05 Objects

Version 93.1 by Jett on 2024/12/04 09:57

This chapter provides information about objects and a description of how to configure objects.


Different button has different function.Such as: Bit Switch; Bit lamp; Word Switch; Word lamp; Function Switch; Keypad Switch; Combination Switch.

Bit switch

Bit switch is designed to access the bit-address of the PLC/HMI. When bit switch is triggered, the changing of "Write Address" depends on the mode setting. When "Read" option is selected, the "Read Address" is editable.


To operate, monitor and display the specified PLC or HMI bit address. When the bit switch is pressed, the bit value of the operation address changes as described by the switch type. When Monitor is available, the state displayed by the bit switch is the state of the bit to which the monitor address is pointing.

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  • Write Address: Bit address operation control for HMI or PLC.
  • Read: Enable the monitoring the read address or not.
  • Same read-write address: Enable it if want to the read address and write address is exactly same.
  • Read Address: Monitoring address.


  • Set OFF: Set off the write address.
  • Set ON: Set on the write address.
  • Momentary: Set on the write address when switch is pressed, and reset the address when switch is released.
  • Delay: Interval for keep on the write address. For example: Assign the delay time as 500, write address will be reset after release button in 0.5 second.
  • Switch: Switch between True(1) and False(0) when switch is triggered.


  • Inverted Display: Display the state picture and text of the object reversely.
  • Quick Read: The priority of read and write is higher than any other objects on the same screen.
  • Blink: Blinking while control bit is triggered;
    • Blink when ON: Blink when control bit is ON.
    • Blink when OFF: Blink when control bit is OFF.

Minimum hold time: Only when the time of press and hold the object is greater than the set value, the object function will be executed.

Indirect addressing:

  • Read address: Use the value of the read address to determine the address A after deviation, and use the address A as the read address of the object.

For example:: HDX11.0 is the read address of the object. The three indirect read address is D0, E1, and HDW2. The system would read the value of address HDW2.

If its value is 22, and the second indirect read address E1 would update to E23, then the system would read the value of E23. 

If its value is 33, then the first indirect read address D0 would update to D33, then the value of D33 is 44, that is, the bit of deviation is 44 bits.

A word has 16 bits, divide 16 into 44, and the answer is 2, remainder 12. Therefore, the read address of object is update from HDX11.0 to HDX13.12, and the final read address is HDX13.12. 

Write address: It is the same as the read address.


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All languages: Edit the texts of all the languages of the object in a time. A maximum of 8 languages are supported.


All states: Edit the texts of all the states of the object in a time.

Font: Set the font of the text after selecting the state. The number of the characters input is displayed.

Copy attribute to states: Set the color of font after selecting state and text, and click "Copy attribute to states", then they would be in the same color.

Copy text: Click it and the texts of all the objects would be the same.

Copy style: Click it and the styles of all the objects would be the same.


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Bitmap: You could design beautiful scenes with bitmap. Static diagram and bitmap with states are supported. 

Vectogram: Use to figure SVG vector diagram is concise and lively geometry, generally shows the various industrial field, with the performance of the more abundant than bitmap method, and the vector diagram drawing will not be needed or scaling distortion.


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Object lock

  • Lock address: Using interlock address, address 0 means that the object would be locked and display a lock icon. Only when the interlock-bit address points to 1 will the bit switch be operated.
  • Hide "lock" icon: If don't want to display the icon, you may check it. will be "no show" lock "icon" tick.
  • Lock when "ON": check it and the bit address will be locked when the interlock address is set to 1.

Touch available: If you check it, you could operate the object when you touch it.

Enable beep: If you check it, the object will beep when you touch it.

Extended trigger functions. It is only valid for PLC address.

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No trigger: No way to trigger

Trigger before pressing: Trigger bit address is set to 1 before pressing

Trigger after pressing: After pressing Enter, trigger bit address is set to 1 before closing the keyboard

Trigger and reset before pressing: Trigger bit address is set to 1 and then set to 0 bedore pressing 

Trigger and reset after pressing: After pressing Enter, trigger bit address is set to 1 and then set to 0 before closing the keyboard

Trigger before pressing, reset after: Trigger bit address is set to 1 before pressing; After pressing Enter, trigger bit address is set to 0 before closing the keyboard

Access denied setting

Users can set enable password for object. There are following operating setting when user permissions are insufficient. But "Pop login screen" and "Hide object" are mutually exclusive.

  • Pop login screen
    • Every time: Userlogin screen will pop-up when user permissions are insufficient;
    • When change user: Userlogin screen will pop-up when user permissions, and if users logged in successfully, the previous users will log out.
    • Pop once: Userlogin screen will pop-up when user permissions are insufficient, but when user enter the right password, this object can be operated by anyone.
  • Hide object: When the user has no permission, the object is hidden. When the user has permission, the object is displayed and can be operated.


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Data format

This format is for settings address, and it is fixed for all objects.


The proportional gain setting is a proportional change to the moving and scaling values. Result=Gain*original value+Offset. This function is just for display. Actual value is still the original value.

For example, the HDW1 original value is 5, Gain is 0.001, Offset is 0. The final result will be displayed as 0.005, while HDW1 actual value still is 5. 

For example: If the proportional gain value is x and the moving or scaling value is y, then the actual moving or scaling value is (x*y).


The function of [Movement] is to move the position of object on the screen according to the value of address and movement type.

There are three movement type:

  • X-axis movement.
  • Y-axis movement.
  • XY-axis movement.

For example

If the starting address of the movement is HDW10 and the movement type is [XY axis movement], HDW10 controls the X-axis movement, and HDW11 controls the Y-axis movement.


Deform object display size on screen mainly depends on width and height.

Deform type: left, right, up, down, left and right, up and down, right/left and up/down, right/left or up/down.

Address editor

The address editor is a tool used to assist in generating address strings. The address of object is composed of connection, device station number,  device type and address number.


PLC address/station NO.Set the device station NO. to access. If default station NO. is selected, then the station NO. is the de  The station number is the default station number for "Connection"  settings in "System Parameters".
User inputThe address is not from address library, but a string.
From address LibraryThe address is selected from address library. If there is no data in address library, it is invalid.
System addressDisplay all the items of address library. The current one is the address referenced by the object.
ConnectionPLC that already exists in the project.
Address typeThe address type or internal register type included in the PLC selected by the project.
Address NO.To input address NO.
A to F and 0 to 9To input address NO. through mouse.
ClearClear the content of edit box of address.
Backspace. To delete the last character of the edit box.
CloseClose address editor

Close the editor and save the editing results.

  • If selecting "From address Library", the result would be saved in the address library
  • If selecting "User input", the result would be saved in the property of the object

Bit lamp

"Bit Lamp" could monitor and display the specified PLC or HMI bit address, and its state changes according to the specified address value.



Address: Monitoring and display the address status.


  • Inverted Display: Display reverse state of the picture and text. For example, the value of write address is on (Corresponding to state 1), while the graphic of off (Corresponding to state 0) is displayed.
  • Quick Read: The priority of read and write is higher than any other objects on the same screen.
  • Blink: Blink condition;
    • Blink when ON: blink when read address is ON.
    • Blink when OFF: blink when read address is OFF.
  • Hide: Control the hide status of object via Control Bit's state. Hide object cannot be operated at all.
  • Control Bit: Hide condition.
    • Hide when OFF: Hide when control bit is OFF.
    • Hide when ON: Hide when control bit is ON.
    • Invisible: Object is always keeps hidden during project running.

Note: For text/graphics/animations, see the "Bit Switch".

Word switch

"Word Switch" could change value of specified PLC or HMI word address, when the switch is triggered the value will be written to specified address.




  • Read address: Read value from object display.
  • Same read-write address: Enable it if want to the read address and write address is exactly same.
  • Write address: Write value to specified address.

Data format

  • Format: Set the data format: 16bit BCD, 16bit Unsigned, 16bit Signed, 32bit BCD, 32bit Unsigned, 32bit Signed, 32bit Float.


  • Set value: Set a constant value for the word address.
  • Increase: Increase Operand value for each time the switch is triggered.
  • Decrease: Decrease Operand value for each time the switch is triggered.
  • High/Low limit: The value will be not able to change when the value reaches limits.


Word lamp

"Word Lamp" could display value of specified PLC or HMI word address, the display state of the component changes as the value of the read address changes.




  • Read address: Read the value from object display.
  • States count: Total status number for current word address, which could change the state value according to different status in button [State values], range: 1-256.
  • State with value out of range: When the value of the read address is not on the range of states' value, it will cause no corresponding status number is displayed. There are two modes for process when the value is out of range.
  • Hide: Hide the object when the value is out of range;
  • Show state: Specify a status when the value is out of range, for example the total states is 6(range from state No.0~No.5), but the read value is 6, at this moment the object will show the state No.0 if selected item of show state is No.0;

For example

The state No.0 default fill value 0, No.1 default fill value 1... and so on.

If change settings as below figure shows

When value of read address is 11, object displays state No.1.


Transform state

  • Quick Read: The priority of read and write is higher than any other objects on the same screen.
  • Auto transforms: Object switch states automatically


  • Trigger to transform: Trigger condition of auto transform
  • Auto return: Return to the initial state after reaching the final state;
  • Time of transform: Set the interval of transform between two states;
  • Dynamic interval: Set the dynamic interval of transform between two states. If the value in address is 10, then the frequency of automatic switching state is 10*100ms = 1s.



  • Set state: Set a constant value to address(according to the operate state selection) when click the object.
  • State increase: Increase the address value by one step when click the object, the upper limit is depends on the Last state selection.
  • State decrease: Decrease the address value by one step when click the object, the lower limit is depends on the Last state selection..
  • Last state: The upper limit or lower limit(Final state) of state increase/decrease;

Note: For text/graphics/security/animations, see the "Bit Switch".


