configuration to the V-BOX at this time, the V-BOX only executes the MQTT information in the parent configuration.
  • If the sub account is in the "config" (parent configuration, MQTT information is configured in config), the MQTT module in the V-BOX H-AG V-BOX project configuration (sub configuration) associated with it, does not fill in and save any information. But the parent account has enabled the MQTT permission of V-BOX H-AG, then when the sub account now sends the sub configuration to the V-BOX, although the MQTT information is configured in the parent configuration, the MQTT information is not configured in the sub configuration, but the parent The MQTT information in the configuration will not be sent to the V-BOX.
  • If the sub account is in the V-BOX H-AG V-BOX project configuration (sub configuration) associated with the "config" (parent configuration), two scripts are created first, but the parent account closes the script permissions of the V-BOX H-AG later, then when At this time, the sub-account delivers the sub-configuration to the V-BOX, and the V-BOX only executes the script in the parent configuration, not the script created in the sub-configuration.

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Figure 22

end-user account management page

  1. end-users are created and managed by administration account-administration account are used as parent accounts, and end-users are used as sub accounts.
  2. When creating a end-user user, you can choose to fill in the uid. If you fill in the uid, the end-user user can have two login methods, one is the normal login page of the platform; the other is to enter the platform through a third party using uid. If you do not fill in uid, the end-user user can only enter through the platform login page.
  3. administration account can create different user groups for end-user user management, and enable or disable users.
  4. administration account can set a end-user user in a certain group as the group administrator to manage all end-users in the group.
  5. The group administrator has all the functions of the parent account for end-user user management.
  6. The access configuration (parent configuration) created by administration account can be directly assigned to a group here, and all end-users in the group will share the assigned access configuration (parent configuration, parent configuration is used as a end-user user to create a V-BOX project Used as an associated configuration during configuration).
  7. The V-BOX project configuration (distribution configuration) created by administration account can be directly assigned to a group here, and all end-users in the group will share the assigned V-BOX project configuration (distribution configuration, the distribution configuration is created as a end-user user with one click Used in V-BOX project configuration, use the distribution configuration to create the V-BOX project, and the data information in the distribution configuration will be copied).
  8. The parent account can directly view all its sub-account binding V-BOXs and sub-account configuration V-BOX project configuration, and can view the last configuration content issued by the sub-account to a certain V-BOX.
  9. Administration account can directly configure and debug the V-BOX under the sub-account.
  10. Administration account can click on a configuration name under the current sub-account on the configuration list page to perform the configuration page, and add, delete and modify the configuration of the sub-account.

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Figure 29

Platform name Label

After the administration account log in, they can customize the platform name by clicking the platform name.

administration account can manage the end-users to log in and uniformly display the platform name defined by the administration account.

end-users cannot modify the platform name.

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Simple description of the script

For basic functions of the script, please refer to the tutorial in the URL


For some platform data read and write, internal address operations and other interface functions that need to be used in the script, please refer to the description of the interface functions in the "V-BOX Interface Document".

There must be a main running function in the definition script, the format is: function xxx.main() end, where xxx is the script name.

When used in the script to obtain platform custom V-BOX parameters, configure custom parameters, or configure custom parameters for collection points, use the interface function bns_get_config() in the "V-BOX Interface Document".

For other related operations, please contact technical personnel.