02 Software Menu

Last modified by Mora Zhou on 2024/12/05 11:16

This chapter provides a precise introduction to PIStudio menu.

Home menu

This section introduces homepage menu functions, the homepage menu as following picture shows.



"Project" toolbar provides basic operations for project files, this section introduces those functions in detailed.

4.Software Menu_html_cdc2407ff8a8f469.png

NewCreate a new project
OpenOpen designated project
CloseClose current project


This section provides the detailed induction of functions in toolbar menu.

4.Software Menu_html_e85ce03cccd8655f.png

Items Description
Undo主页——撤销.jpgUndo last action; it supports 10 actions.
Redo主页-重复.pngRedo last action.
Cut主页-剪切.pngRemove the selected object (s) from the project screen and temporarily place it (them) on the clipboard.
Copy主页-复制.pngCopy the selected object (s) from the project screen and temporarily place it (them) on the clipboard.
Fast Copy主页-多重复制.pngSelect all of the objects in the project screen.
Paste主页-粘贴.pngPlace contents from clipboard to the project screen.
Deleteimage-20220805152326-1.pngRemove the selected object (s) from the project screen.
Select All主页-全选.pngSelect all of the objects in the project screen.

Operating Procedure of Fast Copy

Selection object, for example using Numeric Input/Dislay(HDW0);

Click [ 4-7FastCopy.png ], it will pop up [Fast Copy] setting window as following shows;

4.Software Menu_html_bac9a5a7974f4c10.png

Configure number of copies, spacing in horizontal and vertical, and address interval;

Click "OK" to save and exit;


It will create three objects and the address is from HDW1~HDW3, as following picture shows;

4.Software Menu_html_68288474ed27d9f3.png


It provides functions for screen edit; this section introduces those functions in detailed.

4.Software Menu_html_e7b8329b40cb4fa7.png

NewCreate a new screen, the screen number and name should be unique
CopyCopy a new screen from another project or current project to the current project
CloseClose current screen
Close allClose all screens displayed on the taskbar of the screen editing interface
SaveSave current screen modification
Save allSave all screens modification
DeleteDelete current displayed screen
PropertiesPop-up [Screen Properties] window, it could edit screen properties
ManagerPop-up [Screen Management] window, it could edit multiple screens' properties


It toolbar provides functions such as modifying object layout, object text fonts, etc. This section introduces those functions in detailed.



4.Software Menu_html_9e721ab42917ad0f.png

Modify object text fonts and color

4.Software Menu_html_3b5ee2827802a214.png

Modify text layout in object, it provides three modes, align left, align center and align right

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Modify objects layout.

4.Software Menu_html_7659d124b259c8dc.png

Lock the position of the object so that it cannot be moved and resized;


"Tool" toolbar provides some tools for HMI project operation, like compile project, download project, offline, online and create USB download file, this section introduces those tools in detailed.


Items Description
Compileimage-20220805154146-2.pngCompile current project and create .wmt file. Compile project
Cancelimage-20220805154153-3.pngCancel the compilation of project
Downloadimage-20220805154202-4.pngDownload HMI project from PC to HMI, the detailed operation please refer to Download tool
Off-Lineimage-20220805154207-5.pngEnable off-line simulator. Offline Simulation
On-Lineimage-20220805154214-6.pngEnable on-line simulator. Online Simulation
U Disk Downloadimage-20220805154222-7.pngEnable [USB Flash disk download tool]. U disk download tool


[Help] provides interface to the software help documentation and software version information.


Items Description
Helpimage-20220805154418-8.pngHelp document about programming software
Aboutimage-20220805154423-9.pngProgramming software version information

Project menu

This section introduces project menu functions, the project menu as following picture shows.



"Settings" toolbar provides project settings, such as communication settings, project settings and font settings, this section will introduce how to use those functions.


CommunicationProject communication settings Confgure communication
Project SettingsProject properties settings Project setting
Font packProject font settings.Font pack


"Library" toolbar provides some library settings interface, such as text library, shape and other functions. The detailed introduction of those functions.


