Wiki source code of 03 Software

Version 30.1 by Hunter on 2022/11/19 11:37

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1 |=(% scope="row" style="width: 158px;" %)**Software**|=(% style="width: 146px;" %)Version|=(% style="width: 127px;" %)Download|=(% style="width: 639px;" %)Description
2 |=(% colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="width: 158px;" %)**V-NET Access PC software**|(% style="width:146px" %)20220628|(% style="width:127px" %)[[Link>>]]|(% style="width:639px" %)(((
3 Configure VBOX connect with VNET and pass through and network configuration
5 (% class="wikigeneratedid" id="HUpdateLogofA0Releaseversion20220628" %)
6 **Update Log of Release version 20220628**
8 **V-Box Firmware**
10 * Bug fixed: Some H-SG cannot use 4G normally after upgrades;
11 * Optimize the firmware update method;
13 **PC Client**
15 * Bug fixed: Ethernet pass through cannot be used;
16 * Bug fixed: For the trigger type collection of device communication addresses, the data collected for the first time may be offline state;
17 * Bug fixed: 4G ICCID reporting error;
18 * Bug fixed: When RTC backup power supply is insufficient, the timestamp of historical data uploading is inaccurate;
19 * Bug fixed: On OpenCloud mode, the collected value of the string type address is empty;
20 * Bug fixed: Longitude and latitude positioning may be inaccurate;
21 * When download the Network configuration, the software would not ask firmware updates anymore (**Suggest update the firmware through Ethernet**);
22 * Monitoring tag reset function;
24 (% class="wikigeneratedid" id="HImportantReminder" %)
25 **Important Reminder**
27 If the firmware version in V-Box is old (earlier than 1.21061701), and directly use the lastest release version (Release Build 2022-06-28 V2.3.38) of V-NET Access to upgrade, there will be an exception of "update failed" or "unrecognized device after update". Please use the release version 20210617(Release Build 2021-06-17 V2.2.94) to update first, and then use the lastest one to upgrade.
28 )))
29 |(% scope="row" style="width:146px" %)20210617|(% style="width:127px" %)[[Link>>]]|(% style="width:639px" %)
30 |=(% colspan="1" rowspan="3" style="width: 158px;" %)**V-NET APP**|(% style="width:146px" %)Android 2.2.4|(% style="width:127px" %)[[Link>>]]|(% style="width:639px" %)(((
31 **Update Log of Release version**
33 * Modifiedable alias name for V-Box and HMI;
34 * Remote monitoring screen now support rotation;
35 * Abnormal display Web SCADA BUG;
36 )))
37 |(% style="width:146px" %)Android 2.2.2|(% style="width:127px" %)[[Link>>url:]]|(% style="width:639px" %)Release date: 20220831
38 |(% style="width:146px" %)Android 2.2.1|(% style="width:127px" %)[[Link>> ]]|(% style="width:639px" %)Monitor V-NET and cloud scada by android APP
39 |=(% colspan="1" rowspan="2" style="width: 158px;" %)**WVPN tool**|(% style="width:146px" %)20220525|(% style="width:127px" %)[[Link>>]]|(% style="width:639px" %)
40 |(% style="width:146px" %)20220221|(% style="width:127px" %)[[Link>>]]|(% style="width:639px" %)
41 |=(% style="width: 158px;" %)**Cloud tool**|(% style="width:146px" %)20220628|(% style="width:127px" %)[[Link>>]]|(% style="width:639px" %)
42 |=(% style="width: 158px;" %)OPC tool|(% style="width:146px" %)20220610|(% style="width:127px" %)[[Link>>]]|(% style="width:639px" %)