Button is designed to input data into the corresponding inputbox, this object need to work with the numeric input and character input.



  1. Control bit: This is for control operation, such as "Enter", "Delete", "Clear", "Esc and so on.
  2. Allow input: It supports input with ASCII character.
  3. Enable Beep: It is for beep function, enable or disable.

Note: For text/graphics, see the "Bit Switch".

Function switch

Function switch is designed to switch screens, and call and close sub screen, and transfer record files.



  • Screen No: Switch to the selected screen, it could not be subscreen;
  • Open sub screen: Pop-up selected sub screen, and set sub screen position, default position is (0, 0), this is the coordinates of the top left corner of the screen;


  • Previous: Switch to the previous screen in the screen list;
  • Next: Switch to the next screen in the screen list;
  • Go back: Switch to the previous operating screen;
  • Close sub screen: Close current sub screen;
  • Instalment screen: Pop-up installment setting screen, only valid when the installment is enabled;
  • Flash data to Udisk: Copy data file from HMI Flash to Udisk, alarm, data record and recipe files could be copied;


  • SD data to Udisk: Copy data file from SD card to Udisk, alarm and data record files could be copied;


  • File cache: Copy the source path file or folder to the specified directory of the destination path;


Using trigger address. As the figure above, when 00 is ON, then selected operation of the function switch will be executed.

All terminals effect: When this function is enabled, all terminals (screens, mobile phones, ipads, computers, etc.) will execute the function Switch Function simultaneously. For example, the screens of each terminal are different. When the screen is clicked to jump to the "Home" screen, all terminals will jump to the home screen.


  1. Some special characters like \ : * ? “ <> | are not allowed in file path, otherwise an error (the following characters could not be included in the file name.| >< : * “ ? \) may occur.
  2. If you use SD card which HMI doesn't support, then you select the SD card as path,an error may occur.
  3. When users save directory, source path and destination path should end with [/], such as: [data/].
  • If source path or destination path is empty, there will be an error: [please set source and destination paths].
  • If source path or destination path contain more than two consecutive [/], there will be an error: [invalid path].
  1. When users save specified file, it is necessary to set specified file path and file name. Such as: "data/a.txt". If there is no file name in path, there will be an error: "please set source path!" or "Please set destination path!"
  2. For text/graphics/Security/animations, see the "Bit Switch".

Combination switch

The combination switch supports combine multiple functions onto one button. When the object is pressed, multiple functions are executed in sequence one by one to meet the requirements of the user.

Note: There can only be one screen change function in the added sub-functions, and it is at the end of the list).



Bit operation


It provides "Bit copy", "Set ON", "Set OFF", "Momentary" and "Switch" functions, and it could operate continuous bit addresses according to setting length,and the maximum length is 1024.

Bit address length: The length of operated addresses;

Example: "Target bit address" is 00, "Type" is Set ON,the length is 3,when press the button,the 00~02 will be ON.

Word operation


It provides "Word copy", "Word set", "Increase" and "Decrease" functions, and it could operate maximum 2048 word addresses, and the operating length will be changed according to data formats.

  • If data format is 16-bit signed (unsigned), the operation address is the source address 0~source address +2048.
  • If data format is 32-bit signed (unsigned), the operation address is the source address 0~source address +4096.

Word addresses length: The length of operated addresses.

  • If "Target word address" is 40, "Type" is Word set, and operand is 10, the length is 3 when pressing the button, the 40~42 will be 10.



It provides functions such as "Add", "Subtract", "Multiply", "Divide", "Mod' and "Power".

Screen change

It provides screen switch function as [Function Switch], it supports "Previous", "Next", "Return" and "Change to" operations.


Operation list

"Operations list" displays all operations, HMI will execute operations in order, but [screen switch] will be listed as the last execution item directly.

Operation button

  • Delete: Delete selected item function;
  • Empty: Delete all items in operation list;
  • Up: Move the selected item up one row in operation list;
  • Down: Move the selected item down one row in operation list;

Advanced setting

Control the whole combination switch configuration.


  • Bit trigger: it controls sub-function option of combination switch configuration by trigger address is ON.
  • Continuous run: it executes each sub-function according to "Cycle time" and "Run times".
  • Cycle time: Interval between sub-functions execute once with next time.
  • Run times: Configuration sub-function execute times. 0 means unlimited times.
  • Break: Stop executing sub-function when trigger address is ON.


  • Nested patterns of object cycle and sub-function cycles are as follows.
    • The cycle time is independent.
    • The object performs one cycle, all the sub-functions would be performed once.
    • If the object cycle ends earlier than the sub-function cycle, the sub-function would complete the remaining number of cycles.
    • If the object cycle ends later than the sub-function cycle, the sub-function cycle would be triggered again.
    • If the main cycle is triggered again before it finishes, then the main cycle is executed immediately when clicked and only one more time.
  • For text/graphics/security/animations, see the "Bit Switch".

Slide switch

By changing the position of the slider, the corresponding address value would be changed. At the same time, the slider position will change according to the address value.



  • Write address: The address needs to be written and monitored
  • Data format: Support 16-bit signed / unsigned decimal number, 32-bit signed / unsigned decimal number, floating number is not supported.

Scale range:

  • Upper/lower limit: The range of data that can be manipulated by the slider. The value is scaled according to the decimal place of the data format.
  • Variable range: When this function is checked, the value of the filling address will be used as the upper and lower limits of the scale.
  • Display upper/lower limit: When this function is checked, the upper and lower limit data will be displayed in the slide switch.


  • Direction: The slide switch provides four directions: from top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, and right to left.
  • Min. scale: The minimum scale unit when the slider is moved. The value is scaled according to the format. (Need to drag to move)
  • Scroll value: The smallest unit of scale when the slider is moved. This value is scaled according to the format. (Need to drag to move)
  • Write address: Display current value: Show the current value of the device address above the slider
  • Write immediately : Write the value of the slide switch during the sliding process to the device address in real time.
  • Alarm value: input the alarm value
  • Alarm color : When "Alarm color" is ticked off, and the value of the device address reaches "Alarm value", the foreground color of the slide switch will be displayed as a warning color.

✎Note: Setting the number of decimal place will scale the data range in the data format and it is valid for all kind data formats


Slide rail

  • Border color: Tick off to display the border color
  • Foreground color: The color of the slide rail where the slider slides over. If not checked, the color will be displayed transparently
  • Background color: The color of the slide rail where the slider does not slide over. If it is not checked, it will be displayed transparently.
  • Height: slide rail height
  • Shape: Set the style (right or rounded angle) of the rails


  • Color: Tick off to display the slider color, otherwise it is displayed transparently.
  • Shape: Set the slider style (square or circle).
    • When circle is selected, need to set the diameter of the slider.
    • When square is selected, need to set the height and width of the slider.

The width, height and diameter of the slide rail and slider are displayed as a percentage relative to the height of the object.

  • When the slide rail is displayed horizontally
    • The height of the slide rail is displayed as a percentage of the height of the object.
    • The diameter of the circular slider is displayed as a percentage of the height of the object, and it is recommended that the diameter of the slider be greater than or equal to 2 times the height of the slide rail.
    • The width and height of the square slider are displayed as a percentage of the height of the part, and it is recommended that the width of the slider should be greater than or equal to the height of the slide rail.
  • When the rails are displayed vertically
    • The height of the slide rail is displayed as a percentage of the width of the part.
    • The diameter of the circular slider is displayed as a percentage of the width of the object, and it is recommended that the diameter of the slider should be greater than or equal to 2 times the width of the slide rail.
    • The width and height of the square slider are displayed as a percentage of the width of the object, and it is recommended that the width of the slider should be greater than or equal to the width of the slide rail.

Preview: Display the setting result of slider switch.

Note: For graphics, see the "Bit Switch".


This object can input/display number or character. User just needs to set a controller's address and set data format. HMI will be able to display/control controller's data.

Numeric Input/Display

"Numeric Input/Display" displays the device's data or writes data to the device in a specified numeric format.



  • Read Address: The data from designated address will be displayed.
  • Input: Enable input function and "Write Address" configuration.
  • Same read-write address: Configure [Write Address] is the same as "Read Address".
  • Write address: Write data to designated address. The address could be different from "Read Address".
  • Keypad: it is standard numeric keypad, allow to input decimal and floating;

✎Note: Check it to use the comment information on the keyboard. When the user clicks on the part, the comment information will be written into the HUW1402 for display. The maximum length allowed for the comment is 63 characters;

  • Continuous Input: Numeric input objects with the same Group NO can be entered continuously using the same keyboard according to the NO order;
  • NO: the number of numeric input object;
  • Group NO: the group number of numeric input object;



  • Font: It is located in font list; user could select font directly.
  • Trim 0 display: The last digit of the decimal only display the non-zero part, such as 6.30 will be displayed as 6.3.
  • Input as "*": The data is shown as "*".
  • Alignment: There are three modes.
  • Center: data display on the center of object.
  • Align left: Data display on the left.
  • Align right: Data display on the right.

Data format


  • Date: Select data format, below format could be supported.


  • Data format: Configure data display format.
  • Range: beyond the data range will be not inputted.

Keypad position

The pop-up position of keypad screen. 


Configure label shown on the left/ right side of data.


Character Input/Display

"Character Input/Display" displays the device's character or writes character to the device.




