Wiki source code of Video

Last modified by Theodore Xu on 2023/07/21 10:14

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1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 #set ($docextras = [])
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5 {
6 'title': $services.localization.render('New Configuration Method For Gmail Third Party Services'),
7 'topics': [
8 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
9 $services.localization.render('How to sign in with app passwords')
10 ],
11 'url': '',
12 'duration': '2 min'
13 },
14 {
15 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Basic Function: 1 Software Download&Install'),
16 'topics': [
17 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
18 $services.localization.render('How to get Wecon V-NET software')
19 ],
20 'url': '',
21 'duration': '3 min'
22 },
23 {
24 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Basic Function: 2 Account Registration&V-Box Binding'),
25 'topics': [
26 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
27 $services.localization.render('How to register a V-NET account,How to bind the V-BOX')
28 ],
29 'url': '',
30 'duration': '3 min'
31 },
32 {
33 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Basic Function: 3 Real time Data&Historical Data'),
34 'topics': [
35 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
36 $services.localization.render('add real-time points,add historical points,record trigger type')
37 ],
38 'url': '',
39 'duration': '7 min'
40 },
41 {
42 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Basic Function: 4 Alarm Function'),
43 'topics': [
44 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
45 $services.localization.render('How to use alarm function,add alarm monitoring point,alarm type')
46 ],
47 'url': '',
48 'duration': '6 min'
49 },
50 {
51 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Basic Function: 5 Lua Script Function'),
52 'topics': [
53 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
54 $services.localization.render('How to use Lua Script function?')
55 ],
56 'url': '',
57 'duration': '5 min'
58 },
59 {
60 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Basic Function: 6 Configuration'),
61 'topics': [
62 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
63 $services.localization.render('Introduction to the configuration interface')
64 ],
65 'url': '',
66 'duration': '5 min'
67 },
68 {
69 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Basic Function: 7 Pass-through'),
70 'topics': [
71 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
72 $services.localization.render('Introduction to the Pass-through, serial passthrough, VPN passthrough')
73 ],
74 'url': '',
75 'duration': '8 min'
76 },
77 {
78 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Basic Function: 8 V-BOX Auto Configuration Network'),
79 'topics': [
80 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
81 $services.localization.render('How to bind to V-NET Access quickly')
82 ],
83 'url': '',
84 'duration': '3 min'
85 },
86 {
87 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Special Function: 1 Email&Status Push'),
88 'topics': [
89 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
90 $services.localization.render('How to set email? How to use status push?')
91 ],
92 'url': '',
93 'duration': '6 min'
94 },
95 {
96 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Special Function: 2 Template Function'),
97 'topics': [
98 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
99 $services.localization.render('How to use template function?')
100 ],
101 'url': '',
102 'duration': '7 min'
103 },
104 {
105 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Special Function: 3 Role Management'),
106 'topics': [
107 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
108 $services.localization.render('How to use role management?')
109 ],
110 'url': '',
111 'duration': '8 min'
112 },
113 {
114 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Special Function: 4 HTTP Access'),
115 'topics': [
116 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
117 $services.localization.render('how to use http interface?')
118 ],
119 'url': '',
120 'duration': '20 min'
121 },
122 {
123 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Special Function: 5 Configuration Free VNET Access'),
124 'topics': [
125 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
126 $services.localization.render('Bind vbox to vnet without network configuration')
127 ],
128 'url': '',
129 'duration': '6 min'
130 },
131 {
132 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Special Function: 6 WVPN Pass Through LX5V'),
133 'topics': [
134 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
135 $services.localization.render('Using WVPN Client tool to remote download the project into LX5V-AN PLC')
136 ],
137 'url': '',
138 'duration': '4 min'
139 },
140 {
141 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON Cloud SCADA: 1 Cloud SCADA'),
142 'topics': [
143 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
144 $services.localization.render('introduction to Cloud SCADA')
145 ],
146 'url': '',
147 'duration': '6 min'
148 },
150 {
151 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON Cloud SCADA: 2 Web Cloud Config Introduce'),
152 'topics': [
153 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
154 $services.localization.render('head menu, edit interface layout')
155 ],
156 'url': '',
157 'duration': '3 min'
158 },
159 {
160 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON Cloud SCADA: 3 Switch&Indicator'),
161 'topics': [
162 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
163 $services.localization.render('how to use switch and indicator parts?')
164 ],
165 'url': '',
166 'duration': '6 min'
167 },
168 {
169 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON Cloud SCADA: 4 Parts Setting'),
170 'topics': [
171 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
172 $services.localization.render('introduce to custom picture, device lock, codition hide')
173 ],
174 'url': '',
175 'duration': '6 min'
176 },
177 {
178 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON Cloud SCADA: 5 Dashboard & Graphic Parts'),
179 'topics': [
180 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
181 $services.localization.render('introduce to Dashboard, Graphic Parts')
182 ],
183 'url': '',
184 'duration': '7 min'
185 },
186 {
187 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON Cloud SCADA: 6 Trend Charts'),
188 'topics': [
189 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
190 $services.localization.render('introduce of chart function')
191 ],
192 'url': '',
193 'duration': '7 min'
194 },
195 {
196 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON Cloud SCADA : 7 Report & Alarm Record'),
197 'topics': [
198 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
199 $services.localization.render('how to view the data through table?')
200 ],
201 'url': '',
202 'duration': '5 min'
203 },
204 {
205 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON Cloud SCADA : 8 Function Switch & Indirect Screen'),
206 'topics': [
207 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
208 $services.localization.render('how to switch screen?')
209 ],
210 'url': '',
211 'duration': '6 min'
212 },
213 {
214 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON Cloud SCADA : 9 Demo Account Introduction'),
215 'topics': [
216 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
217 $services.localization.render('Introduction of Demo Account')
218 ],
219 'url': '',
220 'duration': '4 min'
221 },
222 {
223 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Client: 1 Interface Introduction'),
224 'topics': [
225 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
226 $services.localization.render('Introduction for interfaces of V-NET Client software')
227 ],
228 'url': '',
229 'duration': '6 min'
230 },
231 {
232 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Client: 2 How to bind V-Box'),
233 'topics': [
234 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
235 $services.localization.render('The simple steps of how to bind the V-Box')
236 ],
237 'url': '',
238 'duration': '5 min'
239 },
240 {
241 'title': $services.localization.render('WECON V-NET Client: 3 ARP Scan'),
242 'topics': [
243 $services.localization.render('language:english'),
244 $services.localization.render('The introduction of ARP scan tool')
245 ],
246 'url': '',
247 'duration': '4 min'
248 }
249 ])
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256 $escapetool.xml($data.title)
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280 ## See .
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283 #end
284 #if ($foreach.index > 0 && $foreach.index % 3 == 0)
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