MappingAddress mapping function Address Mapping
TextSet text library for HMI project  Text
E-mailSet E-mail function Email
ShapeSet shape (pictures) for HMI project   Shape
AddressSet address library for HMI project  Address Library
FontSet font library for HMI project Font

Data tool

"Data tool" toolbar provides access for each data setting, users could click item to open configure windows;


Bit AlarmSet bit alarm function Bit Alarm
Word AlarmSet word alarm function Word Alarm
RecipeSet recipe function  Recipe
Trend ChartSet trend chart function  Trend Chart
History XY PlotSet history XY Plot function History XY Plot
Data RecordSet data record function Data Record
User PermissionSet user permission for HMI project User Permission
Message PromptSet message prompt for HMI MessagePrompt


"Tool" toolbar contains windows display settings, and other functions;

4.Software Menu_html_880c00df27e52097.png

Project WindowCheck it to display project window
Preview WindowCheck it to display preview window
Compiling WindowCheck it to display compiling window
ReportCheck it to display report window
Delete ReportClick it to delete converted report (LEVI to PI)
ShapeClick it to change selected object shape directly
FormatClick it to change selected object data format directly
PropertyClick it to open selected object property window
Address ListClick it to open project address list Address List
DecompileClick it to open decompile tool Decompile
Password ToolClick it to open password tool  Password Tool

Project management

This section introduces project screen menu functions, the project menu as following picture shows.


Project screen management

It includes screen, script and system screen states, by double click the designated property to edit.


  • Screen: All screens in current project are shown in the screen list.
  • Script: Include background scripts and background functions. For the details, please refer to "Background function"
    • Background script: The scripts could run when project is running. 
    • Background function: Background function is a form of code for using, it could be called in any script.

System Screen: System sub-screen for keypad display.

  • Screen 1000: Numerical input keypad
  • Screen 1001: Text input keypad
  • Screen 1002: Mutual screen, this screen will display on all other screens
  • Screen 1003: User login screen
  • Screen 1005: It can input: numbers, Chinese characters and letters.
  • Screen 1006: User login screen, include user name and password input
  • Screen 1007: Password change screen
  • Screen 1008: Installment payment password input screen
  • Screen 1009: Installment payment alert screen
  • Screen 5001: Timeout list

Screen editing area

Double click the screen managent and choose the designated screen, then a corresponding screen would pop up to edit. You could add and delete objects.

Preview screen

Click the corresponding screen, the preview screen area would display the selected screen.

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Compile Console

"Compile Console" shows project compiling information, when an error occurs, it appears in a red font to make it easier for the user to notice the error information, and when double-clicking the error message, it automatically locates errors.

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Screen style(Only ig series)

  After the style is selected, the screen of the project changes as shown below:

  1. The created screen background will be automatically filled, which is the same as the screen background in the preview image.
  2. The created object’s graphic is also the same as the graphic style in the preview image.
  3. All Built-In screens in the project are replaced the same style with the preview image.
  4. After selecting the style, the preview image is stored in "System Screen /Sample Screen" , and the sample screen does not occupy project memory.

Create new project with style

When creating a new project, select ig series in HMI series and only able to use it when the angle is 0°. As shown in Figure below.

画面样式 1.png

Select the model, click Next, enter the Screen Style Selection, each style has a preview, (None means the old style).

Each style has a matching background image and object graphics. After selecting the style, you can view the effect in the preview image.

Example: The preview effect of style 4 is shown in as below.

画面样式 2.png

Select the style and click "Finish" to enter the project main interface , as shown in the figure below.

画面样式 3.png

Objects with style

The objects, screen background, and Built-In screens of each style are different, except for custom object and images. For example: Bit Switch style are shown as below.

  1. Bit Switch of style 2

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  1. Bit Switch of style 4

4.Software Menu_html_7ca667b38357a466.png

You could customize the graphics or display colors of the objects according to the project requirements.

Built-In screens with style

After selecting a different style in the project, the Built-In screen will be replaced with a matching Built-In screen.

  • When the style is not selected, the display effect of the Built-In screen 1000 is shown in the figure bellow.

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  • When style 1 is selected, the display effect of the Built-In screen 1000 is shown in the figure below.

4.Software Menu_html_8b976a5b1164b6d6.png

  • The keyboard screen of style 1 to 6 style adopts a new layout, you could modify the key input text according to your needs.

Sample screen

There is a sample screeen "6000: screen" in sample screen. It is only for viewing and can not be deleted and modified. You could call the object layout of the sample screen by copying it. 

画面样式 4.png