  • Read Address: The data from designated address will be displayed.
  • Input: Enable input function and "Write Address" configuration.
  • Same read-write address: Configure "Write Address" is the same as "Read Address".
  • Read DWord: Read the address data at double byte format.
  • Write address: Write data to designated address. The address could be different "Read Address".
  • Keypad: Built-in character keyboard input(Screen No.1001) could allow input a~z, A~Z, 0~9.
  • Note: After the keypad is opened, the content of note will be input into special register HUW1402. The maximum length allowed for the note is 63 characters.
  • Continuous Input: Use the same keyboard to input the objects from the same Group NO according to the order of NO, and automatically close the keyboard after the last NO (object) is input.
  • NO: the number of numeric input object.
  • Group NO: the group number of numeric input object.

✎Note: The Continuous Input function will be invalid if the Confirmation function is enabled.


  • Input as "*": the data shown as "*".
  • Alignment: There are three modes.
  • Center: data display on the center of object.
  • Align left: data display on the left.
  • Align right: data display on the right.
  • Exchange high-low byte: Swap the contents of high byte and low byte then display. High byte data into low byte position, low byte data into high byte position. If the length of characters is not a multiple of 2, it will exchange after rounded.
  • Length: The length of characters, the maximum length is 256.
  • Exchange high-low word: Swap the contents of high word and low word then display. Only valid when the length of characters is a multiple of 4.

Keypad position

It is used for setting keypad position when input data.

Note: For graphics/security/animations, see the "Bit Switch".


Chart can display the data by trend graph or data table. PIStudio supports different function’s Chart. It contains Trend Chart, History Trend Chart, Alarm Record Display, Data Record Display, Alarm Record Display, Recipe Display, List Box, File List Display, XY Plot, History XY Plot. Different chart has different function. Please check the detail information in the Help of PIStudio.

For example: Trend graph shows the data as a dynamic curve, the X axis represent the time, Y axis represent the data. Alarm Record Display record alarm, the time span set by the user, and the alarm record will list by the time sequence.

Common settings


This section will introduce common settings in Chart objects.



Set appearance of object, including background color, head color, text color, line color, select row color.



  • Head text color: It sets the text color of the header.
  • Transparency: It sets transparency of the table background, 0% represents full transparency, and 100% represents completely opaque.
  • Cell type: Default is adaptive width. After selecting customization, customization could set the width of the cell.
  • Date and time format: According to the needs to select the date and time display format. "NONE" means no display; please do not set both time and date to "NONE".

Function start address

Instructions for the use of the function start address of record display/alarm display/trend charts etc.


The address you fill in is only the start address. This address, including 20 consecutive addresses after this address, will be occupied. Please organize your address to prevent unnecessary errors from being reused.

For example, HDW0 is the function start address, then the addresses HDW0 to HDW19 are occupied. If you need the power-down storage setting, you may set the address as the address of register HAW (HAW0 to HAW200000).

If the start address is set as HDW0, the function and address table is as below.

HDW0WordNumeric input Start Time: Year
HDW1WordStart Time: Month
HDW2WordStart Time: Day
HDW3WordStart Time: Hour
HDW4WordStart Time: Minute
HDW5WordStart Time: Second
HDW6WordSpan value setting. Unit  view the next address
HDW7WordSpan Unit: 0=Min, 1=Hour, 2=Day
HDW8WordWord Switch

Default as 1. It can contain 50 records per page

Page Up: Current Value minus 1. 

Page Down: Current Value add 1.

Range: 1 to 65535

HDX9.0BitBit SwitchAuto Refresh


(Bit address control up and down left and right display)


Table type object: Move one page up

History Trend Chart: Pop up query settings window


Table type object: Move one row up

History Trend Chart: Move one span down


Table type object: Move one page down

History Trend Chart: Move one span up


Table type object: Move one row down

History Trend Chart: Display/Hide slide bar


Table type object: Move one page left

History Trend Chart: Zoom in (Narrow time span down)


Table type object: Move one column left

History Trend Chart: Zoom out (Broaden time span up)

HDW12.6Table type object: Move one page right
HDW12.7Table type object: Move one column right

Span Method:

=0: Use the Span Value and Span Unit to query;

=1: Use start time and end time to calculate the time span for query.

HDW14WordNumeric InputEffective when HDX13.0=1End Time: Year
HDW15WordEnd Time: Month
HDW16WordEnd Time: Day
HDW17WordEnd Time: Hour
HDW18WordEnd Time: Minute
HDW19WordEnd Time: Second


  • [Function address (20 words)] need to be HMI internal address;
  • When the start time and end time of the query are enabled, if the end time is smaller than the start time, the system automatically swaps the start and end times to calculate the span of the query;
  • After manually setting the start time and end time of the query, you need to manually update the data (the default will be automatically updated);




  • Background type: There are four modes, style 1 and style 2 are gradient mode, style 3 is solid color mode, and style 4 is transparent.
  • Transparency: transparency could be set from 0% to 100%. when set to 0%, the background is completely transparent.
  • Position: Show position coordinates for X and Y axes.
  • Size: Set object size.


  • Number of X, Y axis: Set the number of grids on the XY axis could be set from 1 to 10 divisions.
  • Color setting: Color1 is for object frame;color2 is for grid background.
  • Show dot: Display the data points of each trend graph.
  • User font: If check it, user could change the font for grid and time, if uncheck it, object uses build-in font.
  • Grid color: Set color for grid, the default is black.
  • Scale color: Set color for scale, the default is black.
  • Scale value color: Set color for scale value, the default is black.
  • Data format: select data format in object, it provides below format.


Time format: Select time format in object, it provides below format.


  • Time type: There are two time displaying type, one is only displaying the start and end time, and the other is displaying time for each cell.
  • Curve Fitting (XY)
  • Line type: Set the line type (line, curve) between two points.
  • Smoothness: it sets the smoothness of curve. Smoothness sets the curve smoothness. Conversely, the corner of the curve is sharper.

Real-time trend chart

Trend graph shows the data as a dynamic curve, X axis represent the time span, Y axis represent the data.


  • Curve buffer: Select data from and display data in term of curve.
  • Curve displays: HMI will display curves according to select “Trend Chart“, and user could select which curves need to be displayed and select “Line type“ and “Color“ for each curve.




Set data range limit of curve (max and min). Also, could set variable to control data range.


✎Note: For the setting of Real-time trend chart, please refer to "Trend chart"

History trend chart

The history trend will display data record with graph.X axis represents as time, and Y axis represents as data.


  • Curve buffer: Select data from "Data record", and display data in term of curve.
  • Curve displays: HMI will display curves according to select "Data record", and user could select which curves need to be displayed and select "Line type", "Color" and select "Channel" for each curve.



Set data range limit of curve (max and min). Also could set variable to control data range;



  • Start address: Custom object for query function, HMI system assigns address according to the settings, and four control key and query screen will be created, user could see the query details in this query screen.
  • Use Dynamic channel: It occupies 8 addresses; each address corresponds to the curve channel number. For example, the address is set to HDW10, it takes up HDW10 to HDW17. Where the value of HDW10 is 3, then the first curve in the trend graph shows the value of channel 3.
  • Start time: Set start time and span for curve display.


When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays as shown below.


There are 8 buttons will display below the graph, shown as following.

  1. image-20220616162002-15.jpeg Historical trend chart query button
  2. image-20220616162008-16.png  Set the time and span of historical trend chart
  3. image-20220616162013-17.png  Refresh
  4. image-20220616162018-18.png  Move forward by span time
  5. image-20220616162021-19.png Move backwards by span time
  6. image-20220616162025-20.png : Slider display control button, slider position can display the current time and the current numerical status of each curve.
  7. image-20220616162028-21.png  Zoom in by one time according to the length of the span.
  8. image-20220616162032-22.png : Zoom out by one time according to the length of the span.

✎Note: For the setting of historical trend chart, please refer to "Trend chart".

Alarm record display

Display current alarm and history alarm information.After setting the time span, the history alarm record will list by the time span.

This object only displays content normally after the "Alarm Record" function is set.




  • Alarm type: There are two types for alarm function; one is [Current alarm record] and the other is "History alarm record".
  • Group No: This group number is corresponding to ID from Alarm settings; this object only displays the alarm content within this ID range.
  • Display in reverse order: The latest alarm information will be displayed at the top of object.
  • Alarm Record Setting: This is for setting display items in object, the setting window as below shows.


Query Settings

There are two modes for this settings, one is "Page control", and the other is "Use function address".


Page control: it controls what object currently displays.

For example: Page control is 40,

  • 40=1 means this object displays first page.
  • 40=2 means this object displays second page.
  • 40=3 means this object displays third page.
  • ...
  • 40=10 means this object display 10th page.

✎Note: Every page contains 50 records.

Start Time

It configures start query time and span.


Span: set the time span from start time to end time of query.


When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, alarm display object displays as shown below.

The query key is automatically displayed when user double-clicks object, and the system automatically generates a sub-screen that sets the query span.


  • 6.Objects_html_92e1910330039a59.gif Query setting
  • 6.Objects_html_4efc52d4a7f1ea02.gif Refresh page
  • image-20220808142509-1.pngmeans moving up one row
  • image-20220808142518-2.pngmeans page up.
  • image-20220808142538-3.png means moving down one row.
  • image-20220808142546-4.png means page down.
  • image-20220808142603-5.png means moving left column.
  • image-20220808142610-6.pngmeans moving the display to the left.
  • image-20220808142623-7.pngmeans moving right column.
  • image-20220808142630-8.pngmeans moving the display to right.

✎Note: Please click here to set "Bit alarm" and "Word alarm".

Data record display

"Data Record Display" displays the value of the address set by the user in the data record in the form of a table. It provides the function of query. You could query all the recored data within a specified period. If the project does not edit data recored area or there is no historical data, data record would display nothing. You can dynamically set the query period on the HMI and save the power failure.

Note: The objects sunch as tables and trends charts are only support "song typeface". It is invalid if you set other fonts.

This object only displays content normally after the "Data record" function is set.



There are data of multiple groups could be set in the data record, but it could only display the data of one group at the same time. Therefore, during configuring, user need to specify the corresponding data record group number for each object.


Display in reverse order

It sorts by time by default. The oldest data record will be displayed at the top of it. If you check  "Display in reverse order", the latest data record will be displayed at the top.

Start Time


You can configure the start query time. Set the time span from start time to end time of query.



  • Channel control address: It continuously occupies 8-word addresses, the first 100-bit addresses control 100 channels of display/hide function. For example, if the address is set to HDW10, then HDX10.0=1 is hidden channel 1; HDX10.1=1 is hidden channel 2, and so on.
  • Freeze first column: Enable it, the first column (time column) of the data record will not move with the left and right pages.

For details about "function address", see "Common settings in chart objects".

The query key is automatically displayed when user double-clicks object, and the system automatically generates a sub-screen that sets the query span. When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, data record display object displays as shown below.


  • 6.Objects_html_92e1910330039a59.gif Query setting: It is on the buttom right of corner. Click it, a sub-screen of query range would pop-up to set.
  • 6.Objects_html_4efc52d4a7f1ea02.gif Refresh the query results.
  • 上翻 1.pngmove one row up in the query range
  • 上翻 2.pngmove one page up in the query range
  • 下翻 1.pngmove one row down in the query range
  • 下翻 2.pngmove one page down  in the query range
  • 左翻 1.pngmove one row left in the query range
  • 左翻 2.pngmove one page left in the query range
  • 右翻 1.pngmove one row right in the query range
  • 右翻 2.pngmove one page right in the query range

For details about the setting, please refer to "Data record display settings".

Recipe display

"Recipe display" displays information (such as recipe, operations, and so on) in the form of a table.

This object not only displays the recipe, but also displays other content. The specific functions are described in detail later. And it only displays content normally after function is set.

There are 8 types of operating files as follows. Except for recipe file, the other types are used for special purpose. 

配方 1.png

Function (Recipe File)

  • File type: There are more than one function in this object, this is for selecting function, select "Recipe File", when "Recipe function" is set, it will display recipe data in the form of a table.
  • Folder name: This is located to recipe function setting.
  • Select line: Select one line in list and display its line No. in this address.(Note:When the file type is Recipe File, modify the address value to control the selected line of the list to jump to the corresponding line; for other file types, this address only has the effect of displaying the line No.)
  • For example, set 40,
    • if 40=1, the first row of object is selected.
    • If 40=2, the second row of object is selected.
    • ...
    • If 40=10, the 10th row of object is selected.
  • Folder name address: This is for setting recipe file name, in advance recipe mode.


Function (Operating Record)


  • File type: There are more than one function in this object, this is for selecting function, select [Operating Record], when [User Permission] is enabled, the operation record of each user in HMI is recorded and displayedin the form of a table, and the time and date display format could be set as needed.
  • Select line: Set address for select row.

Function (Timeout Alert)


  • File type: There are more than one function in this object, this is for selecting function, select [Timeout], it displays the current HMI project communication timeout information. (The built-in screen has this special function; it will pop up automatically when timeout, users do not need to set).
  • Select line: Set address for select row.

Function (Client Manage)


  • File type: There are more than one functions in this object, this is for selecting function, select [Client manage], it displays the current visitors' screens information.
  • Select line: Set address for select row.

Function (User Manage)


  • File type: There are more than one functions in this object, this is for selecting function, select [User Manage],when [User Permission] is enabled, it displays all users' information.
  • Select line: Set address for select row.
  • Refresh: Set address for refresh users list; (bit address).

Function (System Message)


  • File type: There are more than one function in this object, this is for selecting function, select [System message], when event occurs, it displays prompt messages automatically.
  • Select line: Set address for select row.

Address Control

  • Start group: Control displaying start from specified row, which means display from specified group.
  • For example, set 40
    • If 40=1, Start from first row (first group).
    • If 40=2, Start from second row (second group).
    • ...
    • If 40=10, Start from 10th row (10th group).
  • Group number address: Control the number of rows displayed;
  • For example, set 410
    • If 410=1, this object only displays 1 row (1 group).
    • If 410=2, this object displays 2 rows (2 groups).
    • ...
    • If 410=10, this object displays 10 rows (10 groups).
  • Start address: Control displaying start from specified column, which means display from specified member.
  • For example, set 420,
    • If 420=1, Start from first column (first member).
    • If 420=2, Start from second column (second member).
    • ...
    • If 420=10, Start from 10th column (10th member).
  • Address number: Control the number of columns displayed.
  • For example, set 430,
    • If 430=1, this object only displays 1 column (1 member).
    • If 430=2, this object displays 2 columns (2 members).
    • ...
    • If 430=10, this object displays 10 columns (10 members).
  • Result: When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, object will display like below.



Operating Record


Client Manage



  • If the file type is recipe file, modify the value of the address of "Select line" to control the selected line in the display list to the corresponding line. If another file type is selected, this address can only display the selected line (read-only mode).
  • For ie series and ig series HMI, "system message" and "timeout alert" will be displayed in the top pop-up window. The options of them will no longer be displayed in the record.
  • For the details, please refer to "Recipe".

File list

"File List" displays the recipe file name of the current project in the form of table in HMI. If there is no recipe file in the project, the table of the object is empty. (Table and trend chart objects currently only support Song Typeface, other fonts you set will not work.

Recipe files in "Flash", and also shows custom folder information. 

Function (Recipe File)

文件列表 1.png


  • File type: [Recipe File] is for displaying recipe files in Flash.
  • Folder name: This is located to recipe function setting.
  • Select line: Select one line in list and display its line No. in this address.
  • For example, set 40,
    • if 40=1, the first row of object is selected.
    • If 40=2, the second row of object is selected.
    • ...
    • If 40=10, the 10th row of object is selected.

Note: When the file type is Recipe File, modify the address value to control the selected line of the list to jump to the corresponding line; for other file types, this address only has the effect of displaying line No.

  • Folder name address: This is for setting recipe file name, in advance recipe mode.

Function (Custom Folder)


  • File type: The object displays files under the specified path.
  • Root: It means storage; there are three options, "Flash", "Udisk" and "SDcard".
  • Folder: Set folder name, such as recipe.
  • Select line: Set address for select row.
  • For example, set 40,
    • if 40=1, the first row of object is selected.
    • If 40=2, the second row of object is selected.
    • ...
    • If 40=10, the 10th row of object is selected.
  • Folder name address: This is for setting recipe file name, in advance recipe mode;

Use function address (20 words)


Function address includes copy, paste, delete, and rename. And HMI automatically assigns the functions to bit addresses.

For example, if the function address is HDW 90, the detailed information is below.

AddressAddress typeObject typeFunction
HDX90.0BitBit switch (ON)Copy selected files / all files
HDX90.1BitPaste selected files/ all files
HDX90.2BitDelete selected files/ all files
HDX90.3BitSelect all files
HDX90.4BitRename select files (Do not include suffix)
HDX90.5BitRename select files (Include suffix)

Using this function address can realize that copy a file of one file list to another file list. For example, the recipe file of flash (file list A) is copied to the recipe file of the U disk files in the file list (B), and the file name will be copied too. You could rename it with the "rename" address.


When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays object displays as shown below.


Note: For the details, please refer to "Recipe".

XY plot

It reads a continuous value of PLC register, converts the read value according to rhe specified data format, and display as XY trend chart on HMI. 

XY 1.png


  • Auto Sample: Select data from [XY plot] and displayed in a curve according to the set time.
  • Trigger Sample: When the trigger address is set, the data is collected and displayed in a curve. After the data is collected, the trigger address is automatically reset.

Curve settings: According needs to set style and color for each curve.

Read address: *for example, PLC word address is D, it points number is m. (point numbers no more than 800).

  • Word address D is the X coordinate of the first point.
  • Word address D+1 is the Y coordinate of the first point.
  • Word address D+2 is the X coordinate of the second point.
  • Word address D+3 is the Y coordinate of the second point.
  • ......
  • Word address D+2m-1 is the X coordinate of the mth point.
  • Word address D+2m is the Y coordinate of the mth point.

Because if the number of XY points is m, it is necessary to continuously read 2m words from the address D of the PLC to draw a complete XY picture.


XY 2.png

  • X grids and Y grids: The range is from 1 to 10.
  • color setting:
    • Background color 1 indicates the background color of appearrance.
    • Background color 2 indicates the background color of grid.


XY 3.png

  • Variable: The data range for the graph could be set as a variable.
  • X, Y Limit: Set the max and min value of displaying curve.


When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays as shown below.


Quick setting: Fill in the starting address, according to the parameter settings, automatic allocation of addresses.

History XY plot

The data in cache will display as continuous curve or separated points, each point in XY plot needs 2 addresses to set a point.

历史XY 1.png


  • Auto Sample: Select data from [XY plot] and displayed in a curve according to the set time.
  • Trigger Sample: When the trigger address is set, the data is collected and displayed in a curve. After the data is collected, the trigger address is automatically reset.

Curve settings: According needs to set style and color for each curve.

  • Read address: *for example, PLC word address is D, it points number is m. (point numbers no more than 800).
    • Word address D is the X coordinate of the first point.
    • Word address D+1 is the Y coordinate of the first point.
    • Word address D+2 is the X coordinate of the second point.
    • Word address D+3 is the Y coordinate of the second point.
    • ......
    • Word address D+2m-1 is the X coordinate of the mth point.
    • Word address D+2m is the Y coordinate of the mth point.

Because if the number of XY points is m, it is necessary to continuously read 2m words from the address D of the PLC to draw a complete XY picture.


XY 2.png

  • X grids and Y grids: The range is from 1 to 10.
  • color setting:
    • Background color 1 indicates the background color of appearrance.
    • Background color 2 indicates the background color of grid.


XY 3.png

  • Variable: The data range for the graph could be set as a variable.
  • X, Y Limit: Set the max and min value of displaying curve.

Result: When all configurations are completed, when the HMI is running, it displays as shown below.


Note: For the setting details, please refer to "History XY plot".

Disc record chart

The Disc Record displays the data from data source in the form of a disc curve.

✎Note: This function are only supported by HMI+, i series, ie series and ig series.



  • Source type
    • History: Historical data can be queried.
    • Real Time: Only real-time data is displayed.
  • Curve Buffer
    • History: It is in data record area configured by data record. Multiple record groups could be configured, and each record group has multiple channels.
    • Real Time: It is in Real-time trend chart configured by data record. Multiple record groups could be configured, and each record group has multiple curve numbers.

✎Note: There must be one of settings (Data record and real-time trend chart) in configurations, otherwise there will be no data in curve buffer.

  • Curve No.: The number of curves is the same as the number of channels in the record group. A maximum of 8 curves could be displayed. After selecting the curve to be displayed, it can set the scale range and scale color of each curve.
  • Enable: After selecting the corresponding curve number in the status bar and enabling the curve, set different curve styles and colors according to your needs, then select the channel number in the data buffer, and finally set the data range.
  • Data Range: Directly set the maximum and minimum values of the displayed graph. If the box "Variable Range" is checked, the set data is read from the filled address. The data format of the address is set as needed, and the length of the variable address is related to the set data format.
  • Display Scale Value: Display the value of disc record. The font color could be changed.



  1. Circular Axis Scale: Number of scale intervals in the direction of the circular axis. The range is 1 to 10.
  2. Start Position: The starting position to draw the curve: top, bottom, left, and right.
  3. Rotary Axis Scale: Number of scale intervals in the direction of the axis of rotation. The range is 4, 6, and 12.
  4. Inner Circle Size: Ratio of the inner circle to the outer circle.
  5. Scale Style: The way the scale is displayed, style 0 represents adaptive display, and style 1 represents forward display.
  6. Background Color: Appearance background color.
  7. Inner Circle Color: The inner circle color in the drawing area of the Disc.
  8. Outer Circle Color: The outer circle color in the drawing area of the Disc.
  9. Grid Color: Grid line color.
  10. Scale Color: Color of the time scale and tick marks.
  11. Data Format & Time Format: Configure the display mode of the time and date as required, where NONE means no display. It is forbidden to set both the time and date display to NONE, and when the date is set to NONE, the day parameter can be set in the time.
  12. Enable Font: Use the set font library and font size for display. When this font is not enabled, the default built-in font is used for display.
  13. Enable Point: Set to enable point, the data unit of each curve will be highlighted as a point.



Function start Address: Open the sub-screen of the data record query, and the system can automatically allocate the object address of the query screen according to the configured address. When using this component, it will automatically generate buttons for four direction, you can use these four control keys to view the data record display, and automatically create a new sub-screen based on the function start address, the content of the sub-screen is the query setting for span and start time.
When two objects use one function screen at the same time, if the function addresses of the two object are the same, changing the built-in screen will affect the operation of the two display object at the same time. If the function addresses of the two objects are different, the second object with the built-in screen can be displayed normally, and the first object will be displayed abnormally.

✎Note:  When copying Data record display, it is recommended to create a new "function screen" to avoid repeated calls that may cause abnormal functions.

Start time: Set the start time and conditions for data viewing.

For the description of the start address of the function, please refer to Common settings in chart objects.

For the setting, please refer to 8.3 Data Record.



Pointer meter

This object shows the numerical change of the word address by meter format.


Read address: Read the value from the set PLC address.

Data format: It is for data setting. The data format types are as below.

  • BCD, 32-bit float
  • signed decimal
  • unsigned decimal
  • 32-bit signed decimal
  • 32-bit unsigned decimal

Digits setting: Set directly the maximum and the minimum. Only when the floating point number is selected, can the maximum and minimum value be with a decimal point, and other data formats can't be with a decimal point. If the value is read by the address, then select "variable limits", and fill in the address.

  • Min angle and max angle: Data range, if data beyond range will be not inputted.

Variable limits: When checked, low limit address and high limit address could be edit showed below;

Show meter background: This is for setting meter background. When not checked, the background color is transparent; When checked, there are four styles of pointer meter to select according to needs.

Show pointer: When not checked, the pointer is not displayed; When checked, you could set the style and color of pointer.

Show alarm area: It provides alarm function in meter, you could set the 4 areas, and each area corresponds to a different alarm color.

Show scale: Display the scale on the object to observe the value. You need to set major scale, minor scale and scale value.

Meter Type: It sets the angle between the maximum and minimum value. It provides 7 kinds of styles, they are 180°, 210°, 240°, 270°, 300°, 330° and 360°.

Start angle: It sets the position where the minimum value is displayed.

Position&size: Set the position of the object on the screen and the size of the object. The object is displayed as square. If the width or the height of the object is changed, the other data will also be changed. 


When configuration is completed, the object is shown below picture when HMI is running.


Note: For the parameter setting, please refer to "text" in "Bit Switch".


The bar graph shows the numerical change of the word address by means of bar graph.



(1) Data setting

  1. Read address: Read the value from the set PLC address.
  2. Dual Value Display: Set two read addresses. The bar graph will show the value segment between the two read addresses.
  3. Data format: It is for setting data format from read address.
  4. Digits setting: It means the decimal point position. The decimal point position is effective only when data format is floating and decimal.

(2) Display settings

  1. Type: It is for setting bar display type, it provides two types.
  • Type1: Single scale display.
  • Type2: Double scales display.
  1. Bar direction: horizontal display or vertical display.
  2. Back color: User could freely set the color when check it.
  3. Text color: Display color of the scale value.

(3) Alarm settings

Alarm setting can be configured to display different colors, with each color corresponding to a different range. There are a maximum of four alert ranges.

(4) Show scale

It provides settings for scale on meter, users could select [Major scale] and [Minor scale], and set color for them.



When configuration is completed, the object shows as above picture, when HMI is running.


This object displays HMI system time.



  1. Back type: It is for clock dial style settings; it provides three types.
  2. Back color: It is for setting color for clock dial, it is invalid when back type is 1.
  3. Hand type: It is for clock hand style settings; it provides three types.
  4. Hand color: It is for setting color for hand.
  5. Show second hand: Check it to display second hand in clock.
  6. Second hand color: It is for setting color for second hand.


As soon as configuration is completed, the object is shows as below picture, during HMI is running.



Run bar object could displays normal text and alarm text. User could select display content according to requirement.

When the alarm text is displayed, it could quickly and timely reflect the status of the current HMI alarm function for easy management and control.

When normal text is displayed, it provides two ways to set the display content to user (static text and dynamic text);



(1) Basic settings

  1. Type: It is for displaying content settings.
  • Move Text: Normal text.
  • Alarm: Alarm text.
  1. Transparence: It sets the transparency of the object background.
  2. Reverse: it sets text move right to left or left to right.
  3. Speed: It sets text moving speed.
  4. Background: It sets object background color.
  5. Text color: It sets text color.
  6. Show Border: Check it to show border for object.
  7. Border: It sets object border color; it is visible only when [Show Border] is checked.

(2) Display content settings

  • If it shows static text, please set content in "text".
  • If it shows dynamic text, please check [Read Address], and set address and length for it.
  • If it shows alarm text, please select alarm information, such as time and date, alarm group number range.

(3) Preview

It is for preview text content in object.


When configuration is completed, the object is shows as below picture, when HMI is running.

  1. Normal text


  1. Alarm text


Note: For the "Text" setting, please refer to "text" in "Bit Switch". 



Indirect window

Indirect window is used for displaying sub-screen in HMI project. You could control it to display different sub-screens by changing the value of read address.



(1) Screen No.

There are two modes for sub-screen display, one is static screen, and the other is dynamic screen, and switch screen by change read address value. User could only choose one of the two modes.

  1. Indirect scree No.: It is for setting read address to switch sub-screen.
  2. Screen No.: Check it to enable static screen mode, and select screen for object.

(2) Control display by address

Control display of the indirect object through bit address.

  • Set ON: Display.
  • Set OFF: Hide.

(3) Position

It is for setting the position of sub-screen, the value is for coordinates of the top left point of it.

(4) Size

It is for setting the size of sub-screen.


When configuration is completed as below, sub screen will be displayed as picture show.

  1. Display static sub-screen.
  2. Use HDX0.0 to control display or hide.


QR Code

It is similar to the universal QR code. You could scan this object to get the connection or content, but it provides content settings for QR code.



(1) QR Set

  1. Variable QR: It is for setting read address, the content of QR code is from this setting address.
  2. QR String: It is for set static content for QR code.


  • HMI machine ID address: HSW10494 ~ HSW10558.
  • So if user want to use QR code to display machine ID on project screen, please check "Variable QR", and set address is HSW10494.
  • When scanning the QR code by APP to monitor HMI, the default access password is 888888.


Picture object is for displaying picture in HMI screen. After the picture is imported, the software will automatically convert the color depth of the picture to the picture matching the HMI.



(1) Shape

  1. Shape: Click shape to open the Shape Library for shape selection.
  2. Default shape: Every object has its own default shape, click it will back to default.
  3. Discard: Click it, object will display without shape.

(2) Set Color

This is for set object color basic on shape, not all shape supports change color.

(3) Picture display function

This is advanced function of picture object; user can change display picture when HMI is running. The supported formats are bmp, jpg, png, jpeg. This feature is unavailable for offline and online simulation.

  1. Root: Set the save location of the picture, which can be set to U disk,SD card,but could not be set to Flash.
  2. Folder: Set the name of the folder where the picture is located.The folder name can be up to 31 characters. (Note:The picture must be stored in the U disk folder and cannot be stored in the root directory of the U disk.)
  3. File address: 16 consecutive addresses enter a picture name in the address (need to be the full name of the suffix), if the picture exists, the picture content is displayed; otherwise the default picture is displayed.


  1. The image could be displayed in BMP, JPG, PNG, and JPEG formats. Images with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 or higher are not supported.
  2. For the setting of animations, see the "Bit Switch".

Rotation picture

Rotation picture can rotate the image at a specified center or rotate it in a certain way. It is determined by the property settings.


Position: Display the position of the rotation picture in the screen.

Counter-Clockwise: It sets the rotation direction of the picture. The default is to rotate clockwise. When checked, the rotation direction is counterclockwise.

Appearance: It sets picture for object, the picture is selected from Shape.

Data format

  • Data format: It sets data format for [Address]->[Rotation angle].
    • BCD
    • 32-bit float
    • 16-bit signed decimal
    • 16-bit unsigned decimal
    • 32-bit signed decimal
    • 32-bit unsigned decimal
  • Min. angle: It sets the starting angle of rotation (Valid in auto-rotation mode).
  • Max. angle: It sets the ending angle of rotation (Valid in auto-rotation mode).

Rotation angle: The rotating angle is determined by designated address;

Rotation center: It shows the rotation center coordinates;

Auto-rotation: Taker the center of the image as the center of the picture when it is rotating.

Cycle time: Object will rotate every cycle time. Unit:100 ms.

Rotation angle: Object rotates designated angle everytime.

Return: Object will be reset to original position after maximum angle reached.

Enable auto-spin: When the address is set to ON, the picture will rotate automatically.

Hide: Control the hiding status of the object through the status of the control bit address. The hiding mode can be divided into hide when OFF and hide when ON.

Drop-down List

Drop-Down list is designed for display the designated state by text, to select the text in the list, the corresponding state will change, and the write address will change to the designated state value.

The drop-down list could write word address, and the value range is 0 to 31. The corresponding value can be displayed by text in the object. Click the drop-down box on the right of the object to list all the status text, and the drop-down box will be automatically withdrawn after setting.

(1) General


1) Edit

  1. Read Address: The data from designated address will be displayed.
  2. Same read-write address: Configure "Write Address" as the same as "Read Address".
  3. Write Address: Write data to designated address. The address can be different from "Read Address".

2) Format

Set data format for object, it provides 16-bit unsigned decimal,16-bit BCD, 16-bit unsigned decimal, 32-bit BCD, 32-bit unsigned decimal, and 32-bit unsigned decimal.

3) State count

It could set the total number to display in the drop-list and supports up to 128 states (1 to 128). The default value of state is corresponding to the number of states. (State 1 corresponding to value 1). You can also click "state values" to set it according to your needs.

State value: User can set different values to correspond to different states, the setting window as below figure shows.


For example

By default, when value of read address is 0, object displays state 0.

If change settings as below figure shows.

When value of read address is 11, object displays state 1.

4) Advance

It provides two types for this object.

  1. Normal Type: It makes object as normal drop-down list object.
  2. User name: it is for user login permissions. User name and group name in user permissions are mainly displayed.

(2) Text settings

Every state requires text, the settings as below description, the normal settings please refer to common setting. This section will show special settings for it.



1) Centre

Check it to make the text centered;

2) Enable states text control

You can dynamically modify the text content in different states. When this feature is enabled, the text for each state set in the normal mode is invalid.

  1. Current state: It is for setting state number for modification. For example, if the value is 3, it means that the text information in state 3 will be modified.
  2. Text address: This address is used for the operation of the text component and is used to input the content displayed in the state. The length of the text is the number of text characters that can be entered, ranging from 1-127 characters.
  3. Trigger set text: This address is used for saving modification.

3) Read state text from address

  1. Text start address: The first address of occupied multiple consecutive addresses. Address length: [Text length/2] *[state number +1].
  • For example: 10 states, the address length= (10/2) *(10+1) =55. It set HDW100 as start address, so the HDW100-HDW104 stores the currently selected text content, the HDW105-HDW109 displays the text in the first state, the HDW110-HDW114 displays the second, and so on.
  1. Refresh: The drop-down list status value is updated according to the text address content. The drop-down list is not updated immediately, when the data in the text address change is completed, only the refresh is triggered, it will update.

Camera display

Video display is advanced function in PI HMI, this object displays the camera screen in HMI, there are two modes, one is IP camera, and the other is USB camera. But IP camera requires settings in [Project settings], the detailed information, please refer to [Camera].


This function requires special HMI model, the detailed information, please contact sales.

IP Camera

(1) General


(1) Mode select

It is used for selecting modes; each mode uses different settings.

(2) Use dynamic control instruction

Read a string from designated system address, and then combine the instruction to control the camera image.

When the dynamic control command is disabled, the complete camera control command need to be entered in order to display the camera contents.

(3) Camera control instruction

This is for entering static instruction for camera, so that users can operation camera when HMI running;

(4) Enable rtsp camera

This is another way to control camera, check it and set the function address.

Camera Display usage method

(1)Usage 1: Suitable for users know camera account, password and device serial number.

Add the camera display object, select Net Camera, and enable rtsp camera and configured with a functional address, the followings use HDW0 as as example:






User name

20 words



20 words



20 words


Device Serial Number

43 words


Camera ID

1 word


Camera control

1 word


Open Camera


Close Camera


Camera up


Camera down


Camera left


Camera right




Binding camera


Set alias


Camera stops moving


Camera Status

=0:Camera disconnected;

=1:Camera connected properly;

=2:Camera is being connected.

1 word


Screenshot save location:

=0:Screenshot save in Flash/IPCameraScreenShot;

=1:Screenshot save in U Disk/IPCameraScreenShot;

=2:Screenshot save in SDCard/IPCameraScreenShot.

1 word

  • Fill in the camera ID with the camera serial number queried by "Camera Search Module", trigger the binding address, and fill in the camera information (user name, password, device serial number, etc.) of the ID into the corresponding function address.  

  • If the "Camera Search Module" is not enabled, you need to enter the camera information manually: user name, password, device serial number (S/N), which can be obtained from the label on the camera body.  


  • Trigger the "Open Camera" address to view the surveillance screen of the camera.

If the camera is successfully opened, you can set the alias of the camera, control the up/down/left/right movement of the camera (provided that the camera supports up/down/left/right control), and take screenshots.

If the camera is off, you can't set alias, camera rotation, screenshot, etc. 

(2) Usage 2: Suitable for users know the camera account, password and camera IP

After enabling the rtsp camera and configuring the function address, additionally check Default configuration option, the configuration method and the function can address as follows.







User name

20 words



20 words



8 words



1 word



Open Camera

1 word


Close Camera


















Camera Status

=0:Camera disconnected;

=1:Camera connected properly;

=2:Camera is being connected.

1 word


Screenshot save location:

=0:Screenshot save in Flash/IPCameraScreenShot;

=1:Screenshot save in U Disk/IPCameraScreenShot;

=2:Screenshot save in SDCard/IPCameraScreenShot.

1 word

  • If you have set the default settings, directly trigger the function address to trigger the opening of the camera.

  • The camera configured via ip only supports, turn on, turn off, screenshot basic functions.

(3)Usage 3: Suitable for users know the address of rtsp stream play.

After enabling the rtsp camera and configuring the function address, additional check URL configuration option, configuration method and function can address as follows.







User name

20 words



20 words



8 words



1 word



Open Camera

1 word


Close Camera


















Camera Status

=0:Camera disconnected;

=1:Camera connected properly;

=2:Camera is being connected.

1 word


Screenshot save location:

=0:Screenshot save in Flash/IPCameraScreenShot;

=1:Screenshot save in U Disk/IPCameraScreenShot;

=2:Screenshot save in SDCard/IPCameraScreenShot.

1 word

  • If you have set the default settings, directly trigger the function address to trigger the opening of the camera.

  • The camera configured via ip only supports, turn on, turn off, screenshot basic functions.

EZVIZ Cloud Description



EZVIZ Camera Parameters Comparison for HMI Series

HMI SeriesSystem VersionNumber of Cameras SupportedActual Screen Support Display Camera or notV-NET DisplayV-NET APP Display
8000 SeriesHMI V2.01YesYesYes
9000 SeriesHMI V2.04YesYesYes
3000ig SeriesHMI V2.01NoYesYes
8000ig SeriesHMI V2.04YesYesYes

The function address will occupy the 125 word address, the following table is using the HDW6000 as a example:

RegisterDescriptionLengthData Format
HDW6000AppKey of EZVIZ Cloud20 WordsString
HDW6020AppSecret of EZVIZ Cloud20 WordsString
HDW6040Device S/N of EZVIZ Cloud43 WordsString
HDW6083Channel number of EZVIZ Cloud1 Word16bit Unsigned
HDW6084Device IP of EZVIZ Cloud16 WordsString
HDW6100RTSP Port of EZVIZ Cloud1 Word16bit Unsigned
HDW6101Verification code of EZVIZ Cloud20 WordsString

Confirmation of binding EZVIZ camera

(=1, Confirm; =Others value, Unconfirm)

1 BitBit
HDW6122Device function control 1 Word16bit Unsigned

Device status

(=0, Close; =1, Open)

1 Word16bit Unsigned
HDW6124Result code of function control(HDW6122)2 Words32bit Signed

When the function control HDW6122 set to different value, it will trigger different function. After triggered, the HDW6122 will be reset to 0. The specific introduction like follows:

Register ValueFunction Description
1Open camera
2Close camera
3Move up
4Move down
5Move left
6Move right
7Move upper left
8Move lower left
9Move upper right
10Move lower right
11Zoom in
12Zoom out
13Short focal length
14Long focal length
15HD clarity
16Smooth clarity
17Stop control

The result code of function control will be displayed in HDW6124, the specific code as following table shows:

Result CodeDescriptionRemark
-1Operation failedOther reason(For example network error, device configuration error, etc.)
-1001Internal errorSuggest to retry
-1002Camera search: Request parameter is emptyConfirm the account and password whether correct or not
-1003Camera search: Search failedConfirm the device ethernet whether connect normal
-1004Camera binding failed: Invalid camera IDConfirm the camera ID whether is in the valid range
-1005Camera opening failed: Cannot match the corresponding cameraConfirm the account, password and S/N whether correct or not
-1006Camera opening failed: Cannot adapt minimum resolutionConfirm the camera supports ONVIF protocol or not
-1007Camera opening failed: Cannot get the rtsp stream addressConfirm the camera supports ONVIF protocol or not
-1008Camera opening failed: Cannot adapt the camera parametersConfirm the camera supports ONVIF protocol or not
-1009Camera opening failed: Open video stream failedConfirm the camera whether is on running status, or whether open the camera too frequently
-1010Camera closing failed: Camera on the closed statusConfirm the camera whether is on running status or not
-1011Camera closing failed: Camera on the closed statusConfirm the camera whether is on running status or not
-1012Screenshot failed: Camera not openedConfirm the camera whether is on running status or not
-1013Screenshot failed: Execution error occurredConfirm the camera whether is on normal running status or not
-1014Alias setting failed: Cannot match the corresponding cameraConfirm the S/N whether correct or camera whether is on running status
-1015Pan-tilt controlling failed: Camera on the closed statusConfirm the camera whether is on normal running status or not
-1016Pan-tilt controlling failed: Camera match failedConfirm the account, password and S/N whether correct and the camera device whether supports pan-tilt movement
1Operation successOperation success
201Play address createdDo not open the camera frequently
401UnauthorizedPlease contact the device administrator to enable operation permission
403Operation prohibitedPlease contact the device administrator to enable operation permission
404Play address not obtainConfirm the device network status
403User does not existConfirm the AppKey and AppSecret whether correct
10001Parameter errorConfirm the basic information of EZVIZ Cloud whether correct
10002AccessToken abnormal or expirePlease try to reopen the camera
10005AppKey abnormalAppKey is frozen, please contact with EZVIZ customer service to unfreeze
10017AppKey does not existConfirm the AppKey whether correct or not
10030AppKey is unmatched with AppSecretConfirm the AppKey and AppSecret whether correct
20001Channel does not existConfirm the camera whether re-added or channel parameter whether changed
20002Device does not existConfirm the S/N whether correct
20006Network abnormalConfirm the device network status, try again later
20007Device offlineConfirm the devie whether online or not
20008Device response timeoutOperation too frequent, try again later
20014S/N illegalConfirm the S/N whether correct
20018The current user does not own the deviceConfirm the S/N whether correct
20032Channel does not exist under the current userConfirm the camera whether re-added or channel parameter whether changed
49999Data abnormalPlease try to reopen the camera
60000Device does not support pan-tilt controllingConfirm the device whether supports pan-tilt controlling or not
60001The current user does not have the permission of pan-tilt controllingPlease contact the device administrator to enable operation permission
60002Device tilt reaches to the upper movement limitDevice control reach to limitation, do not repeat the operation
60003Device tilt reaches to the lower movement limitDevice control reach to limitation, do not repeat the operation
60004Device pan reaches to the left movement limitDevice control reach to limitation, do not repeat the operation
60005Device pan reaches to the right movement limitDevice control reach to limitation, do not repeat the operation
60006Current pan-tilt controlling operation failedPan-tilt operation failed, try again later
60019Device stream is encryptedUsing the EZVIZ Cloud client software to close the stream encrypted, then remote monitoring will be able to use
60020Unsupport this commandConfirm the device whether supports this operation or not

Default Configuration: Enable the default configuration, the initialization of the EZVIZ cloud camera display components will use the default configuration for binding, the screen can also be modified through the function address configuration information; do not enable the default configuration, the default initial configuration of the EZVIZ cloud camera display components are empty.

In the default configuration, the following are required:

AppKey: EZVIZ cloud application information AppKey, up to 32 characters in length, only letters and numbers can be entered, which can be obtained through the EZVIZ cloud open platform.
Secret: EZVIZ cloud application information Secret, up to 32 characters in length, only letters and numbers can be entered, available through the EZVIZ cloud open platform.
Channel number: EZVIZ cloud device source channel number, 1~65535, no special modification, generally defaulted to 1, which can be obtained by viewing the EZVIZ cloud client software.

S/N: EZVIZ cloud device serial number, 0 to 80 characters in length, only letters, numbers and "-" can be entered, which can be obtained through the device information.

In the default configuration, the following are optional:

IP: EZVIZ cloud device IP, which can be obtained by viewing the EZVIZ cloud client software.

RTSP Port: EZVIZ cloud device source rtsp port number, range 0~65535, no special modification, generally default to 554, can be obtained by viewing the EZVIZ cloud client software.
Verification Code: EZVIZ cloud device authentication code, up to 32 characters in length, obtainable through device information.


✎Note: The required content in the configuration only supports remote monitoring when the camera screen can be displayed, if there is a demand for the screen side can also display the camera screen, user need to fill in the optional content in the configuration.

USB Camera

(1) General


1) Mode select

It is used for selecting modes; each mode uses different settings;

2) Camera settings

Function address: It occupies a word for functional operation. Different value means different operations, as below table shows:

1Enable the screenshot function
2refresh camera display object

Camera state: It shows the current camera states. It occupies a word address. Different value means different operations, as below table shows:

1Load the camera function successfully
2Failed to load the camera function
3Camera does not exist
4Camera is not running
5Initialize the camera successfully
6Failed to initialize the camera
7Screenshot successfully
8Failed to screenshot
9Connected camera
10Removed camera
11The cache is full
12The cache is abnormal

3) Screenshot storage

The current screenshots are only allowed on the SD card. When the SD card does not exist the system will cache the latest 10 screenshots.

Picture name: The name of the image is controlled by the address. The length of the file name is limited to 64 words. If the image name address is not set, it will be named according to the time and displayed as [YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.bmp] and screenshot format is [.bmp].

4) Global screenshot

If this function is enabled, camera display object can perform the screenshot operation when HMI is running and save it as a . BMP image.

If this function is disabled, camera display object only performs the screenshot operation when it is displayed on screen.

5) Resolution

The resolutions of different types of USB cameras are different, and the user can select the corresponding resolution according to the camera. When the user is unsure of the resolution of the camera, start with the smallest resolution until the image is clear.

6) Use resolution size

Coordinate displays the object location on the screen, and size is the length and width of the object.


  • When using USB camera, HD USB camera is not recommended, which is limited by the resolution displayed by HMI itself.
  • When HMI is displayed horizontally, the USB camera screen displays normally. If select vertical display, USB camera can't display normally. (USB camera can only display normally when the display Angle of HMI is 0.)
  • One HMI is only allowed to connect with one USB camera device. There is only one USB camera display part in the whole project screen, and the camera display part is not allowed to be placed on the public screen (1002: common Windows).
  • Sometimes the USB camera may lose the image because of the influence in the field, then we suggest to PI9000 HMI and the recommended USB camera model.
  • All below USB camera model have been tested by WECON to ensure compatibility.
  • Currently, only PI8000 and PI9000 series support the USB camera function. Recommended USB cameras include:
    • REB-USB 100W07M (supports 720p)
    • WX152HD (supports 720p)
    • RMONCAM G200 (supports 720p)
    • ASHU S300 (640*480)
  • Only V1.0 PI8000 & V1.0 PI9000 can support USB camera.

Camera control

This is for control camera; This object need to be used with camera display object.



1) Use dynamic control instruction

Read a string from designated system address, and then combine the instruction to control the camera image.

When the dynamic control command is disabled, the complete camera control command is entered in order to display the camera contents.

2) Camera control instruction

This is for entering static instruction for camera so that users can operate camera when HMI running.

3) Control bit

Trigger the switch to control the instruction.

4) Enable beep

The object will beep when operate.

Flow component

The flow components are mainly used to reflect the flow state in process flow production. User could set the style of flow components according to requirements.



(1) Color

  1. FlowFrn: It sets outer border color of flow component.
  2. Block: It sets the block color of flow component.
  3. FlowBg: It sets background color of flow component.

(2) Detail

  1. Pipe width: It sets background width of flow component.
  2. Block width: It sets block width of flow component.
  3. PipeFrn width: It sets outer border width of flow component.
  4. Block length: It sets block length of flow component.
  5. Transparence: It sets transparence of flow component. (from opaque (0) to full transparence (100)). You could cooperate with transparence and other settings to meet display requirements.
  6. Ratio: It sets the display ratio of block and background (Display density of the block in flow component).
  7. Speed: It sets flow speed of the block during HMI running.

(3) Control

It flows automatically by default, and the direction is from left to right, up to down.

  1. Reverse: It sets flow in reverse (default is left to right).
  2. Variable: It sets bit address to control reverse flow or not.
  • Set OFF: Forward
  • Set ON: Reverse
  1. Address: It sets bit address to control flow or not.
  • Set OFF: Stop
  • Set ON: Flowing

(4) Preview

It is for preview object.


The printing object is primarily suitable for printing out or screenshots saving when connected to micro printer.

Printer has two types: serial printer and USB printer. Printf (printext function) should be called when it's used to print fixed message in a script.

Printer protocol

HMI provides printer protocol to users as below. If users want to connect printer to HMI, protocol is necessary.





(1) Display settings

  1. Direction: Four direction choices in printing: 0, 90, 180, and 270.
  2. Zoom in: Check "Zoom in" to zoom printing content in proportion to paper size.

(2) Trigger mode

  1. Trigger address: When trigger address turns ON. The printer starts to respond operationally.
  2. Printer\ Save: It sets operation for this object, printer object could support sending printing command to printer device, and including screenshot.

(3) Save path

Valid when the save mode is selected, screenshot the content in printing object area, and save it in specified storage and folder, when trigger address turns ON.

Folder: It's available to select an SD card or USB disk. Set the file name to "Abc" in folder, and it would automatically generate a folder "Abc" when you save picture the first time, and all the pictures will save in this folder. The folder name consists of mixed uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers within 32 characters.

Related issues

  1. The printer supports the following models:
  • Serial port printer: WH-E22、WH-A6, WH-A7, WH-A9, WH-E21, WH-AA, E222R90-0DE1182TGA, SP-RMD6A, SP-RMD6B, SP-RMD8A, SP-RMD8B, SP-RMD8C, SP-DVII, SP-RME4.
  1. How to use USB printer and USB disk at the same time?
  • Plug the USB interface in the HMI into the Hub to expand the USB interface.

PDF Reader


It provides function of drawing graphics, setting text, displaying pictures, this part contains Text, Line, Polygon, Cycle, Arc, Rectangle, Broken Line, Linear Scale, Arc scale, Table.



Date object displays local system date on the HMI screen.


(1) Display

  1. Open: It locals to [Shape] to select object background picture.
  2. Default: Click it to reset object background.
  3. No Shape: It sets transparent background for this object.
  4. Font: It locals to [Font library] to select font for text in object.

(2) Text color

It sets color for text in object.

(3) Color

Valid when select SVG picture from [Shape], user can modify SVG color according to requirements.

(4) Data format

It sets object display date or week, and format, detailed please refer to below table.

ClassificationPropertiesDisplay style
FormatShow date

YYYY/MM/DD: year/month/day

MM/DD/YYYY: month/day/year

DD/MM/YYYY: day/month/year

Show week

Chinese 1

English 1

Chinese 2

English 2

Note: For animations, see the "Bit Switch".


Date object displays local system time on the HMI screen


(1) Display

  1. Open: It locals to [Shape] to select object background picture.
  2. Default: Click it to reset object background.
  3. No Shape: It sets transparent background for this object.
  4. Font: It locals to [Font library] to select font for text in object.

(2) Text color

It sets color for text in object;

(3) Color

Valid when select SVG picture from [Shape], user can modify SVG color according to requirements;


It adds text to HMI screen, and an object can be displayed in 8 languages (set in "All Languages") with a special address setting.


(1) Current state

It is used to switch the object states, but [Text] object only has one state, so this function is invalid.

(2) All language

Because in PI HMI, all object can support text in 8 languages, so click it to open the 8 language edit window as below shows. And each language can set different font.


(3) From Text Library

If user already setting text in "Text library", you could use text from "Text library" directly.

(4) Windows

It displays three languages content and provides text display setting access.

(5) Text color

It sets color of text in object.

(6) Text background

It sets object background and it only supports color.


It is displayed in a table format on the HMI screen to meet the display needs of user.


(1) General

  1. Rows: It sets rows for table.
  2. Columns: It sets columns for table.
  3. Table line width: It sets table line width, the larger the value, the thicker the line.
  4. Frame line width: It sets table frame line width, the larger the value, the thicker the line.
  5. Border: It sets table line color, including table line and frame line.
  6. Transparence: It sets the transparency of the object background.
  7. Fill style: There are two options for it, one is display background, and the other is no background.
  8. Background: Valid when selecting display background in "Fill style".

(2) View

It is for preview object.


It is displayed in line format in the HMI screen to meet the display needs of user.


(1) Display settings

  1. Line: It sets line color.
  2. Line type: It sets line type; it provides 9 types for user.
  3. Transparence: It sets the transparency of the object background.

(2) Line width control

In basic display settings, the line width can't be changed, but you could change width by address.

Read the numerical value of address to control the width of line. Display range of numerical value:1-10.

(3) Coordinate control

Dynamically set the position coordinate between two points in line. Set four addresses respectively corresponding to the starting point and end point coordinate. If the numerical value of coordinate is over interface, the object will not be displayed.

(4) Color control

Dynamically set the color of the line. The values of the color RGB are controlled by three addresses, and the value range from 0 to 255.

(5) View

It is for preview object.


It is displayed in polygon format on the HMI screen to meet the display needs of user.

Right click to close polygon and then complete the creation procedure. Select the polygon, then click its point position to change its vertex coordinate after it is created.


(1) Display settings

  1. Border color: It sets border line color.
  2. Border type: It sets border line type.
  3. Border width: It sets border line width.
  4. Transparence: It sets the transparency of the object's background.
  5. Coordinate editing: It changes coordinate for all points in this object, as below shows.


  1. Filling pattern: It can't be modified now.
  2. Background: It sets background color of object.

(2) Transparence control

Read the numerical value of address, control the transparency; value range: 0 to 100.

(3) Color control

Dynamically set the color of background. The values of the color RGB are controlled by three addresses, and the value range from 0 to 255.

(4) View

It is for preview object.

Cycle/ Ellipse

It is displayed as cycle on HMI screen to meet the display needs of user.


1) Display settings

  1. Border: It sets border line color.
  2. Frame width: It sets border line type.
  3. Frame type: It sets border line width
  4. Pattern: It sets background type, there are four types.
  5. Background: It sets background color of object, invalid when selecting [No fill] in [Pattern]
  6. Transparence: It sets the transparency of the object's background.

2) Transparence control

Read the numerical value of address, control the transparency; value range: 0 to 100.

3) Cycle

Check if it is for circle; uncheck it for ellipse.

4) Color control

Dynamically set the color of background. The values of the color RGB are controlled by three addresses, and the value range from 0 to 255.

5) Move Control

Dynamically set the position coordinate and size of circle/ellipse when HMI is running.

  1. X axis: The length value moved along the X axis comes from the set address.
  2. Y axis: The length value moved along the Y axis comes from the set address.
  3. Radius address: The radius length of the circle/ellipse from the set address.


The software uses arc drawing to specify the starting point and ending point, using a counterclockwise drawing method. The contour, start and end points of the arc can be modified on the screen. If the user wants to change the start and end points of the arc on the screen, the arc should be selected firstly.


(1) View

It is for preview object.

2) Display settings


  1. Border: It sets border line color.
  2. Line type: It sets border line width.
  3. Line width: It sets border line type.
  4. Fill style: It sets background type, there are four types.
  5. Transparence: It sets the transparency of the object background.
  6. Background: It sets background color of object, invalid when selecting [No fill] in [Pattern].

(3) Only show arc

Check it for displaying arc; Uncheck it for displaying sector;

(4) Transparence control

Read the numerical value of address, control the transparency; value range:0-100.

(5) Color control

Dynamically set the color of background. The values of the color RGB are controlled by three addresses, and the value range from 0 to 255.

(6) Angle control

Dynamically set the shape of the arc, start angle and end angle are controlled separately by setting address.

(7) Angle

It displays and sets the starting and ending angles of the arc.

Broken line

The line segments are linked end-to-end to form a broken line, whose vertex coordinate can be modified by drafting, just like polygon.


(1) Display settings

  1. Line color: It sets line color.
  2. Line type: It sets line type.
  3. Line width: It sets line width.
  4. Transparence: It sets the transparency of the object line.
  5. Coordinate editing: It changes coordinate for all points in this object, as below shows.


(2) Transparence control

Read the numerical value of address, control the transparency; value range:0-100.

(3) Line width control

In basic display settings, the line width can't be changed, but user can change width by address.

Read the numerical value of address to control the width of line. Display range of numerical value:1-10.

(4) View

It is for preview object;

Linear scale

The linear scale is a linear scale that draws the specified area with a bisector. The specific scale of the scale can be marked with static text.


(1) Display settings

  1. Line color: It sets all line in object (including main and sub scale).
  2. Display direction: It provides four modes for display.
  3. Main scale: It sets the cell of the main scale.
  4. Sub scale: It sets the cell of sub scale for every main scale.

(2) View

It is for preview object.

Arc scale

It displays the scale within the specified arc area. The arc scale needs to specify a center coordinate. The inner and outer circles have two concentric circles that specify the scale length and the display area. The scale is distributed counterclockwise between the start angle and the end angle.



Line color: It sets all line in object (including main and sub scale).

Display direction: It provides four modes for display.

Main scale: It sets the cell of the main scale.

External radius: It sets the distance from the center of the circle to the outer circle of object.

Inner radius: It sets the distance from the center of the circle to the inner circle of object.

Start angle: It displays and sets the start angles of the arc.

End angle: It displays and sets the end angles of the arc.

Custom object


Customized object

Customized object is provided for users to design the universal interface of object freely to meet customization requirements.


  1. Function Address: The numerical value in this address is used as the function code of object to handle the corresponding operation.
  2. DLL file name: Select needed dll file. (i.e. dll files provided by users)
  3. Custom address: Users can add some function address to cooperate with dll file to complete other operations.


This is a custom-made object that requires the cooperation of WECON software engineers.

Required documents: two XXXXXX.dll files and an document.

  • One dll file is used on PC and should be put under the dll_pc folder in the software installation directory.
  • One dll file is used in HMI and should be put under the dll_hmi folder in the software installation directory.
  • A document for illustrating the dll files.